Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 228

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The four of them were overjoyed when they heard the words, and immediately followed Su Fenglou out of the city gate, each performed their lightness kung fu and ran quickly, and arrived at the Taihu Ferry in Mudu Town, southwest of Suzhou, before dark. In the distance, the water and the sky are the same color, and you can see the stretches of the islands and Zhuzhu, a magnificent scene of mountains and rivers.

When everyone saw that the ferry was full of boats of various sizes, Su Fenglou led the four of them to a small boat with a black awning at the corner, knocked on the side of the boat and said, "Qi Lao Liu, the distinguished guest has arrived, and we are still waiting to welcome you!" A middle-aged boatman came out and said: "Mr. Su, I have been waiting here for a long time, everyone, please get on the boat."

The five people went into the front cabin and sat down, and saw that although the cabin was small, it was neatly furnished, the utensils were elegant, and the red lacquered square table was complete with food and drink.Qi Laoliu untied the stern cable, swayed the oar lightly, only heard a rush of water, the boat deflected the side of the boat, and wobbled towards the center of the lake.

Jing Lanzhou said: "Senior Su, Taihu Lake is vast and vast, with the most islands and peaks. I don't know where Senior Lin lives in seclusion?" Su Fenglou said with a smile: "Although Taihu Lake is mountainous, Lin Yuetai is here to avoid enmity. If he Hiding on Shazhu, a small island as big as a palm, if the enemy really found it, wouldn't there be no place to escape?" The four were startled when they heard the words, and they all felt that the words made sense.

Su Fenglou went on to say: "Lin Yuetai has spent his whole life studying medical science for pleasure. He has to collect all kinds of herbs and trees on weekdays. How many herbs can be harvested when he hides on the bare rocky island? He must live on a big island with lush flowers and leaves. Among the big mountains. There are no big islands in Taihu Lake beyond the East and West Mountains of Dongting and Maji Mountain in the north. I heard that he lived under the misty peak of West Dongting Mountain. Hehe, the West Mountain is picturesque and rich in fruit and tea. The boy escaped here, and his life is happy!"

Jing Lanzhou wondered: "Even Lin Yuetai's only apprentice, Miracle Doctor Shi, doesn't know where his master is hiding, and where did the seniors find out?" Su Fenglou chuckled, stroked his beard and said, "If I don't even have this ability No, how could Cousin Mei ask you to come and find me?" Xian Qingrang's expression darkened when he heard Mei Qian mentioned.Gu Luo and the two were secretly curious: "Why is Mr. Su called Elder Mei's cousin?"

Jing Lanzhou thought to himself: "Lord Su knows very well about Wuwei Palace, Miss Xian can ask him for help in this matter." Then he told him about Sui Han's three friends setting up a new master in Jiangxi, and said: "That day I met with senior In Nanchang for a while, the master knew all about Miss Xian's teachings, presumably he must be an old friend of the old Palace Master Tang, and I hope that the senior will help Miss Xian overcome this difficult time in the presence of the old Palace Master."

Su Fenglou was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then murmured to himself: "Uncle Mei did this, why?" Repeatedly repeating it several times, he suddenly asked Jing Lanzhou: "You are Mr. Si Guo's apprentice, why do you want to To intervene in the battle for the position of teaching Wuwei? If Master knew about this, would he be happy in his heart?"

Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard the words, and said: "My teacher once had a relationship with Miss Xian, and he praised her martial arts and character. She didn't hold any prejudice because of her being in Wuwei Sect. What's more, my teacher used to be with Miss Xian. The old Palace Master Tang also has a certain relationship, this junior helping Miss Xian regain the position of Palace Master is not an act against the morals of the world, he should not be held accountable."

Su Fenglou smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, although this matter does not violate the morality of the world, it is not an act of curbing evil and promoting good. As a disciple of the villa, you are willing to be involved in such a disturbance, and you really have deep feelings for others." Heavy." Hearing this, Xian Jing and his two blushed, their expressions were very embarrassing.Jing Lanzhou said: "Senior was joking. Miss Xian has helped me several times, and this junior's action is just reciprocation." Su Fenglou smiled and stopped talking.

At this time, the boat had already sailed far away from the shore of the lake, and a round of bright moon slowly hung in the sky, shining on the lake surface shimmering and smoky, and the night was dipping into a dark blue.A few people got out of the cabin and looked, and saw that the dark mountain ridges in the distance were connected together, and there was a big island standing in the lake, and the surrounding fields were vast, with a radius of tens of miles.Su Fenglou pointed to the distance and said with a smile: "This is the West Mountain of Dongting. First of all, it is named because of its perennial clouds and rosy clouds, like a misty fairyland. There is a Shuiyue Temple under Misty Peak, which was an ancient temple in the time of Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasty. Live in this Shuiyue Temple." Jing Lanzhou thought in his heart: "The east and west mountains of Taihu Lake are densely populated, not much different from ordinary cities and towns, I don't think Lin Yuetai actually lives here, he is really hiding in the city."

The boat swayed for more than half an hour, went around from the north of Xishan, and landed at the northwest corner at the beginning of the Hai Dynasty.When everyone got off the boat, Su Fenglou threw a big silver ingot to the boatman, and said with a smile, "Thank you!" Qi Laoliu thanked him a thousand times, and turned around with the oar.At this time, the moonlight is shining down gently, although the night is dark, you can still vaguely see the deep valleys on the island, and the scenery is very beautiful.Su Fenglou looked south and pointed: "The Misty Peak is not far from here, let's go right away!"

Luo Yushu saw that everyone was looking for more than a month to extend the medical treatment for his cousin, and seeing that he was about to succeed, he couldn't help being excited, and ran southwards with Su Fenglou, and after a while, he came to a mountain dock, where he saw a tree emerging from the bushes. One corner of the yellow wall and black tiles is a temple.Everyone followed Su Fenglou over the gate of the temple, bypassed the Guanyin Hall and the Daxiong Hall, and came to a row of meditation rooms to the west. Su Fenglou went straight to the seventh room on the left and knocked on the door lightly.The four were very surprised, and they all thought: "He is so familiar with the Zen room where Lin Yuetai lives. Could it be that he has been here before?"

After a while, the room was silent and there was no sound.Su Fenglou frowned slightly, and was about to raise his hand to knock on the door again, when he heard a soft "whoosh", and a dark dart flew out of the wooden door lattice.Su Fenglou lightly clamped the concealed weapon with the middle and middle fingers of his right hand, and said in a deep voice: "Old Lin, although I have come here uninvited and offended you, but we are friends rather than enemies, you will know when you see this thing .” He took out something from his bosom, and threw it into the room through the grated paper on the door.

After a while, the door suddenly opened, and an old man in black came out from the inside.I saw that he was over seventy years old, he was skinny, his face was full of wrinkles, his beard and hair were more or less black and white, his expression was very surprised, holding a long and thin object in his hand, he asked Su Fenglou: "What is your Excellency?" Man, why is there such a thing?"

Everyone raised their eyes and saw that the old man's hand was the ivory wat board that Meiqian Henan handed over to Luo Yushu that day, and then Jing Lanzhou gave it to Luoxing Louzhu, only Xian Qingrang had never seen it.Su Fenglou smiled and said: "After so many years, it's hard for you to recognize them at a glance, and your memory is really not bad."

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