Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 301

Hearing these few words, Jing Lanzhou was terrified, and thought to himself: "Behind the palace of Wuwei, he really listens to the prince's orders. King Ning secretly runs such Jianghu gangs. Could it be that he wants to rebel?" There are countless clues between them, but no matter what, they never thought that the latter was actually the mastermind behind the scenes.

Mei Qian said again: "The three of us sat around and thought together, if your Excellency really becomes the palace master, how can we old fellows die well? If we want to protect the position of the leader of Palace Master Xian, she and Jun Jiewu The old man is in harmony with the gods, so he may not be able to cross the river and tear down the bridge. Besides, Mei and Tongbai are probably no match for the prince. The old man made up his mind and said to the two: "Two old friends, Mei's trip to the south alone Persuading the two of you to return to the command of the palace master, while we old men still have the strength, the "Three Friends of Suihan" gather together and build a new career; unexpectedly, now that disaster is coming, the prince actually wants to let the kid surnamed Zhu be the leader , We have a deep hatred with this kid, how can he let the three of us go? The first mover controls others, and the second mover controls others. Anyway, the palace master doesn't want to see us veterans, so he just let it go and teach us later. The matter in the middle is up to you and me, so you don't have to be angry at both ends.'

"Old Song was startled and said: 'Lao Mei, you also want to rebel like us?' I said: 'Rather than waiting for others to plot against us, it's better to do the opposite. The two failed because of respecting their senior brothers. Now I say It is difficult for him to protect himself, so how can he manage these things? As long as we tell Tong Xian later, he will definitely stand by our side, and Bai Xian has no choice but to go with the flow. Even if the five elders can join forces, there is no need to be afraid. The prince and the venerable Laoshizi?" Chen and Li thought about it, Song Lao slapped the table and said: "Okay! This time, I will listen to my brother and put all his eggs in one basket. If the matter fails in the end, killing people is nothing more than nodding, what is there to be afraid of? It's just The two of us have been away from the sect for a long time, and we are in a hurry and cannot convince the public. It is necessary to recommend another long-wang person to be the palace master. This is the perfect strategy.' The two of you know what happened afterwards. Once Brother Tang arrived in Nanchang, he was killed by us. He coerced me to become the leader of the sect; the prince was angry that I did not follow the order and joined forces with Jin Yiwei to come to the sect to settle accounts. However, the prince was scheming after all, and he sent Fan Yu to help Miying. Even if I expose the prince in front of Jin Yiwei, Ma Shun will never believe it; the three of us know the prince's intentions, so it is difficult to reveal the truth to my brother. Brother Tang is utterly loyal. The master of the palace is loyal; the boy surnamed Zhu has mischievous intentions and wants to force the palace master Xian to abdicate at the Zhongyuan Dharma meeting, if my brother allows his treachery to succeed, how can he be worthy of his aunt's cultivation?"

Tang Gen was silent for a long time, then turned his head and asked Zhu Chief, "Brother Zhu, is what Elder Mei said is true?" , Eldest brother knows it, younger brother is just following orders, dare I ask what is wrong? Elder Mei colluded with rebellion and caused chaos in the religious circle for his own self-interest. If elder brother really wants to serve the old palace master Tang and show his loyalty, then he will help me punish this injustice disciples."

Tang Gen frowned and said: "He said that my brother has found Zen Master Yingwen, is it true?" Zhu Yi shook his head and said, "How can this be? If Zhu has already found Master Yingwen, why bother with you here? Elder Mei also said that he had no evidence for this matter, and it was all nonsense. In fact, even the prince’s decision to appoint a new palace master, the elder is nothing but empty words, and what evidence can he produce? If Zhu Mou insists on denying it, you There's nothing I can do about it, it's just that a man dares to act bravely, and I don't want to speak out in front of Brother Tang to bully me."

Mei Qian sneered and said, "That's nice to hear, isn't your venerable telling less outrageous lies? Let me ask you, who is that old monk?" Zhu Yi said with a smile: "This senior never likes to mention his name. Zhu promised to keep the secret for him, isn’t that a lie?” Mei Qian said coldly: “Your Excellency is a Han heir, but you worship the Japanese as your teacher, forget the ancestors, and raise thieves through the barbarians, so can you be the leader of the sect? "Jing Lanzhou was shocked when he heard the words, and said to himself: "The old monk is indeed a monk from the Japanese country! In this way, there are nine out of ten that he is the monk that Master met back then." I remembered Shao Yantang once said that Zhu Yi can speak Japanese Most of his language is also learned from his Japanese master.

Zhu Yi laughed and said: "The world is a family of martial arts. Zhu has only learned a little bit of kung fu from this senior. The elder will force me to wear a high hat of collaborating with the enemy and treason. I can't afford it." Jing Lan Hearing Zhu Yi's words, Zhou thought to himself: "Master often said that the way of martial arts can be traced back to its source, and there is no difference. If each school and school are too rigid in their views, they will inevitably fall behind. From this point of view, the martial arts of the Central Plains and the Japanese If martial arts can learn from each other's strengths, it may not be without benefits."

Mei Qian said in a deep voice: "Brother Tang, this kid is colluding with Japanese thieves and wants to do harm to the palace master. Now you and I will join hands to get rid of this person first, so as to avoid future troubles of our sect, and even remove a great harm for the Central Plains martial arts; after that, brother If you want to welcome Palace Master Xian back, based on our many years of friendship, what is there to discuss? As for Chen and Li, Mei will personally persuade them, and they are not ignorant people."

Zhu Yi laughed and said: "Elder Mei, you dare to boast about anything in order to save your life. Songzhu Erlao wanted to put Palace Master Xian to death several times, how could Palace Master forgive them? Don't they know?" Mei Qian sneered and said, "Palace Master Xian has the sun and the moon in his heart, how could you have expected it? The prince is trying his best to deal with us old ministers and old minions. Brother Tang, if we don't work together, we will have to let others go." Part of the slaughter."

Zhu Chief's face darkened, and he shouted: "You and I have said enough! Your honor betrayed the prince, don't care about others today, we two will decide the winner first!" The long sword in his hand trembled, and the sword moved erratically towards Mei Qian .Mei Qian leaned forward, clapping her palms continuously, fighting with him like a ghost.Tang Gen's face was gloomy, and he just watched coldly from the sidelines.

I saw that Zhu Mei's two moves were like the wind, and they had dismantled more than [-] moves in a blink of an eye.Jing Lanzhou recalled that on Gexian Peak in Nanchang that day, Zhu Chief sent his sword to hold Mo Tong empty-handed, and when the latter sacrificed the Meridian Duck Axe, he was instantly defeated; but at this time Mei Qian's nine-section steel whip had been defeated Gen shot it off with the umbrella bone, and Zhu Chief's martial arts advanced by leaps and bounds, and he swung the wind with his sword. After the fight reached sixty or seventy rounds, Mei Qian gradually lost the wind.

The two fought for a while, Mei Qian suddenly changed his moves, his palms were no longer as mysterious and unpredictable as before, but became majestic and unstoppable, with both palms and palms having the power to turn mountains and seas, this changed the situation Immediately reversed, the two fought evenly again.Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Elder Mei's martial arts are really unfathomable, and he didn't use his full strength at first." Seeing that Zhu Yi changed three sets of sword skills, but failed to gain the upper hand, he suddenly let out a long cry, raised his hand and returned the sword Put it into the sheath, turn your palms over, and attack again.

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