Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 273 Secret Letter

Lei Choutian nodded, and continued: "Master Zhang's injury is almost healed, so he came with me to Wuchang to meet Brother Gu. Brother Gu was really happy to see him, and brother Liu Zhang lived here for a long time. Not long after my brother came here, Brother Zhao Yang also rushed to Jiangxia, saying that you have invited the miracle doctor Shi, and my elder brother and I finally felt a little more at ease. It's just that Master Zhang insisted that I return Kicking Xuewuzhi to Tongliao Racecourse, and the other two horses The lost horse was stolen by my niece in that life, and my elder brother and I have no choice but to owe him such a great favor." Jing Lanzhou sighed: "Tongliao Racecourse is full of heroic and upright men, big men value righteousness over wealth, You don't have to worry about it, big brother."

Jing Lanzhou also talked about meeting Shen Quan in Suzhou, and was about to arrest him when he saw him, but the other party escaped with a cloud of fire and smoke.Lei Choutian's complexion changed slightly, and he asked carefully about the situation that day, and frowned, "This is indeed the fire dragon formation and five-color sand of our gang, but there is no firearm business relationship between Pilitang and Qianxinzhai, I don't know where he bought these Things. I just think that this kid is hiding thieves in private and doing some shady things. I don’t want him to hook up with the Dharma king of Lingzang. This person is so powerful, I’m afraid there are some masters behind him.”

Jing Lanzhou sighed: "My younger brother thinks the same way." Then he talked about how he visited Lin Yuetai with the help of Su Fenglou, but learned about the apostasy of the "Three Friends of Suihan".Seeing that there was no one around, he leaned over his head and said in a low voice: "Mr. Su specially ordered my younger brother to go to Jiangxia to find elder brother, and said that elder brother can help Master Xian regain the position of leader." Lei Choutian's face darkened, and said: "Thunderbolt Hall I have no relationship with Wuwei Gongxiang, and I have never met this Su, so why should I listen to his orders?" Jing Lanzhou took out the letter Su Fenglou handed over to him and said, "Senior Su said that elder brother has finished reading this letter. I will know."

Without saying a word, Lei Choutian took it and opened the cover, his eyes slowly scanned the letter.Although Jing Lanzhou couldn't see the words in the letter at the opposite seat, he could faintly see a few lines of ink on the letter paper through the back of the paper, but for some reason Lei Choutian read it for half a cup of tea, but he still couldn't see any ink marks on his face expression.After a while, the latter sighed softly, slowly closed his hands, crumpled the letter into a ball in his palm, got up and walked towards the window, spread his palms apart, and the letter turned into thousands of pieces , One after another, they were blown away by the river wind.

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he saw this, and asked, "Brother Lei, what did you say in this letter?" Lei Choutian said in a deep voice, "Brother Jing, we two hit it off right away, it's important to know each other, so don't ask me about it." What did you write, after the Wuweijiao July [-] Zhongyuan Dharma meeting, Lei will definitely be there to help you." Jing Lanzhou knew how illegal he was when he rode through the green forest in his early years, so he didn't want to talk about it The content, and took action to destroy the letter, most likely because Su Fenglou used some ulterior motives in the letter to coerce him, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Lei Choutian said slowly: "I don't know where Palace Master Xian is right now?" Jing Lanzhou said: "It's also in Wuchang City. Miss Xian heard that Taoist Master Huang He and the others are here as guests, so she didn't dare to show up easily." Lei Chou Tian nodded, and sighed: "Lei has a notoriety in the rivers and lakes for a long time. Why hasn't Longtan Tiger Cave, Sword Sea and Knife Mountain been broken through? It's not a big deal for me to fight Wuwei Palace. It's just that Brother Gu You don’t need to let him know about this, a well-known humble gentleman in the martial arts, so as not to drag down the big brother’s reputation.” Jing Lanzhou hurriedly said: “Brother Lei is serious. Miss Xian’s character is actually not bad, Wuwei is under her leadership Under the circumstances, it may not be impossible to make new mistakes, but if it falls into the hands of treacherous villains, it will definitely be a disaster for martial arts."

Lei Choutian nodded, and told the left and right: "Brother Jing and I have some things to do, and we will go back to the main hall later, and you all take care of this place." He said to Jing Lanzhou, "Brother Jing, what are you doing now?" Take me to see Palace Master Xian." The two hurried to the inn, but there was no sign of Xian Qingrang in the room.When Jing Lanzhou asked the clerk, he said that since the two of them went to the martyrdom earlier, they had not seen Xian Qing let him go back to his room, and he couldn't help but secretly anxious: "Could it be that we ran into an enemy?"

Lei Choutian wondered: "Could it be that Master Xian doesn't want to see me?" Jing Lanzhou said: "Senior Su specifically asked me two to come to my elder brother for help. Miss Xian has no reason to avoid seeing me." Lei Choutian said: " I heard from Yushu that the martial arts of this Palace Master Xian is not inferior to the two of you, so if you think about it, you don’t have to worry about it.” Jing Lanzhou shook his head and said: “Although Miss Xian’s martial arts is high, her opponents are not easy to deal with. Seniors, it would be a big disaster if it was actually Sanyou who came looking for us."

Lei Choutian pondered and said: "If it is true that the 'Three Friends of Suihan' have arrived in Wuchang, the gang should have heard the news, and you don't have to worry too much. Shen Quan has been entangled with you all the way, he will chase you to Huguang Is it?" Jing Lanzhou hesitated and said: "Shen Quan is determined to seize the secret book from Dr. Lin, so he should not follow the two of us. But this person is unpredictable, and my younger brother can't guess his thoughts."

Lei Choutian nodded and said: "My brother, don't worry, although the elder brother is not a great person, but on the ground of Wuchang Mansion, no matter how treacherous that guy Shen Quan is, if he is punished one by one, there will be no return. We Let's go back to the main hall first, Brother Yu will send some people out to inquire about the news of Palace Master Xian." Jing Lanzhou sighed: "If that's the case, I'll be in trouble."


As soon as the two of them left the inn, a subordinate of Thunder Martial Hall rushed to meet him, and said to Lei Choutian, "Master Lei, it's terrible! Last time, Commander Wang of Jin Yiwei came to the door again, and there were several people who came with him. My lord, you should hurry back and have a look."

Jing Lanzhou's face changed, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that Jin Yiwei and his group left Jiangxi and came here again?" After asking the man in detail, it was indeed Sanying and Jiansheng who arrived together.Jing Lanzhou said: "Brother Lei, since I said goodbye to you in Nanjing, I have made some troubles with these people. I'm afraid they are here to find Jing."

Lei Choutian waved his hand and said: "Wang Lin, this boy visited our house two months ago to buy a batch of thunderbolt bombs from our gang, but he was pushed back by Brother Gu. This time it was probably because of this matter, brother, don't panic; just Even Ma Shun is here this time, so things are a bit tricky. But no matter how arrogant Mitaka is, I dare not make trouble in the martyrdom, let's go back and see the situation first." Jing Lanzhou hesitated: "Little brother Let's avoid it for the time being, so as not to embarrass elder brother and Senior Brother Gu." Lei Choutian sneered and said, "No matter how high-ranking this guy Ma Shun is, he is still a half-man in the martial arts world, and he has to follow the rules of the world. Putting on the official prestige, he had no choice but to humiliate himself."

Seeing what he said, Jing Lanzhou had no choice but to go back to the main hall with Lei Choutian.The two entered the gate and passed through a courtyard, and then came to the main hall of Thunderbolt Hall.I saw that the hall was very spacious, enough to accommodate 200 people. The floor was covered with large pieces of water-milled square bricks, and a large Chinese character "Forbearance" was hung in the middle of the north wall. In front of the large characters, there were two red sandalwood chairs facing south. A row of more than a dozen seats was set up, and the light in the hall was very dim, making the atmosphere extremely deep and solemn.The hall master Gu Tieshan sat proudly in the grand teacher's chair on the left, the three brothers Huang He sat on the west side, and the "Three Eagles in Brocade" Tong Jiansheng monk sat on the east side.

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