Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 302 Lost

Jing Lanzhou saw that Zhu Chief was invincible with the sword, but switched to fighting the enemy with bare hands. He really admired his versatile martial arts and extraordinary courage.But seeing that Chief Zhu's palm is like a mountain, he is still using the "Sumi God Palm" of the Shaolin School, but this time there is no more force, and the palm force hits out like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.Mei Qian shouted in a low voice, his hands were not slow or fast, he received all the opponent's palms, and sometimes he slapped back, which is also powerful.The two mobilized their whole body's internal energy, and each exchanged dozens of strokes with fierce and fierce palms, but their true energy was unceasing, and there was no sign of exhaustion.Tang Gen and Jing Lanzhou were all secretly startled when they saw it, and they both thought: "Elder Mei's internal energy is as good as it is, but Zhu Yi is only under [-] years old, how can his internal energy be so cultivated?"

Zhu Chief slapped out several more palms, suddenly shouted loudly, and pushed out with both palms.Mei Qian used his true energy secretly and counterattacked with all his strength. Unexpectedly, under the intersecting of four palms, there was no sound.The two jumped back, Mei Qian sneered and said: "These tricks that have been played before, why should the venerable use them again and again? How can I be fooled by you a second time!" Zhu Chief praised: "Good work!" The six dusts are non-existent, and the five aggregates are empty; if you don’t touch the three realms, you will be futile." Only the Elder, the "Eight Wind Palm" of the Nanhai Tantric School, can catch my dragon locust profound art."

Mei Qian frowned slightly, and said: "Well, Master recognized my 'Eight Wind Palm' at a glance back then, and Your Excellency can recognize it too. Venerable Qinglian, your martial arts are indeed different from what they used to be, but you want to It's not that easy to defeat me. Shall we continue to fight?" Zhu Yi said with a smile: "Today's matter is life and death, and it's not a competition of martial arts. Does the elder want to slap his ass and leave?" With a clang, the sword was unsheathed, He stabbed at Mei Qian again.Mei Qian leaned aside, sneered and said: "You brat played tricks in every possible way in Zhuxi Town. He just wanted to go for the best plan, but today he is so aggressive. He is really ruthless and merciless! Even if you push him back again Weapons, after all, it will be difficult to defeat me." With a wrong palm, he fought with him again.

Jing Lanzhou took a sneak peek at the moves, and recognized that Zhu Yi was using the same swordsmanship that he used when fighting Guan Motong in Yixing Dong's Mansion.Although he didn't know that this was Ji Ruting's proud martial art "Washing the Bamboo Sword in Light Rain", but he also felt that the opponent's sword moves were as insidious as the spring rain and the slender bamboo, which was extremely vague and difficult to guard against.However, Mei Qian's moves are also slow and fast, not blindly fighting and attacking like before, but actually responding to Zhu Chief's swordsmanship one after another, and dismantling it for a while is on par.

Jing Lanzhou watched intently, Mei Qian's "Eight Wind Palm Technique" didn't seem to be limited to moves, it was quite able to follow the square and round, combining hardness and softness. Palm" is somewhat similar, but when it comes to strong attack and head-to-head, breaking the strong and strong, the Mizong Palm is a little less imposing than the former.I saw that no matter how Zhu Chief's sword moves changed, he still couldn't break through Mei Qian's fleshy palms.

Suddenly there was a light cracking sound, followed by the sound of a sharp object piercing through the air, Mei Qian screamed and jumped away Zhang Xu, her body trembling slightly.Jing Lanzhou took a look under the dim moonlight and saw a slender object stuck in Mei Qian's right arm, which seemed to have been shot by an arrow. He thought to himself, "What kind of hidden weapon is this?" The umbrella bone shot out by the 'Black Silkworm Black Bone Umbrella'! After all, the altar master Tang helped Zhu Chief."

Mei Qian saw that the umbrella bone was deep into the flesh, and his right hand was seriously injured. He hissed, "Brother Tang, you know that this traitor is going to be bad for Master Xian, yet you actually help him deal with me?" Tang Gen's face was in the dark. Indistinctly, he said in a deep voice: "Brother Zhu, he is really involuntary to act on the orders of the prince. The elder broke the oath of the year and colluded with the two traitors of Songzhu and Elder. If we don’t clean up the sect, our religion will surely perish.”

Mei Qian gasped, and said slowly: "It turns out that your Excellency has already turned to the prince, but Mei has lost his sight. It is heartbreaking to let my aunt know." Tang Gen shook his head and said, "This teaching is the only one in the world. The prince is right, I am not a traitor to Yi Zhi. The elders have been following him all the way down to this point, so they can’t trust Tang? Your lord is very suspicious and self-confident, so you can’t blame others.”

Mei Qian smiled wryly and said, "Brother Tang, you came here from Jiangxi secretly. Did you come to see Palace Master Xian, or did you deliberately lure Mei to Wuchang?" , Your Excellency admits it outright. Brother Tang, I will let you take credit for punishing chaos and treason, and the prince will definitely reward you." Tang Gen frowned and said, "I heard that Elder Mei and Brother Zhu have deep grievances. He set up tricks to kill you several times, brother Zhu, why don't you take revenge with your own hands?" Chief Zhu said: "Brother doesn't know something, there are some joints in the middle of this, if I do it myself, I'm afraid it will be against the sky and against others."

Tang Gen secretly said: "The surname Zhu is so cunning. I'm afraid that killing Mei Qian will cause the rest of the four elders to attack. How can Tang be fooled if he wants to use a knife to kill someone?" , But it is of great benefit to the overall situation, I just changed my mind, and sighed: "Brother Zhu is so modest, Tang has no choice but to plunder the beauty." With a wave of the iron umbrella, he rushed forward.His martial arts are almost the same as Mei Qian's. The latter has no weapons, and his right arm was seriously injured. lose.

The two fought for thirty or forty times, Mei Qian saw blood protruding from his right arm, and knew that he would be defeated for a long time, so he shouted: "You are so brazen and stab someone in the back, I will not accompany you!" , turned around and was about to leave, when suddenly he felt a gust of wind coming towards him, and it was Zhu Chief's palm that struck him.Mei Qian slapped out his right palm, and clapped his palms together twice. Mei Qian swayed, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back. Suddenly feel that the dantian's true energy is loose.Zhu Chief thrust out his right arm, Mei Qian was powerless to resist, and got a finger on his left flank. No matter how hard he was to support his feet, he staggered back a few feet and fell slowly to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Mei Qian's martial arts skills were superb, even though his right arm was plotted against, it was not difficult to escape from Tang Gen's grasp, but Zhu Chief cut off his retreat, and finally he was defeated by the two masters.He knew in his heart that he would not escape today, and said with a stern smile: "Mei has spent half her life, who knows that she made a mistake and lost everything. She died at the hands of you two traitors tonight. Although she is unwilling, she is not wronged." .Which one of you will come up and do it?"

Tang Zhu and the two looked at each other, but no one stepped forward.Mei Qian sneered and said, "You two are timid, don't you dare to kill me?" Zhu Chief said with a smile: "It's just a matter of taking your life right now. As an elder protector, you are highly respected in the teaching. Why do you want to die?" Mei Qian said: "You and I know ourselves and our enemy, so don't talk about these nonsense! Since Mei has turned his back on me, how can the prince tolerate me? Neither of you Willing to do it, do you want the old man to end it by himself?"

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