Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 326

Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "If He Hancen hadn't revealed the truth today, it would be difficult for Miss Xian to be cleared of her crimes. Although this person had many quarrels with Princess Xian, she still spoke up for justice. Although I intend to make friends with him, here is It is not good to keep him here in the beggar gang, so I have to come to the door to thank him in the future." Immediately, he cupped his hands and said: "This time, Brother He did not avoid suspicion and exposed the real culprit. I am very grateful. Take care all the way, brother. We will meet someday." He Hancen said hesitantly: "Jing Shaoxia, I..." Liao Cong frowned and said, "Since you have been let go, why talk so much?" He Hancen didn't dare to say any more, turned to Jinglan Zhou hugged his fists and went out of the hall by himself.

Si Runnan said to Luo Yingyuan and the other three people: "Our gang is fortunate to have the help of the three of you today. Master Chen Duo was avenged and the black wooden bowl was kept. Si is very grateful. Tonight, the beggar gang will be the host, and I will share with you all. Get drunk." Han Jiyan was originally a wealthy family in Dengzhou, he joined the beggar gang when he was young, and became a law enforcement elder all the way. This mansion is also the property of his hometown, so he immediately arranged for his servants to kill pigs and sheep, and he was ready for food and drink in a short time.Nine out of ten disciples of the Beggars' Clan belong to the Stained Clothes Sect, and they have always been unrestrained and free-spirited. However, dozens of people gathered together for drinking and guessing, and they kept swearing and swearing.Jing Lanzhou has an easy-going personality, and she is also contented in being in the crowd, chatting and laughing happily with the group of beggars.

Knowing that Jing Lanzhou had been wronged earlier, everyone in the Beggar Clan felt embarrassed and kept coming forward to toast. Lou Jian, Lang Haitong and others had a deep rift with him before, but at this moment they are also exchanging glasses and talking and laughing happily.Although Jing Lanzhou is happy to clear up the past with the beggar gang, but remembers that the masked master Xian Qingrang bears the lives of five people in Changge County on his body. There is always a trace of worry in my heart.

He turned his head and saw Liao Cong pouring himself a drink without stopping, and he felt happy: "Senior Sister Gu is right, Bai Xianguo is worthy of being Mr. Wudou, but a member of my generation." Then he thought of Xian Qingrang's situation at this moment Dangerous, not only Mei Qian, Guan Motong and other old minions have their own evil intentions, but Zhu Chieftain is trying to change his master under the instigation of King Ning. Now if he can persuade Bai Xian to help Xian Qing and let him go, it will be a great help. Immediately Walking to Liao Congsheng's side, he said with a smile: "Senior Liao, the younger generation has always admired his honor and honor. It is an honor to meet you today? I would like to offer you a toast."

Liao Congsheng laughed and said: "You have already drunk a lot with the brothers of the beggar gang, and you still have the guts to respect the old man's wine? Liao is not so easy to get rid of. The inventory of the three-eyed judge's house is ordinary, and it is not worth anything. Wine? Let's not drink it, or drink it in one jar? What do you think, little brother?" Jing Lanzhou said with a smile: "Senior has a sense of elegance, so I voluntarily lay down my life to accompany the gentleman."

Liao Congsheng gave a thumbs up and said, "Refreshing!" He grabbed a wine jar beside him and held it in front of his chest. The line rushes from the mouth of the altar? It is nearly a foot high.Liao Congsheng raised his head and opened his mouth? The line of wine fell steadily into his mouth.Everyone present has never seen such a drinking method? They couldn't help cheering in unison.

Seeing this, Jing Lanzhou secretly said: "Bai Xian has such deep internal strength." Immediately, he picked up a wine jar and did the same thing, but the column of wine that rushed out of the mouth of the jar was a few inches lower than the opponent's? With a wave of his right hand across the air, Jing Lanzhou's wine line was slightly deflected to the side? It happened to wet his shoulders.Liao Cong laughed and said, "We agreed to drink a jar each, but you spilled the wine on purpose, are you trying to take advantage of the old man?"

Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "It seems that it is really not easy to respect the wine of the senior." He slightly strengthened his hands, and another bunch of wine arrows rushed out of the wine jar.Liao Congsheng waited until the wine fell? Another palm? Enter the mouth of Jing Lanzhou.

Liao Cong laughed and said, "Sure enough, it's really light work. It's just that no matter how fast your feet are, can you beat my palm?" He saw another line of wine rushing out of the opponent's altar, he activated his internal force with his palm, and pushed out his right arm obliquely. I saw that Jing Lanzhou's wine thread was smashed apart by Liao Congsheng's palm force, turning into thousands of drops of wine and falling to the ground.Jing Lanzhou said with a smile: "Senior's palm strength is excellent, and this junior has to offend in order to drink this good wine." Seeing that the other party attacked with another palm, he held the altar with his left hand, and at the same time extended his right palm to dissolve Liao Congsheng's attack. palm strength.

I saw two people using internal force to force the wine with one hand, and facing palms with the other hand through the air. The moves are fast and slow, hard and soft. All are exquisite.Liao Congsheng could no longer disturb Jing Lanzhou's wine bundle with his palm wind, and the two drank with their heads up. They drank up the two jars of good wine in a short time; When they palmed each other, they couldn't stop stepping back, the two of them were only a few feet apart, but when the wine in the altar was exhausted, they were separated by more than ten feet.

Jing Lanzhou put down the empty wine jar, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Senior has profound internal strength, but this junior is far behind. I lost this wine fight." Liao Congsheng laughed and said, "Having such internal strength at such a young age, children are really amazing!" Lan Zhou said: "Learning to walk in Handan will only make the old man laugh."

Liao Cong sighed: "Your Excellency is worthy of being a master of Mr. Si Guo. Among the rising stars in the world, he is really outstanding. In fact, it doesn't matter whether his martial arts are high or low. It is rare that he can drink so much. It is really wonderful. The old man met a little girl before. It is also a rare mass, and the essence of wine tasting is rare in the world, but your kung fu is not as good as yours." Jing Lanzhou knew that he was probably talking about Gu Qingzhi, and said with a smile: "There are so many young talents in the martial arts world. Juniors are not worth mentioning."

Liao Congsheng shook his head in admiration, and Han Jiyan dragged him away to drink.Luo Yingyuan approached and said with a smile: "Nephew, I am glad that you have been wronged today. You and I, Uncle Luo, are finally relieved. What are your plans now?" Jing Lanzhou said: "My nephew is thinking about going to Kaifeng to visit Senior Sister Luo. I would like to meet Senior Brother Luo and the others." Luo Yingyuan nodded and said, "That's very good, Yushu and the others miss you very much. Yushu said that he will return to the north in a few days. If my nephew is not in a hurry to return to Zhucuo Villa, Why don't you go to the capital with him, my father will be so happy if he can meet his nephew."

Jing Lanzhou said happily: "My little nephew wants to pay respects to senior Luo every day. It will be a great comfort to my life if I can listen to the clear instructions face to face." Counting in his heart, there are still two months before the Ghost Festival, enough Going back and forth to the capital, he said, "Since that's the case, my nephew will leave tomorrow." Luo Yingyuan smiled and said, "There is no need to be in a hurry. If the servant is out of danger soon, my father will not stay in the capital for a long time, and he will Go back to Hejian’s hometown, you and Yushu should check it out before we leave.” After a pause, he pulled him to a corner where no one was around, and asked softly, “Nephew Jingxian, my second brother said that he had a relationship with Xian Gong The Lord's master once fought back in Kaifeng, and the two of them were evenly divided, were you there at that time?"

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