Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 336 Exchange

Mrs. Duanmu pondered: "With that Huazi's martial arts, it is absolutely impossible to injure Elder Liao. However, the masters in the world don't just jump out of the cracks in the rocks. This person seems to be not young. Since he has a unique skill, why? Unknown in the Jianghu?" Jing Lanzhou said: "The younger generation is also puzzled by this, and they can only learn a little bit by asking their teachers later."

Suddenly, Steward Wang came out of the room and said, "Mr. Jing, my master woke up and heard that Mr. Xiang has arrived at the village. I would like to invite you to come over and talk." Wake up?" Steward Wang said frowningly: "Master seems to be depressed, the villain has been in the manor for more than ten years, I always see him in good spirits, he has never been so haggard."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Master Liao suffered internal injuries outside, and he will recover after a period of recuperation." He said in his heart, "If Elder Liao hadn't been for his profound skills, he would have been seriously injured and died at this moment. How can he be in good spirits?" When he arrived at the master's bedroom, he saw that Liao Congsheng's complexion had turned from yellow to white, and his eyes were bloodshot.Seeing Jing Lanzhou entering the room, the latter said to Steward Wang and the people beside him: "You all go out, the old man wants to have a few words with Jing Xianggong alone."

Jing Lanzhou waited for the others to leave the bedroom, stepped forward and said, "Senior, how do you feel about the injury?" Liao Congsheng shook his head and sighed: "Although death is impossible, this palm hit Liao in all manner of things, and I don't know how to raise him." How long has it been. The old man thought that there were only a few people in the world who could beat me in martial arts, but who would have thought that he would be so vulnerable in a fight with the opponent in the daytime, and lost a total of ten."

Jing Lanzhou saw that his tone of voice was very weak, and it was completely different from his usual tone of beating a bell. He finally spoke clearly, as if he had not lost his mind, and felt a little relieved, and asked: "Liao Senior, who shot you and wounded you?" Liao Cong said slowly, "It's a three-pocket disciple of the beggar gang full of rashes, presumably it's that Mu Chuan you mentioned." Jing Lanzhou lost his voice and said, "Sure enough It's him!"

Liao Cong coughed twice, and said: "I know that Shaoxia and General Luo of Liaodong are family friends, and you have a deep friendship with the palace master. You are familiar with the inside story of our sect, and you must also know that this old man is the elder of Wuwei Palace. Liao was there that day. The Beggar Clan did not dare to reveal their identities, there is no one else here, you and I open the skylight and tell the truth." Jing Lanzhou said: "The source of this matter can be traced back to the fact that Monk Jian Sheng joined the court that day, revealing the old man's real name. "

Liao Congsheng shook his head and sighed: "I said earlier that this thief is bald and not strong-willed? Sooner or later, something big will happen? It doesn't matter if you don't mention this guy now, it's not annoying. That day Liao resigned as a young hero in Dengzhou, and then went to Nanyang to visit a A friend? Then I set off to return home. Unexpectedly, I came to Heishuijian not far from the village. Suddenly I saw a beggar and flower blocking the way. Blame me for being a person who teaches nothing? But the dog is meddling with mice? Solve the case for the gang of beggars. I knew that the other party was not kind, so I fought with him after a few words. Is this man really good at martial arts? Finding a flaw, he pressed a palm on my chest. This palm only knocked Liao out of his body three times, and he was about to die with his eyes closed? Gongzhu Xian suddenly shot from the side? Saved my life."

Jing Lanzhou only felt a "buzz" in his head, his body couldn't help trembling, and said: "Xian...Miss Xian? She is not as good as her predecessor in martial arts? How can she be the opponent of that traitor Mu Chuan?" Liao Cong sighed Said: "Liao also thought the same way at the time, thinking to himself that even if he risked his life, he would hold this thief so that the Palace Master could escape. Unexpectedly, the Palace Master didn't do anything to the traitor named Mu? He just said: "My seat I know you are not your opponent? I have already guessed who you are? Please spare Elder Liao's life, I am willing to exchange what I have been wanting to know for the past two years." Who am I?" Palace Master Xian said indifferently: "Even if the hairpin breaks the mirror, why bother to raise your eyebrows?" Mu Chuan was startled when he heard that, and said, " really know?" Palace Master Xian said, "You let me go." Elder Liao, I'll take you there."

"Mu Chuan hesitated for a while, and said: "Okay, you are really courageous! I will let Old Liao go as you said." Master Xian said: "Elder Liao is seriously injured and can't walk. Can I go first?" Send him back to the village?" The traitor said: "You only need to come half a minute earlier, and I am no match for the two of you. Who knows what helper Liao Laoer has in the village? At this moment, I have spared his life, and it is the utmost benevolence. "Gongzhu Xian sighed softly and said no more. Liao couldn't move for a moment at that time, so I had to watch the two of them leave. I lay by the ditch for an hour or two, and my limbs gradually regained consciousness. He rushed back to the villa with a sigh of relief, and passed out when he entered the door."

Suddenly the door of the room opened, and Mrs. Duanmu's figure flashed into the inner room.Steward Wang chased after her and begged: "My master has an important matter to discuss with Mr. Jing, why should Madam do this?" Mrs. Duanmu said coldly, "I know your master well, so why should we avoid it when we have something to say?"

Liao Congsheng was taken aback, looked him up and down, and said, "So it's Mrs. Duanmu, she's a rare visitor. Why did you come to Liao's village?" Jing Lanzhou said, "I'm passing by Xiong'er Mountain from Dengzhou, and I happened to meet you in the mountain. Senior Duanmu, we arrived at Baozhuang together." Liao Cong said "Oh" and said to Steward Wang, "There is nothing here, you should step back first." Steward Wang responded and left the room.

Mrs. Duanmu said: "You have sent people to invite me several times before. Why are you not happy when I come to visit you personally?" The thatched hut on Xiong'er Mountain has been destroyed, and I'm afraid we will disturb each other in Guizhuang for a while." Liao Cong said, "What's the problem? It's just that I couldn't invite my wife in the past. Now my life is hanging by a thread, and it's hard to thank the landlord for a while. " After finishing speaking, he coughed repeatedly.

Mrs. Duanmu said: "Forget it, you and I don't need to be so polite. You are a master of martial arts, but who was injured?" Liao Cong said with a wry smile: "The old man capsized in the gutter and lost to a three-bag disciple of the beggar gang." Mrs. Duanmu was silent for a while, and said: "Although my thatched cottage was destroyed by Shaolin monks, it also has some relationship with that traitor named Mu. We are now fighting against each other, and there is no need to mention the past."

Liao Congsheng was slightly startled, and said: "Madam also knows this person. How could the Shaolin faction come to make things difficult for you?" Mrs. Duanmu said: "Shaolin Temple suspected that I killed Qin Jianbo from the Tingwei Escort, and sent someone to question him. Mu Chuan acted as a hindrance and attacked Master Benyin, severely wounding him." Liao Cong said in surprise, "The monk Benyin was also injured by that villain named Mu?"

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