Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 272

Jing Lanzhou was shocked when he heard the words, and said to himself: "The old monk's plain clothes and wooden clogs do seem to come from Japan, why didn't I think of it? Could it be that he is really the Japanese monk that Master met in Songjiang Mansion back then?" Thinking of Shao Yantang waiting for a while All the Jiangnan masters never mentioned the matter of being defeated by the Japanese samurai back then. It seems that the defense against the barbarians and Xia in the martial arts is still extremely strict. If you overwhelm one end, you may not feel much about it, but if you lose to a foreign barbarian, you will think it is a great shame and a matter of life and death.

The second hall master Gu Lei was shocked when he heard the words, and asked: "Is there such a thing?" Gu Tieshan was silent for a moment, then sighed: "If it is true, this matter cannot be discussed lightly. I am a great country in China, How can a hero give in to the Japanese thief's sword when he throws his whip and cuts off his flow?"

Yun Yan nodded and said: "What the hall master said is very true, and we are just thinking in general. Thinking about how famous Master Yan is in the Jianghu, who would have thought that if he was careless, he would lose his life. This death method will teach the Diancang faction how to hold its head up in the arena in the future? I am not afraid that the two hall masters will laugh at me. My senior brother is visiting your gang this time to buy a batch of firearms from the two hall masters. It’s fine if this old monk doesn’t come to Wudang to provoke, if he really comes to challenge, even if our sect loses in martial arts, at least we will leave the life of this Japanese thief on Wudang Mountain, so as to prevent our fellow martial artists from being harmed again.”

Jing Lanzhou was secretly startled when he heard the words, and thought: "The old monk's murder of Yan Ji's head is indeed against common sense; but once his Japanese identity is spread, he immediately becomes a public enemy of the Central Plains martial arts, even one of the most famous families like Wudang. Da faction actually thought of using firearms against the enemy, it's unbelievable." In his heart, he faintly felt that this move seemed inappropriate.

Lei Choutian said indifferently: "What's so difficult about this? No matter how high this monk's martial arts are, can he beat the firecrackers and fireballs? I just don't know where this man is hiding right now, otherwise Lei would take a few thunderbolts and go there himself. The discipline has taken care of him, and it will save the three priests from worrying so much."

Huang He sighed: "Thunderbolt Hall is famous for its excellent firearms. The two hall masters never use this to bully their fellow martial artists. The poor Taoists have always admired them very much. We martial arts students are upright, and we would fight with real swords and guns. If it weren't for defending us The reputation of martial arts in the Central Plains, my brothers and sisters will not have this idea. Or if all the disciples of Wudang sect rush forward, although they can defeat the Japanese monk, they will inevitably fall into the excuse of bullying the few with more. After thinking about it, I can only come to ask the two hall masters. If the Japanese monk doesn't make trouble anymore, that's all. If not, someone must come forward to eliminate this serious trouble for Wulin. , it is my duty to do so.”

Lei Choutian thought to himself: "You old Taoist Yellow Crane, you see that the Wudang faction is declining in recent years, so you want to use my firearms from the Thunderbolt Hall to kill the Japanese master, so as to revive the prestige of the sect. You use my fire bombs to explode Killing that monk, how much better is it than swarming up and relying on the crowd to win? It's not the same as being looked down upon by others. It's just that if the Wudang faction can wipe out this evil for the Wulin, others will have to praise you for being a chivalrous hero, so it's inconvenient to worry about it These details, when Wudang will gain momentum, it will inevitably overwhelm Shaolin and the beggar gang, and the wishful thinking will be played very well!"

Gu Tieshan said with a smile: "The Taoist priest is really thoughtful, don't worry, the three of you, this matter is on someone Gu." Turning to the subordinates beside him, he said: "Later, you will go to the warehouse to get a few Shenhuo guns, and then take a few packs. Give the lead bullets and gunpowder to the three priests." Then he said to Huang He: "Later, brother Lei will explain to the three in detail the method of loading and using this firecracker. He is a big expert in this kind of thing. The Lord is just making up for the number." The three Taoists were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they got up to thank each other.

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "It is not known whether the old monk is Japanese or not. It would be hasty for the Wudang sect to prepare such a powerful killing move in advance." Dead Yan Ji was too cruel, but he never thought about the distinction between Japanese and Han; in his mind, the old monk was a Han, and he was a divine figure. Not much difference.

After a few more rounds of drinking, Gu Tieshan proposed to accompany San Dao to a beautiful place by the river, and asked Jing Lanzhou, "Why don't you come with me?" Lei Choutian said to Huang He The others didn't like it very much, so they declined and said: "Brother, you go with the three priests first, and I will drink two more glasses with brother Jing, and ask about Qing Zhi's recent situation." Then go back to the main hall and see you." Immediately got up and escorted San Dao downstairs.

When Jing Lanzhou saw Yunyan walking by him, something suddenly occurred to his mind, and he asked, "Dare to ask, sir, does senior have a disciple named Zhu Yi?" This name." Turning around, he asked Huang He, "Among the monk disciples of this sect, is there anyone with this common name?" Huang He said, "There is no one named Zhu among our sect disciples. I don't know why the young man asked?"

Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "It's nothing, maybe the younger generation made a mistake and disturbed the two Taoist priests." He said in his heart: "Zhu Yi said that Taoist Yunyan was his enlightenment teacher, and he really talked about it." Say goodbye to Lei Choutian Three ways, return to your seat.The two of them are people who have surpassed the rivers and seas, and they passed the cup to Huang He and others during the dinner just now, they thought it was not enough for their enjoyment, now they ordered the servants to change the Shanghai bowl, half of the wine was drunk in an instant, and they couldn't feel it. .

Lei Choutian laughed loudly, wiped his mouth and said: "Wonderful! Brother Jing, you were in a hurry to seek medical treatment for Miss Luo Er in Nanjing that day, and Lei couldn't force you to drink with me. Get drunk!" Jing Lanzhou laughed and said, "It's rare to have this opportunity to drink and sing with Brother Lei, why don't you give up your life to accompany the gentleman?" Lei Choutian said, "Have fun! Just now I saw my brother's expression at the table, so I knew you were not good. I would like to see the three Wudang masters be generous with the generosity of others, and use my treasure from the Thunderbolt Hall as a hero. Hehe, the Wudang faction is so famous, so it’s nothing more than that.” Jing Lanzhou was startled, and secretly said: “So my heart Thoughtful, it showed on his face unconsciously, I just hope Taoist Huang He and the others didn't see it." He laughed and said, "Of course I can't hide my thoughts from my elder brother."

The two chatted about the past since Yingtian parted, and Lei Choutian said: "That day you left Nanjing and went to Jiangxi. I was afraid that Shen Quan would come to trouble Brother Zhang again, so I stayed in Yingtian together and waited for him to recover from his injury. Let's go. Brother Zhang heard that Shi Hepu was a disciple of King Ning, and he said that this matter would not be so easy, so he sent his brothers Zhao Yang to Nanchang to help intercede." Jing Lanzhou nodded and said: "We did meet Zhao in Jiangxi Big Brother. It’s rare for Hall Master Zhang to be so loyal, I’m so grateful.”

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