Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 337

Mrs. Duanmu sighed: "Fortunately, Shaoxia Jing passed by and drew his sword to help, otherwise monk Benyin and I would have died in the hands of Mu Chuan. Where did you fight him?" Water stream." Mrs. Duanmu nodded and said, "Heishui stream is only ten or twenty miles away, the traitor must have left Xiong'er Mountain and chased you here again to wound you."

Jing Lanzhou couldn't hold back, she got up abruptly and said: "Senior Duanmu, Miss Xian has fallen into the hands of Mu Chuan at this moment, I'm going to find this traitor and important person." Mrs. Duanmu said in surprise, "What? Palace Master Xian was also there at that time?" Jing Lanzhou Lan Zhou said: "Master Xian was going to Yiyang to seek senior Liao to discuss countermeasures for the rebellion of the 'Three Friends of Suihan', but she ran into the traitor Mu Chuan. In order to save Elder Liao's life, she voluntarily left with Mu Chuan. If we don’t rescue him sooner, it may be too late.”

Mrs. Duanmu said: "You leave so rashly, do you know where the Master Xian is? Even if you find them, how can you be Mu Chuan's opponent?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Although that is the case, can I be alone? Sitting at home, resigning yourself to fate? Always look for it, maybe the two of them haven't gone far." Mrs. Duanmu said: "The sky is big and the earth is big. Once you leave this village, you don't even know where you should go, but How can you find the way? As a disciple of Mr. Si Guo, how can you act so impetuously?"

Jing Lanzhou's heart trembled, and he said to himself: "That's right, it's useless to mess yourself up at the moment, you have to calm down and think of a way." Sighed: "The teachings of the seniors are very good. The boy is in a hurry and wants to show his blood. Bravery, it's not enough for the law." Mrs. Duanmu said: "If you care about it, it will cause chaos, and it is understandable."

Jing Lanzhou said: "The day before yesterday when we parted in Dengzhou, Senior Liao said that he would introduce an old friend to me, but was it Master Xian?" Liao Cong sighed, "Exactly. That day, Palace Master Xian led He Hancen to find Liao, said that the undercover agent Da Yong who was surnamed He was arrested that day, and overheard the murder of Chen Jinfeng, and asked me to come forward and bring He Hancen to Elder Han in Dengzhou to explain the truth to the beggar gang. I wondered: "Now the three friends Usurping and imminent, the palace lord still has the mind to meddle in the affairs of the beggar gang?" The palace lord sighed: "Since he really helps me, how can I not think about him? Although this is to clear myself of the crime, but The beggar gang suspected that we were in collusion, as long as it can be proved that Chen Jinfeng was not killed by me, he would be able to explain the murder case in Changge County better.'" The "he" was naturally referring to Jing Lanzhou, who was heartbroken when he heard the words Once hot, it is joy, but also anxiety.

Liao Congsheng continued: "Five disciples of the Beggar Gang were killed by Mr. Si Guo's disciples in Changge County. Sweep the snow in front of the house, don't care about the frost on the roof tiles", I don't want the palace master to ask the old man to solve the problems of the beggar gang. These beggars are against us all day long. This time they owe me a big favor, but it is also Wonderful." The palace lord said: "You have a reputation in the Jianghu, and you are a friend of Elder Han. It is most suitable for you to come forward." I said: "Well, when Liao returns from Dengzhou? It’s a matter of rebellion. Just get old Guan and old Taoist Songyun? Why are you afraid of those three old men?’ Then he brought He Hancen to Elder Han’s house? How to present doubts and expose the truth? Those are all the detailed instructions of the palace master? Even the wounding medicine on the murder weapon? It was also inferred by Palace Master Xian? How can someone surnamed He be so smart?"

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and said: "So it wasn't Han Sanniang who asked He Hancen to testify? It was Miss Xian?" Not enough."

Jing Lanzhou was silent for a moment and said: "The younger generation heard the wind outside? It said that Daoist Songyun offended King Ning because of something, and has been placed under house arrest by the prince." Liao Cong said in surprise: "You...what did you say?" Said: "Elder Mei told me this matter, most likely there is no falsehood."

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Liao Cong couldn't stop coughing, and panting heavily while rubbing his chest, he said, "My lord...why did he deal with the Taoist priest? They are old friends for many years." Jing Lanzhou said: "Prince Ning wants another The lord of the palace? Daoist Songyun resolutely refuses, and the prince doesn't want the Daoist to do bad things? That's why he ordered people to restrain him."

Mrs. Duanmu frowned and said, "What are you two talking about? Could it be that the mastermind behind Wuwei Cult is King Ning Zhu Quan?" Jing Lanzhou had seen earlier that she knew everything about the people in Wuwei Palace, so she probably knew about it too. It is expected that the other party's expression at this moment is actually horrified.

Liao Cong sighed: "That's right, Madam has been refusing to agree to join the religion, and it is inconvenient for Palace Master Tang to disclose this matter to you." Madam Duanmu was silent for a moment, and smiled wryly: "If I had known this, I should have reported it to the officials back then. , and wipe out all of you gang of rebels." His expression was very sad.Liao Congsheng shook his head and said, "Ma'am, why did you say that? The imperial court has issued a list of arresting you so far. If you go to sue the officials, you may be the first to suffer before we are found out."

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and said: "Senior Duanmu, you... who are you?" Liao Cong sighed, "This is the end, do you still want to hide it from Shaoxia Jing?" Mrs. Duanmu said proudly: " Why dare not say that? My current name is Duanmuxin, and my maiden name was Tang when I was not born, and the leader of Wuwei Sect Tang is my own sister."

Jing Lanzhou turned pale when he heard the words, and said, "Senior, are the sister of the Tang Palace Master?" Duanmuxin said coldly: "What's so strange about this? I was arrested by the court when I was more than ten years old, and was arrested I was forced to live in the rivers and lakes, and made my home all over the world, all thanks to my elder sister."

Jing Lanzhou knew that Tang Sai'er gathered a crowd to rebel and punished the nine clans for his crimes. Duanmuxin, as a close relative, the court will definitely arrest him with all his strength; the other party has been wandering alone for decades and has not relied on Wuwei Sect. It is really not easy .He hesitated for a moment, and asked Duanmu Xin: "Senior Duanmu, the Tang Palace Master invited you to join the teaching many times during his lifetime, and I think it was out of the concern of his blood. Madam wanders all over the world and has nowhere to go. You only need to agree to enter Wuwei Palace. Not only do I have something to rely on, but I can also be reunited with my relatives, why wouldn't seniors do that?" Duanmuxin snorted and said, "I have my own hands and feet, so why should I send them under the roof? My eldest sister believed in the White Lotus cult since she was a child, but my husband is The imperial court ordered officials, how can I work together with the Palace of Wuwei?" Jing Lanzhou wondered: "Your husband is a member of the officialdom?"

Liao Cong sighed: "I heard that your husband died of illness three years before the Qingzhou incident, the leader of the Tang Dynasty. The imperial court set up a net to wipe out the old family of the old palace master. How could you let your wife go? If your husband was still alive at that time , I’m afraid I will be greatly implicated in this matter.”

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