Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 296

Mei Qian nodded and said, "Well, your Excellency's words are not too different from what Tang Gen asked just now. Are you two very familiar?" Zhu Chief said: "The old palace master will inform you of his identity when he is dying. Brother Tang, we hit it off right away, and we became close friends." Mei Qian sighed, "So that's the case, it's only because the three of us got it wrong." Jing Lanzhou's heart was shocked when he heard that, "Tang Gen and Zhu Chief actually Has such a friendship? Just now he didn't mention a word to Miss Xian."

Mei Qian pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "You are right. Mei was ordered by his teacher to go to the Wuwei Sect to investigate and assassinate undercover agents. It was indeed to curb the gradual prevention and help the court to eradicate the rebels. Who knew that I would join the Sect Afterwards, I found that although the old palace master Tang was a woman, she was extremely talented and ambitious, and she was not inferior to a man's husband. Gradually, she fell in love with her and couldn't bear to bear each other. A few years later, my master passed away due to illness. I thought that no one else would know about this matter, so I became an elder protector with peace of mind, not wanting to be discovered by the old Palace Master."

Zhu Yi smiled and said: "The Tang Palace Master is Yingfengshenxiu. Many brothers in our religion were her opponents before joining the religion, but later they were all convinced by the old Palace Master's style. Mei Lao also had to subtly influence it. Strange. That being the case, Chen and Li conspired against each other two years ago, why didn't the elders help to quell the chaos, so as to declare the legacy of the old Palace Master?" Mei Qian shook her head and said: "Since the Tang Palace Master has passed away, why should I help the Young Palace Master? To deal with my old friend? I thought that the two of them were well-planned, and it would be a matter of course. Who would have thought that you would hinder it and ruin the good thing."

Zhu Yi asked suspiciously: "I don't know how the elder found out about Zhu in the first place? I ask myself that I have always acted secretly, and I still can't figure out where the flaws have been exposed." Mei Qian said: "Well, the venerable is a wise man. Gentleman, we wise people don’t speak dark words. Two years ago, the Young Palace Master summoned everyone at the main altar. Although Mei couldn’t make excuses, she didn’t really stay away. Instead, she hid in the middle of the mountain early in the morning; The secret sentries set up within a few miles are very clear, so no one noticed. That day I saw Chen and Li running down from the top of the mountain, and I knew that they must have lost everything. Fortunately, neither the Taoist priest nor the two immortals came after them. Although there are many sentry posts along Tongbai Mountain, most of the guards in the church do not know where they are, and dare not intercept the elders who protect the teaching. Occasionally, a few people came forward to ask, but they were all shocked by the elders. I was sighing in my heart, and suddenly I saw a gray cloth The person in front chased down the mountain from behind, and even bypassed the checkpoints all the way, obviously familiar with the deployment of our sect. I saw that this person is very good at lightness kung fu, but his body is very strange in martial arts. He is not the second immortal of Tongbai or the master of Jiuyao altar , I couldn't help feeling suspicious, so I followed secretly.

"I saw that this man was extremely cautious, and he followed Chen and Li from a distance, not daring to approach them at all; but what kind of people are my two old friends, after more than ten miles away, I finally noticed something strange behind me, and Mr. Zhu hid in a dark corner. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he slammed a palm against him, the man was caught off guard, let out a muffled groan, and fell two or three feet away. The two elders only thought that the pursuer had passed away, sneered and continued on Okay, but I saw that this masked man was definitely not an ordinary person. After spying for a while, I saw that the man stood up slowly. It turned out that he was wounded and suspended animation. But this man was seriously injured, but he didn't dare to chase him any more. Only left alone in the other direction. Venerable Qinglian, the mysterious masked man was exactly Your Excellency, did the old man guess right?"

Zhu Chief sighed: "It turns out that Elder Mei saw everything that I did that day. It was really a mantis catching cicadas, and a oriole was behind. Although the young palace master had invited the Taoist priest to go up the mountain that day, the two elders of Songzhu gathered seven people. After all, it is no small matter that the mastermind of the altar conspired to rebel, and Zhu must have to accompany him secretly to prevent accidents. It is only my fault that I am not good at learning, and I am not the opponent of Chen and Li. Could it be that Mei always followed Zhu secretly when she saw that I was injured and left that day?"

Mei Qian shook her head and said: "At that time, the old man really wanted to catch up with you to see who is so sacred. Unexpectedly, as soon as I took a step, someone patted my back lightly. I saw that I was bullied behind me and didn't know it. This shock was no small matter, and when I looked back, I saw an old monk with white eyebrows standing behind him." Jing Lanzhou was terrified when he heard this, and thought to himself: "This old monk is so powerful in martial arts, could it be the monk who killed Yan Ji?"

Tang Gen suddenly said: "With the elder's martial arts cultivation, who can sneak behind Your Excellency silently? Tang Mou really can't believe this." Mei Qian sighed: "Don't say it's you, even Mei himself I felt unbelievable. I was like seeing a ghost, I took two steps back and said: "Who is the master?" The old monk didn't answer, but said: "I heard that the masters of your sect gathered here today, and those two people who just came down the mountain have really mastered martial arts. Well, the benefactor is not too different from them. I don’t know if Taibaiding still has kung fu better than the three masters?’ I didn’t know at that time that Chang was also in the main altar. Most of them are martial arts masters, and immediately replied: "There are two elders of our religion on the top of the peak, and the five of us are between brothers. I don't know why the master asked these questions?" The old monk shook his head and sighed: "Martial arts can also be considered Not bad, but not the person the old monk is looking for. The reputation of Wuwei Sect is nothing more than this."

"I saw this monk breaking into the place where the main altar of our sect is located and spouting nonsense, I couldn't help but get angry and said: 'We are strangers to each other, even if my martial arts skills are difficult to understand the master's eyes, it is not up to others to comment. Your honor is Is it from Shaolin?" The old monk shook his head and said, "I am not. If you are not convinced, the old monk will accompany you to do a few tricks." I thought to myself, "I can count with one hand the number of people who have surpassed me in Shaolin martial arts from the north and the south. They all know Mei, so where does this person come from? Although this monk is very good at light kung fu, how can he be so good?" He sneered and said, "In that case, I dare to ask you to learn." The monk suddenly said, "Do you use a sword?" ’ I shook my head and said: ‘The old man doesn’t use weapons, he just competes with the master empty-handed.’ The monk showed embarrassment and said: ‘This is impossible, I never compete with empty-handed people.’” Jing Lanzhou heard this , Secretly said: "Sure enough, it is the old monk."

Mei Qian went on to say: "I saw him playing tricks, and there was no hesitation in my heart, and said: 'Master's cultivation base is profound, why should he care about whether he has a sword or not?'" He slapped his palm and saw that it was about to hit his chest. But he didn't dodge, just stood there like a clay sculpture. When I saw this, I stopped and said, "Master, why didn't you fight back?" The old monk said, "You can't hurt me, just use your moves." My heart is broken Said: "It turned out to be a crazy monk, but it's a pity that this body is so light." Shaking his head, he said: "We have no grievances or enmities. The master is not willing to make a move, so why fight?" Strong wind. I just thought that the old monk was secretly attacking behind me, turned around and struck out with a palm, but saw that the monk hadn't made a move, and was still standing there. In front of the old monk's chest, although he had tried his best to restrain himself, there was still [-]% to [-]% strength in his palm. Mei's heart sank, and he thought to himself: "I killed a senior monk from Shaolin Temple for no reason, and I may cause big trouble in the future." Unexpectedly, that The old monk slapped me on the chest, but he acted as if nothing happened, and said with a smile, "The old monk said earlier that you couldn't hurt me, but you didn't lie, did you?"

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