Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 327


Jing Lanzhou groaned in his heart, and replied: "That's right, senior brother Luo and nephew both saw it with their own eyes that night, and the other party's martial arts are not inferior to Second Senior Uncle Luo." Luo Yingyuan frowned and said, "I heard that this man Are you familiar with many martial arts created by Uncle Gu Shi?" Jing Lanzhou said: "It's guaranteed." Luo Yingyuan lowered his voice and said: "This man can also use Biphosphine Palm, so the five disciples of the Beggars' Gang in Changge County are probably Did he kill it?" Seeing that he had already guessed, Jing Lanzhou nodded silently.

Luo Yingyuan pondered for a while, then slowly said: "As far as Luo knows, Gu Shishu has never accepted other disciples except Senior Brother Wen and you." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "Exactly." Luo Yingyuan said: "So Could it be that the masked master is..." Jing Lanzhou interrupted him: "I know that my uncle must have doubts in his heart, and it's not that my nephew has never thought about this festival. It's just that my teacher, Tongwen, is always as close as a father and son. Senior brother is really still alive, I don't believe he will be treated as a stranger to his teacher and his old man for a full 20 years."

Luo Yingyuan was silent when he heard the words, and then sighed: "Nephew's words are very true, Luo should not guess randomly. Since you have never seen the other party's true face, you don't need to mention this matter to the Beggar Gang." Jing Lanzhou said: " What did the master uncle say? My nephew also knows that anyone who is familiar with the martial arts of the family teacher will inevitably ask this question when they see the masked senior make a move; I just don't want to believe it, what in the world can be bigger than dozens Nurture the love of education."

Luo Yingyuan was a little distracted when he heard the words, and sighed lightly: "Yes, the grace of spring wind and rain can't be repaid even if you are smashed to pieces." Jing Lanzhou said: "Uncle, can you go to Kaifeng with me?" Luo Yingyuan Shaking his head, he said: "The situation of Yu Shilang has improved a lot now, Yan'er's injuries are fine, and the misunderstanding between you and the Beggar Gang has been resolved, so everything is fine anyway, then Luo will go to Jiangxia County, and the two halls will meet for a while. Lord, August [-]th is Gu Shishu's [-]th birthday, and I am going to seek Hall Master Gu to discuss what should be done for Shishu's birthday this year."

Jing Lanzhou said: "When my nephew pays homage to senior Luo and finishes taking care of the affairs at hand, I will rush back to the villa to prepare for my teacher's birthday." Luo Yingyuan laughed and said: "At that time, my father will also rush to Jixi to celebrate his birthday. We can also meet each other, but if the old man can see his nephew sooner, he will be overjoyed." Jing Lanzhou said: "My nephew should come to pay homage to me, how dare I ask senior Luo for help?"

Luo Yingyuan nodded, and pondered: "Did Gu Shishu never mention the name Mu Chuan?" Jing Lanzhou said: "My teacher has never mentioned this person, so the word Mu Chuan should be a fake name." Luo Yingyuan sighed: " It doesn't matter if the name is real or not. This person possesses peerless martial arts, but is unknown in the Jianghu. It is unbelievable. He has been hiding in the beggar gang for 18 years, and suddenly wants to design Wu Hongyi to replace Chen Jinfeng as the brave Sub-rudder and rudder master, what is the purpose?"

Jing Lanzhou said: "The enemy is in the dark and we are clear about this matter. It is useless to think too much, just teach the gang of beggars to be more careful." Luo Yingyuan sighed: "That's the only way to do it. Nephew, you have nothing to do with the Palace Master Wuwei. I've also heard a little bit about it. Luo Mou is 1 rest assured of your character and morals. The apprentice taught by Uncle Gu Shi doesn't need others to talk about it. It's just that Luo Mou is crazy about how old you are, and he has a lot of experience in the world I don't want to talk short and long? It's better for you to be more cautious in everything. No one else in Wuwei Sect? Just the master of Xianjiao? I'm always a little worried."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Uncle Master, don't worry, if this masked senior really wants to kill my nephew, he will have more than one chance. I don't think he is a vicious person." Luo Yingyuan said: "I hope so. Yu Shu said how many times you We parted in Nanjing? I don't know where Palace Master Xian is now?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Miss Xian separated from me in Wuchang a few days ago." You don't have to worry about it either."

At this time, the moon climbed the branches and had a few rounds of drinking? The beggars present were so drunk, but Liao Congsheng became more energetic as he drank, chatting and laughing among the crowd, his voice was like a bell.Han Jiyan laughed and said, "You drink like this old man? Do you want to ruin Han's family?" Liao Cong laughed and said, "When did you three-eyed judge become so stingy? This wine is bland and tasteless? How much is it worth?" A money? Forget it, Liao has completed his great work today, so I will resign. When you wash your hands in the golden basin in autumn, we old brothers will see you again!" Immediately bid farewell to everyone? He strode out of the house.

Jing Lanzhou chased him out of Zhaobi and called him outside the gate, "Wait a minute, senior!" Liao Cong turned back and laughed, "Young man, do you have anything else to say to the old man?" Good righteousness, this junior is very grateful for unraveling the mystery of Master Chen Duo's murder." Liao Cong said in a voice, "Where do you start with this? Liao heard that the beggar gang didn't blame Chen Jinfeng's murder on the young hero? I help you." They found the real culprit, so it's nothing to say that they helped the young man." Jing Lanzhou said: "Even so, this junior is still in the fifth middle school."

Liao Cong caressed his beard and said: "The Beggar Gang previously believed that the leader of Wuwei Sect Xian killed Chen Jinfeng. Now that the truth is revealed, it can only be considered as a big favor to the other party. Thank you, young hero, for this?" Jing Lanzhou was slightly startled, and said "Senior Liao, you..." Liao Cong laughed loudly, and said: "Sure enough, there is love and righteousness. I am right. If you pass by Yiyang County on this trip, you can go to Liao's village at the foot of Jinping Mountain to tell the story. Introduce an old friend to the young hero." Jing Lanzhou's heart shook, and he said: "Could it be that what the senior said is..." Liao Congsheng interrupted him: "Young hero doesn't need to ask more, you will know when you see it. Liao has something to do If you are here, take your leave first."

Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a moment, and said: "In this case, the younger generation will definitely come to pay a visit." Immediately bid farewell to Liao Congsheng, went back to the house to drink with a group of beggars until late at night, and then bid farewell to the beggar gang with Luo Yingyuan.Si Runnan said: "It's getting late today, why don't you two rest here for a night, and leave tomorrow morning?" Jing Lanzhou thanked: "Thank you, Chief Si, for your kindness. I am in a hurry to visit Senior Sister Luo in Kaifeng, not many I'm sorry to disturb you all; when I have time in the future, I will have fun with all the heroes again."

Seeing that Si Runnan couldn't keep him, he had to take a group of beggars to thank him again and again: "If there is any place for our gang to serve in the future, I am willing to go through fire and water for the young hero." He sent Han Jiyan to send the two of them out of the city gate. The "Three Eyes God's Judgment" is Deng Zhou Dahao, the gate guard soldiers took a few taels of silver from him, and Luo Jing and the two of them were able to pass through without any hindrance.The two resigned from Elder Han and walked to the fork of the official road outside the city. Luo Yingyuan smiled and said, "Nephew, we will just leave here. If nothing happens, we can meet in Huizhou in August."

Jing Lanzhou bid farewell to him and said: "Uncle Master cherishes you all the way." Then he boarded the mule and headed north, thinking to himself: "The old man that Elder Liao mentioned when he was leaving, it was clear from his tone that he was the Lord Xian. The girl was going to discuss the countermeasures with Bai Xian, presumably the two have already met, she is probably in Yiyang." Thinking of this, I wish I could fly to Liao Bibo's house immediately.

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