Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 279

Gu Tieshan asked in surprise: "My dear brother, who are these two old gentlemen, their kung fu is comparable to that of a respected master?" Lei Choutian said: "Brother does not know, these two are the first-class masters under King Ning. Master No wonder, as apprentices, to tell the truth, the martial arts of the two gentlemen, Fan Yu, is probably a bit stronger than yours." Mei Qian said: "Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, their kung fu is indeed better than mine. What is there to dare to admit? No wonder even Tongxian was planted in the palace back then, and this time he fought against the other party personally, tsk tsk, it really is unfathomable."

Lei Choutian sighed: "Even your old man is smashed into the sand. No matter how hard the disciple works hard, I'm afraid he will never be able to match him. I want to make people feel disheartened." Mei Qian cursed: "Most of your thoughts are on the saltpeter explosives How much time do you have to practice? If you brat can work a little harder, it won't be the situation you are in now." Lei Choutian said: "Where there is a teacher, there must be an apprentice. It all depends on the master's teaching."

Gu Tieshan was surprised and amused at the same time.Lei Choutian was usually taciturn and solemn in the Thunderbolt Hall, and he was most strict and not evil. Gu Tieshan never thought that this younger brother was actually an apprentice of Wuwei Palace Elder. He saw that his righteous brother did not seem to respect this master very much. Those who don't have the pretensions of senior teachers can't help but secretly marvel.

Mei Qian squinted his eyes and said, "This year, we two will compete in kung fu, but are we still in the same place?" Lei Choutian shook his head and said, "I am bold, and I would like to ask Master to teach me a few tricks on Junshan Island in Dongting Lake on July [-]th." " Mei Qian's face changed, and he said: "Who taught you to go there?" Lei Choutian said slowly: "I was entrusted by someone, this time I have to gamble with the master for a lottery, so I have to be there contest."

Mei Qian was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "That's fine, as a teacher, let's see how good you are this time." Turning to Jing Lanzhou, he said, "Jing Shaoxia, you will come together with me when the time comes. Are you here?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Miss Xian once invited me to visit your teaching ceremony, and I will definitely come to pay respects to senior."

Mei Qian caressed his beard and said: "It's so good. When we left Nanchang that day, did you ever visit Lin Yuetai?" Jing Lanzhou thanked: "Thanks to seniors, Master Su has accompanied Dr. Lin to Kaifeng to replace Luo. Senior Sister heals the wounds. If there is no elder to guide the way, this matter will definitely not be successful, and the whole Luo family is deeply virtuous."

Mei Qian nodded and said: "Since old brother Lin is here, most of the patients will be fine." He said to Gu Tieshan: "Master Gu, Mei has taken the liberty to disturb each other today and offended me to the extreme. I have important things to do right now, so I can't I will spend a lot of time here, and I will definitely prepare another ceremony in the future." Gu Tieshan said in amazement: "It is rare for the elder to get this, and he is about to have a drink and talk to comfort lovesickness, so why is he leaving?"

Mei Qian smiled and said: "The hall master saved the life of the tiger official back then, and he did not abandon the bad guy and naughty rascal, and persuaded him to return to the right way. Mei is very grateful. Your Excellency is a hero among people, but the old man is old and weak. Good guest, I just hope that there will be a time to repay you in the future." Said to Lei Choutian: "My good apprentice, I will meet you at Junshan on July [-]th as a teacher. You and I will do our best, and success or failure is up to God." Lei Choutian hangs down The first said: "The disciple respectfully sent the master off." Mei Qian laughed, turned around and strode out of the hall.

Gu Tieshan hesitated for a while, and asked: "My dear brother, my master's martial arts are light, nimble and nimble, and his methods seem to be quite different from yours. I don't know why?" Lei Choutian said: "My master's martial arts are all-encompassing. At that time, the strike was very fierce and sharp, and it was different from today." Gu Tieshan said: "I think the master's movement method seems to come from the Taihang School." Lei Choutian sighed: "My master is a A person of great background, when my younger brother was besieged by officers and soldiers in Shaanxi, it was my mentor who saved my life, and later took Lei as his apprentice and taught me superior martial arts."

Jing Lanzhou recalled that Master sent senior brother Wen Kui to rescue Tang Sai'er in the Rebel Army's stronghold, and pondered: "It seems that Elder Mei is very loyal to the world, and he does not hesitate to fight against the imperial court to help his fellow martial artists. He must be a brave man. Lei Choutian laughed and said, "That's right. To save me, Master is willing to risk his life and property. However, he is not a righteous man who sees injustices and draws his sword to help him. He is originally from the court. Come to wipe out the commander of Lei's cottage."

Gu Jing and the two were astonished when they heard the words. Gu Tieshan said: "My dear brother, you said that the respected master was in the imperial court? This... I can't see it at all." Lei Choutian said: "I heard that his family's original It's a noble family in Beijing, but his master's official career was not good, he was relegated for several incidents in his early years, and he was reduced to Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province as a thousand households."

Jing Lanzhou wondered: "Since Elder Mei is a member of the officialdom, why did he join the Wuwei Sect?" Lei Choutian said: "I don't know the outline of it, but Master has never been interested in being an official. Not long after I left Shaanxi, I heard that he resigned from his position as a thousand households and joined a side branch of the White Lotus Sect. At that time, Wuwei Palace was not as famous as it is today. No one could have imagined such a situation. I know that my elder brother never liked what Wuwei taught in Jianghu, so I have never mentioned my master, and I hope that my elder brother will not worry about it."

Gu Tieshan said with a smile: "My dear brother, you and I are close friends of gold and stone, what are these things, can I still not trust you? Although Wuwei Palace has a bad reputation in the martial arts, it has not done anything harmful to nature, 'Three Friends of Suihan' It is even rare for an expert in the world, I just didn't expect Elder Mei to be your master. But since he was ordered to arrest the younger brother, why did he disobey the constitutional order and instead help you out of trouble?" Lei Choutian Sighed: "It's a long story. Brother Jing is here today. We take care of each other with all our hearts. It's a life-threatening friendship. I will tell the whole story of the year and let the two know."


Lei Choutian said slowly: "At that time, Lei was king in Qingfeng Mountain at the junction of Fengxiang, Shaanxi and Hanzhong two prefectures. Relying on his ability to prepare gunpowder, he often set up roads in Heshangyuan, Jifengshan and Wuzhangyuan. Landmines, explosive traps, plundering escort caravans, and rarely missed. Later, one of my brothers didn’t listen carefully and robbed the court’s salary by mistake. The Shaanxi Dusi sent thousands of people to besiege the cottage. After all, he was outnumbered and his subordinates suffered heavy casualties. Seeing that something was wrong, Lei took a group of confidant brothers and escaped from the Huangling trail. He was about to go south to Hanzhong when he saw a man and a horse blocking the way at the intersection ahead. He is in his early forties, and his expression is very vigorous. I saw this man's official robes, and I knew that he was a thousand households of the imperial court. He drew his sword and went forward desperately, unexpectedly, the Qianhu sat on the horse's back and didn't move, just threw two small stones casually, and knocked them down to the ground.

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