Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 347 Dynamite

Seeing the success, Guan Motong was very proud of himself, he laughed and said: "Sir Guan, everyone is high and the river is long, and there will be a period later!" Just as he was about to take Lin Yuetai out of the valley, Shen Quan suddenly said: "Mr. Guan, leave soon!" Guan Mo Tong Xin said: "I agreed to join forces earlier, but I just wanted to borrow your strength for a while; now that senior brother is in my hands, even if the heavenly king and Lao Tzu are here, it will be difficult to keep me." ?”

Shen Quan said slowly: "The three of you and I made a high-five alliance a few days ago, and we agreed to join hands to win the posthumous chapter and study it together in detail. What is the elder going to do now?" Guan Motong said coldly: "Give you a three-point reward, kid!" Do you just want to open a dyeing workshop? Guan has always been alone, and the old man is leaving now, can you stop me?" Shen Quan said: "Mr. Guan broke his promise and became fat, aren't you afraid that I will wait for the crowd to attack?" Guan Motong laughed : "If you can convince Su Louzhu and Jing Shaoxia to attack Guan together, it will be your talent."

Shen Quan sighed: "The two of you have a deep relationship with me, so you are definitely not willing to help. Fortunately, Shen is used to relying on his own efforts, so he didn't plan to rely on others. I want to teach you that I have filled the valley with explosives in advance. Mr. Guan If you want to leave alone with the posthumous text, Shen only needs to light the torch, and when there is a bang, we will be buried in this deep valley together, and the water will be green and the mountains will be green."

Guan Motong's face changed slightly, and he said: "You kid, don't bluff people. The three of us came to Meishan together. Where did you get the time to bury such explosives?" Do you want to do this in person? If you don’t believe me, you might as well take a look at it.” Yan Bi raised his hand and released a loud arrow.Everyone didn't understand what he wanted to do with this move, and they were wondering in their hearts. After a while, they suddenly heard a loud noise and a burst of flames, and a huge rock was blown to pieces. Crushed, mud, dust, sand and gravel splashed in all directions.Everyone felt the ground shaking slightly under their feet, and the plum tree branches and leaves fluttered down one after another.

Everyone's faces changed when they saw this, Dong Yangao hissed: "You are so ruthless! At that time, everyone will be turned into powder together with the secret book, even if you die here, what good is there?" Shen Quan said indifferently. Authentic: "These are extraordinary people and must use extraordinary means. Shen's life is not worth it. If Mr. Guan wants to get out of the valley alive, he will leave the secret book behind." Guan Motong sneered: "Guan is so easily coerced by others. How can I live to this day? The old man is dying. If your boy is willing to sacrifice his life here, what is there to be afraid of? It is also a joy to be buried in this place of karma together with the former teacher and Brother Lin. "Jing Lanzhou heard these words, and said to himself: "Although Elder Guan is treacherous and cunning, he is not afraid of danger at this moment, and he does not lose the demeanor of a martial arts master."

Shen Quan laughed, and said: "Elder Guan? Do you really think that Shen is afraid to do it? I am familiar with the places where explosives are buried. When the time comes, there will be thunder and fire in the valley, and everyone's lives will be in danger, but Shen may not die. Elder If you want to take Doctor Lin out of the valley by force, I have already planted explosives on the path that must pass through the entrance of the valley, and I just need to order people to light it like I did just now?

Guan Motong groaned for a while and said: "My boy, the arrangement is really well-planned! Among the younger generation I have met, I have never seen such a ruthless character like you. What are you doing now?" Shen Quan laughed and said: "Leave a legacy The secret book? Send the elder out of the valley immediately? You will never do harm." Guan Motong glanced at Su Fenglou, and said: "Even if Guan is willing to hand over the posthumous chapter, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep it in your hand " Shen Quan laughed and said: "Not bad? All the gentlemen present are better than Shen Mou in martial arts? Please follow Elder Guan to leave the valley together? I guarantee that everyone is safe and sound."

Dong Yangao said: "Your swearing is like eating and farting, who dares to believe you? Once the "Yaoding Yipian" falls into your hands? You despicable villain will definitely blow up all of us to death? How can we let us get out of the valley alive?" Quan smiled and said: "I know you must not trust me, so I am willing to let you go first. You just need to go out of the valley one by one, Shen can't kill you all."

All the people present felt reasonable when they heard the words. As long as everyone separates and leaves the valley, they will not be wiped out by Taniguchi's explosives.However, Shen Quan is very treacherous, and it is impossible for him to keep a backer. Although it is difficult for him to blow up the other five people to death, when everyone leaves the valley, if the other party intends to harm him, he is still afraid that he will escape the murderous hand, and no one wants to take the risk. Big risk.Guan Motong snorted, and said: "How do I know that you won't play tricks secretly? If you ignite the explosives while I'm out of the valley, wouldn't this old man die in vain?"

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Shen Quan smiled and said: "Elder Guan, you are too suspicious. You just need to leave the secret book and be the first to leave the valley. How dare Shen harm you? If I go back on my word, Jing Shaoxia and the others will never agree Spare my life. The Taniguchi is narrow and the explosives buried are only enough for one use. After I blow you up, it will be easy for other people to take my life. They can grab the secret book and walk away. How can Shen be so stupid? "

Dong Yangao interjected: "That's also reasonable. Brother Su, now we have to work together and escape from the right and wrong. Why don't you let me go first, and the boy surnamed Shen crossed the river and demolished the bridge. How can Dong join hands with him again? To deal with you? Brother, you can rest assured." Su Fenglou sneered, and did not answer, his hands still tightly restrained his vitals.

Guan Motong secretly calculated in his heart: "The boy surnamed Shen is extremely cunning, he will never accompany us to die in this barren mountain, he wants us to go out of the valley first, there must be some fraud in it. I just don't know where he planted explosives in the valley , I really forced this kid to jump over the wall in a hurry. Even if he was lucky enough not to be killed by the bombing and ended up missing arms and legs, how could he still practice the magical skills in the posthumous chapter? I know everything well, as long as this kid gets out of the valley, he will definitely not be able to escape from my grasp." Then he thought: "In front of me are all the top figures in the martial arts, if I leave first, who knows that these people will make trouble again What's long and half short? Don't make any mistakes at that time, "Yaoding Yipian" falls into the hands of others, but I fetch water from a bamboo basket." Immediately said: "It doesn't matter if someone goes out of the valley, I want to be the first It is impossible to go alone. Please Su Louzhu and Jing Shaoxia leave the valley first, and I will follow you." He knew that these two people had the deepest enmity with Shen Quan, and if the latter was really willing to let them go, he would probably not let them go. Won't take advantage of the time when he is out of the valley to do harm.Su Fenglou sneered and said: "This man killed my old servant, how can Su spare his life? If you are afraid of death, you can go on your own, but you must leave your senior brother behind."

Dong Yangao said in a trembling voice: "Brother Su, you want to kill the boy surnamed Shen to take revenge. Dong has no grudges against you. You let me out of the valley first, and I don't come to fight for this posthumous article." Su Fenglou chuckled He said: "Who said that we have no enmity? Didn't the owner of the villa want to take Su's life in this kid's house in Nanjing that day? You Shenjun's life and death are uncertain at this moment. If something happens to him, Su will not let go of killing his old friend." People." Dong Yangao said anxiously: "Everyone is so dead, do you really have to die here together to be happy?"

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