Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 297

"My heart was horrified, and I said: 'You are Shaolin's "King Kong Indestructible Body Protection Magic Art"? What is the name of the master?" The old monk said: "I am not a Shaolin disciple, why did I lie to you? But You have some skills in your palm strength, try hitting me again with all your strength." I know that although I didn't do my best with this palm, I can receive it head-on without any damage, unless the other party has practiced the "Vajra Indestructible Magic Art" to the extreme High level; what's more, this old monk obviously didn't move his fingers, so where did the strong wind come from? Only then did I know that the other party's martial arts are not trivial, and said: "Master's skill is profound and far superior. Mei just admit defeat, don't need it." Compare again.' The old monk said: 'No, you just used the Eight Wind Palm?' I saw that he recognized my master's secret kung fu at a glance, and said in surprise: 'How do you know my palm technique?' The old monk pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Well, so you are Sai Hazhi's apprentice."

"The more Mei heard this, the more frightened she became, and she said, "Who the hell is the master? How could he recognize my master?" The old monk sighed: "The master lost a move in the hands of the old monk back then, so we don't have to compete." I'm done." Then I turned around and left. I was in shock and was about to catch up and ask what happened when I suddenly felt a sweetness in my throat and spit out a mouthful of blood. It turned out that I hit his chest with a palm just now and was shocked by his skill. I had already suffered an internal injury; that palm seemed to exert more than [-]% strength, and Mei was killed on the spot. I was delayed by this strange incident, so I failed to follow the whereabouts of the Venerable. Every time Mei remembered the gray robe masked I can't let go of my heart, I have been searching secretly for the past two years, and I finally found out that there is such a number one person in the sect as Your Excellency. Hehe, the old palace master's move is really clever and amazing!"

Zhu Yi said with a smile: "Zhu is just a small role to run errands and deliver letters for the old palace master. I am really flattered that the elders value him so much. It's just that there is such a master as the old monk in the world. It's really unbelievable." "Mei Qian sneered and said, "Why does your lord pretend to be stupid? Earlier in Jiangxi, you were defeated by Tongxian, and it was an old monk who saved my brother's life. Later, Elder Guan told me what happened at that time , Mei immediately guessed that the other party was the person I met in Tongbai Mountain two years ago. With one move to scare Tong Xian away and three moves to kill Yan Ji, except for the two heroes Gu Luo and the man who claimed to have defeated my master Old monk, is there anyone else in the world who possesses such martial arts? Since Mei first met this person two years ago, he has never been seen walking on the rivers and lakes afterwards. It is a big event. With the skill of this old monk's three-stroke assassination of the 'Lingfeng Swordsman', if he bullies him later, will there be anyone in this sect who is his opponent?"

Tang Gen frowned and said, "That's right, this incident has already spread throughout the martial arts world, causing panic among all sects and sects that are good at swordsmanship. It's just that Master Yan was murdered for nearly a month, but no one has seen the old monk anymore It's really strange." After pondering for a while, he said again: "It turns out that the elder didn't have any other thoughts because he was convinced by the old palace master. Since the elder had already arrived at Taibaiding that day, why didn't he show up? Just like wishing Brother said just now, if you do this, you will offend both sides?"

Mei Qian sighed: "Mei has let down the great trust of my former teacher. These years, whenever the night is quiet, I always feel guilty. Two years ago, I saw the old palace master let go of Xianyou, and Chen and Li were plotting to usurp us. I just felt disheartened and lazy. Retire to Master Xian and retire, and stop meddling in these smoky matters. The reason why Mei stayed at Taibaiding that day was not to sit and watch success or failure. I know that the two old friends and Master Xian are not soft-hearted people. Whichever side wins, it will be safe to put the other side to death. If the young palace lord is forced to abdicate, I will save her life at least to repay the old palace lord for her kindness; For the sake of the three being sworn brothers for many years, Mei also stretched out his hand to help them. Regardless of whether the two believe it or not, the old man had already made up his mind at that time, and then he would no longer care about the affairs of the world and find a good place to live in seclusion. go too."

Zhu Yi smiled and said: "It turns out that the elder had decided to go back to seclusion that day. No wonder you didn't help at both ends. This is reasonable. Why don't I believe it? Later, you really didn't get involved in educational affairs. You only cared about traveling around, and you were very cynical ; But after all, you have not asked the Palace Master to resign, and you think you have some worries in your heart, and you are secretly tracking Zhu's clues."

Mei Qian nodded and said, "That's right. Later I learned that Daoist Songyun was also at the peak that day, and Chen and Li were defeated because of this. I couldn't help becoming suspicious. Daoist is the old palace lord's best friend during his lifetime. He was invited to come here this time. It is not surprising at all, but why did we hide it from everyone, even our five elders? I am afraid that the young palace master knew about the plan of the two elders, so he secretly invited him to come up the mountain. My two elders You were very scheming, and did not coerce the seven altar masters to attack together until before going up the mountain. The seven of them would never have the opportunity to inform the palace master Xian, and I never betrayed the two of them. How could the palace master be so unpredictable? The matter still had to fall on that mysterious man in gray clothes and masked face that day. Venerable Qinglian, Your Excellency was extremely cautious in his actions and never showed up in public. At first, Mei couldn't find any clues; until last year when you met with Tantan Master Tang contacted secretly in the Huai'an mansion, and I overheard the conversation between the two of you, so I learned the whole story." Tang Gen said coldly: "Elder Mei, it turns out that even Tang X did not forget to spy on you secretly, and I am flattered "Mei Qian said with a smile: "The old palace master doesn't trust the five elders of Junjie, so he ordered people to watch over us. Mei is just reciprocating, so don't blame me."

Zhu Yi said slowly: "The day after I resigned from Brother Tang, I met a masked man in a side alley who made a surprise attack. It turned out to be the elder." "Zhu Yi sighed: "Zhu's martial arts are not as good as Your Excellency, so why not leave? One month ago, the elder heard that the two elders of Songzhu had reappeared in the Jianghu, and immediately set off from Henan to Jiangxi. Go up and join hands with the second elder to send me back to the west, right?"

Mei Qian said bitterly: "It's a pity that Chen and Li are already like frightened birds. You are a little suspicious, and even my old brothers of decades can't believe it. It's really sad." Mei Zihe is like a god, Elder Mei has decided to retire, but he gave up such a good life just to wish him a happy life, and he is guilty of nothing." Mei Qian sneered: "If you don't die with one step, how dare you live in seclusion with peace of mind? You are afraid of your body. Bury it into the ground, and you will dig it out and smash the coffin and whip the corpse."

Zhu Yi laughed and said: "The elder speaks seriously. How could Zhu be such a cruel person? In fact, I guessed that it was you, Elder Mei, who attacked Zhu in Yangzhou. After that, he acted more carefully and tried his best to avoid you. Who would want to I was still stopped by you in Zhuxi Town. However, the elders were waiting for Chen and Li by the lake that day. It was only by chance that they bumped into Zhu, which made him want to kill him. Seeing the elders of Songzhu, what is the matter?"

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