Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 229 Lin Yuetai

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The old man said tremblingly: "You... who are you? Where did this wat board come from?" Su Fenglou said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, this thing was handed over to me by Mei Shuming. Your old friend Shuming is not sick or in pain, and is living a wonderful life!"

Jing Lanzhou softly asked Xian Qingrang: "Is Mei Shuming the elder Mei of your sect?" Xian Qingrang nodded and said, "That's right, Shuming is the name of Elder Mei." Jing Lanzhou said "Oh" and said in his heart: " It seems that this old man is undoubtedly Lin Yuetai. It turns out that he doesn't recognize Lord Su, which is strange."

The old man hesitated for a moment, and said: "This is not a place to talk, please move into the room and talk about it." Everyone followed him in, and saw a huge meditation room, but there was only a bed and a table, and the rest was empty. Nothing else, not even a chair.

As soon as the old man closed the door, Luo Yushu took a step forward, kowtowed to him and said, "Excuse me, is the old man Meishan Yiyin Gaotu Lin, old senior?" The old man hesitated a little, and said: "This old man is Lin Yuetai. You and I have never met Little brother, why do you do this great gift?" Luo Yushu said: "The junior Luo Yushu, his family ancestor is Duke Luo of the Hejian Prefecture, who worked in the Honglu Temple in the palace in his early years." Lin Yuetai said "ah" and said, "You... ...Are you a descendant of Luo Shaoqing? Young hero please hurry up, how dare this old man be like this?"

Luo Yushu still fell on the ground and said: "This junior waits for a visit late at night, disturbing senior's clear dreams for no reason, it is really abrupt. However, this junior has a life-and-death problem, and the only person in the world who can solve it is the senior. I have to take the liberty to ask for a visit. I hope that the senior will uphold the benevolence of a doctor. Save my sister's life!" As soon as Luo Jia said the reasons for the injury to the congenital palm, his voice was choked with sobs.Lin Yuetai was silent for a long time after hearing what had happened, and asked slowly: "It was Junior Brother Guan who asked the young man to come here to find me? How does he know that I am in Suzhou?"

Su Fenglou interrupted and said: "Guan Motong doesn't know where your Excellency is. Your apprentice Shi Hepu told you about this matter. It's just that Gaotu is now in the hands of Elder Guan. I'm afraid it won't be long before Master Zun will come to the door sooner or later." Hearing that, Lin Yuetai's expression changed drastically, and he said, "He Pu is now in the hands of Junior Brother Guan? Then...then why is he still alive? Didn't he already hide in Prince Ning's Mansion?"

Luo Yushu said: "It was the younger generation who went to the palace to invite Doctor Shi, but failed to fulfill their duty of guarding, causing Doctor Shi to fall into the enemy's hands. The younger generation knows that they are ashamed of the old senior as a teacher and apprentice, as long as the senior agrees to help her sister , this junior is willing to pay for the life of Doctor Shi." Jing Lanzhou said in shock, "Brother Luo, this is absolutely impossible!" Gu Qingzhi's eyes turned red, and she said, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Su Fenglou said: "Young Xia Luo, you don't have to talk about life and death lightly. Guan Motong wanted to inquire about Dr. Lin on Shi Hepu, how could he hurt his life? It's just that some suffering is inevitable." Lin Yuetai trembled slightly, and said: "My junior brother is ruthless. Two years ago, He Pu lost half of his life in his hands. I don't know how to torture him this time." After pondering for a long time, he stretched out his hand to help Luo Yushu up and said, "Young hero, don't worry. How polite, even if there is an accident with Pu Guo, it is due to his fate, and this matter cannot be blamed on Shaoxia. Lin received great kindness from Mr. Lingzu in the past. Since Luo Daxia's granddaughter is in trouble, how can I not help him? My sister has been injured for more than a month, and it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be. Let's leave as soon as possible." From under the bed, he took out a golden nanmu medicine box.

Su Fenglou said with a smile: "Brother Lin, the second miss of the Luo family is in Kaifeng now, and it's not a day or two to go there, why rush? Right now, there is something more important than seeing a doctor." Lin Yuetai took him a look , Said: "Your Majesty has always refused to tell me his name. I don't know why Brother Mei will pay you with a wat board. Please come to me?" Su Fenglou smiled and said: "Mei Shuming misses the old love, knowing that you may In the face of disaster, I did not hesitate to invite me out of the mountain to help my brother retreat from the powerful enemy. I am the owner of Luoxinglou in Qixia Mountain."

Lin Yuetai pondered and said: "Your majesty is extraordinary, I am so ashamed that I have never heard of high names. My junior brother is quite well-known in the martial arts. He is a famous figure in the martial arts. Ordinary people are by no means opponents. You are loyal and loyal. , the old man is very grateful, but there is no need to sacrifice his life for this." Su Fenglou laughed and said: "Elder Mei has far-reaching plans, how could he just find someone to protect you? Thank you, Brother Lin, for your concern. It's just that you hold respect The "Yao Ding Yi Pian" handed down by the master has already spread, and now it is not the younger brother Zun who is looking for the old man; as long as you follow Su's arrangement in everything, I guarantee that there will be no mistakes."

Lin Yuetai's complexion changed, and he said, "How do you know "The Last Chapter of the Medicine Cauldron"?" Jing Lanzhou hurriedly said: "Old man, please don't be overly concerned, this is also what the genius doctor Shi said that day." Lin Yuetai glanced at him, and said "May I ask what the name of this little brother is?" Luo Yushu said: "It's strange that the younger generation was in a hurry and forgot to introduce the old man. This Jing Lan Zhou Jing Shaoxia is Mr. Si Guo's closed disciple; this Miss Gu She is the daughter of Jiang Xia Thunder Hall Master Gu, and also the grandniece of Mr. Si Guo."

Lin Yuetai was slightly startled, and said: "I don't want to be a martial arts successor, and we are gathered here today. No wonder Hepu Ta has no reservations, and even told everyone about the posthumous chapter." His gaze followed Jing and Gu to Xian Qingrang , his complexion suddenly changed, he pointed at her and said, " are..."

Xian Qing thought to himself: "We have never met before, why is Dr. Lin so surprised to see me?" Immediately smiled slightly, and said: "Today I am honored to meet Senior Lin, you and I don't speak dark words, little girl Xian Qingrang, I was originally the Lord of Wuwei Palace, and my respected junior brother Guan Motong is also my subordinate. It’s just that my dear friend Mei Qian joined forces with the traitors of our sect to abolish me as the Palace Lord. Now I have become a lonely family and have no choice but to follow the two young masters. Xia, please keep me safe for the time being. However, I promised Mr. Jing to help him heal Miss Luo’s injury, so it’s only fitting that I come here with him to pray for senior.”

Lin Yuetai trembled slightly, and said: " are the leader of Wuwei Sect? Who are you, Tang Sai'er?" Xian Qing asked: "Old Palace Master Tang is the godmother of the little girl, and raised me single-handedly since childhood. I heard that the senior is the uncle of the godmother and her old man, so we are considered a family." Lin Yuetai was furious when he heard this, and said with eyes gnashing his teeth, "Bah! Who is a family with you little demon girl! If it wasn't for Tang Sai This stinky bitch, my brother who doesn't live up to expectations won't ruin his family, could he die with hatred?"

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