Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 280 Trading

"Seeing how powerful the other party's martial arts are, I couldn't help but gasp. I was about to catch him without a fight, but I heard the man laugh and say: '"Hong Tianlei" really lives up to its reputation. You killed so many officers and soldiers, and now you want to go away? I said: "I don't think there are capable people in the official army. I know that I set up an ambush here. Since Lei is in the urn, if he wants to kill or cut it, it is up to him. The previous killing of officials and robbing money was all done by a certain Lei." Because, it has nothing to do with my brothers, I wonder if your lord can let them live?'

"The man gave a thumbs up and said: 'Okay, Lei Huchen is worthy of being a hero of the generation, and he really has a lot of loyalty. Based on your words, this official only punishes the chief villain, and others don't ask. If you are sensible, get out of here quickly! "None of my brothers were willing to leave me. Lei was forced to kill himself on the spot, and everyone cried and left. When the thousand households saw that there were only me and him left, they laughed and said, "Just now Those subordinates couldn't bear to abandon the village master and escape alone. I don't know how many of them are sincere? I'm afraid it's mostly a false agreement." I said: "There is nothing serious except death. Who in the world spares their lives? Even if they really abandon me and go As the situation dictates, Lei has absolutely no complaints. I just hope that you can really keep your promise and let my brothers go."

"The man said with a smile: 'Lei Zhaizhu don't worry, I've always said the same thing, and I won't deceive you. Right now, you and I are the only ones here. As long as the Zhaizhu can win Mei, not to mention your subordinates, I will respect you. What's the harm in driving a horse?" I couldn't help but startled when I heard the words, and said, "Thank you for your kindness. Lei knows that his skills are too far behind you, so he didn't dare to have such extravagant hopes." The man laughed and said, "It's true. , there are no court officers and soldiers ambushing here, I am waiting here alone, just for the village master. I have heard that the village master Lei is so arrogant that he doesn't even have the guts to fight with me?' I shook my head and said : "Your Excellency, there is no need to use this provocative strategy. Lei's skills are not as good as others, so it doesn't matter if he dies under your knife; it's just that he has been in the mountains and forests for many years, and he is used to being arrogant and arrogant, and he doesn't want to be humiliated for nothing."

"The man smiled slightly when he heard the words, and suddenly his figure flashed, he got off his horse and slashed at my neck with a knife. Although Lei knew that he was invincible, he didn't want to kill me, so he immediately drew his knife to fight back, but the opponent's martial arts were too strong. After five or six moves, the single sword in my hand was knocked down by him. The Qianhu frowned and said: "Master Lei, the gunpowder you made is unparalleled in the world. Mei admires it very much, but your martial arts are so mediocre, how can you convince the crowd?" When I saw this, I became suspicious and asked: "Although Lei is not good at learning, he has read many people in his life. He seems to be a master of such skills. In fact, he can be said to be the first-class player in the Jianghu. Even if you want to take refuge in him It is not difficult for the imperial court to rise to the top, how can it be relegated to the position of a thousand households?"

"The man laughed and said, 'The officialdom is ruthless. It's just a place where Mei lived temporarily. It was not a long-term plan. If I arrest the head of the village today and bring him to justice, I can certainly be promoted to the third rank, but it is not my wish. Xiang Mei Your Excellency is a good man. If you want to let you live, you only need the village master to promise me one thing." I heard that he was willing to let me go, and said strangely: "What do you want me to promise?" The thousand households said: " Mei has never accepted an apprentice in his life. If you agree to worship me as a teacher, I will pass on this kung fu to you." I laughed and said, "My lord is so powerful in martial arts, why don't you worry about not passing on the legacy? Not only did you violate the military order and let me go privately If you want to accept me as an apprentice and teach me martial arts, how can someone Lei take all the advantages in the world? You must have something to ask for in doing so, so you might as well say it out.'

"The man laughed and said, 'Lei Zhaizhu is really outspoken, and Mei doesn't go around too much, so let me tell you. The so-called people die for money, and birds die for food. I know that the Zhaizhu has been operating in Qingfeng Mountain for many years. Fu Li Tao Bai, but money is something outside of the body. If you don’t bring it with you, you don’t take it with you when you die. Now the cottage has fallen. If I arrest you to see the official, you will be dead. Now Mei is not only willing to let you go, but also willing to let you go. To pass on the whole life of martial arts to the next generation, the village owner only needs half of his net worth in exchange. I will make an oath with you, and I will never go back on my word. Isn’t this a bad deal?”

"I saw that the other party had a good demeanor and a heroic demeanor. I didn't expect him to say such words, so I couldn't help being speechless for a while. Seeing my hesitation, the thousand households smiled and said: 'The village master should not be suspicious, as the so-called gentleman is. Love money and get it in a proper way. Your money is not easy to come by. You only need to give half of it to Mei. Not only can you save your life immediately, but you can also make great progress in martial arts and rule the world. Do I owe you anything?" Although I was still very suspicious, but at this critical moment, I had to make a decisive decision, so I stretched out my heart and said: "Okay, a gentleman!" The man stretched out his palm to hit me, and said with a smile: " Take a quick whip, and never break your promise." Immediately, he instructed me in detail how to break out of the encirclement of the officers and soldiers, where there was an ambush guard, and how to escape to neighboring provinces by way, all in great detail.

"According to what he said, Lei got out of the siege smoothly, and spent a few days meeting with him in Mian County as scheduled. The other party handed me a book of boxing and a manual of swords, and said: 'Master Lei, you follow these two books If you practice this book, you will achieve some small success within a few years, and I will teach you how to make further progress. I don’t know how the village master promised Mei that day, how is the preparation going?’ I took out the 20 taels I had prepared Please inform the banks and banks where the money will be redeemed. The man accepted the bank notes and said, "Since Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces are in a hurry to arrest people, we can't stay here for long. The village owner might as well go to Huguang to avoid the limelight." I said: "Lei has received this great virtue, but only knows that his benefactor is Mei. Can you tell me his honorable name?" The man said: "I am Mei Yongzhen, a native of Henan. Let's talk first, why do you still call me benefactor?" I remember Based on what I said the day before yesterday, I respectfully bowed to him as a teacher."

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "It turns out that Elder Mei has always used a false name to show people, but his real name is Mei Yongzhen." He asked Lei Choutian and said, "Brother Lei, I have met with my respected teacher a few times before, and he is a man of integrity. , not like a person who is greedy for money, he asks you for money, could it be for the reason of Wuwei Palace?"

Lei Choutian sighed: "My brother is really very smart, he guessed right. At that time, Lei was separated from his master, so he fled to Huguang according to his words, and found a hidden place to practice martial arts diligently. He really felt that he had made great progress. After several days like this One month, my mentor suddenly found him one day, said that he had resigned from office and went back to seclusion, and asked me about my difficulties in practicing martial arts, and explained them one by one. He established a gang called Wuwei Palace, and he has already served as the guardian elder of the sect, and he wanted to drag me into it. At that time, Lei’s cottage was completely destroyed, and he was disheartened for a while, and he was afraid that he would be arrested by the imperial court. The most serious offender, fearing to bring trouble to his mentor, immediately refused politely, and the master did not force him. After more than a year, the master came to look for me several times, and each time he only said that Wuwei Education cost a lot of money and urgently needed money. So I asked me to ask for money. Recalling the grace of life, Lei tried his best to satisfy his wish, and gave him more than [-] taels of silver one after another, almost emptying his family; until later, Lei founded the Thunder Martial Hall , the master just stopped asking, and only agreed to compete with me every two years to check my martial arts progress. Afterwards, Wuwei Palace became famous in the martial arts and absorbed many small gangs and sects. The teacher often said with a smile There is also some credit for Lei. These are all things that happened before the little brother met the big brother, since the big brother entered the Thunder Mart, the gang has nothing to do with Wuwei Gongzao."

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