Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 207 Iron Swallow Silver Spear

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Xian Qing asked Wen Yan to ponder for a while, then smiled and said: "Today I have to listen to the teachings of the seniors. The little girl really opened her eyes. She realized that she was just watching the sky from a well. It's just the martial arts principles that the seniors said. The juniors will practice for decades. I may not be able to understand it, but I am afraid that your old man has wasted all his painstaking efforts to play the piano with cows."

Gu Dongguan shook his head and said: "The old man just said these principles, I have never taught even Lan Zhou, but the palace master must not know. If the palace master has something unclear, if you meet the respected teacher in the future, you may wish to ask him for advice." Suddenly he turned to Xian Qingrang and said: "Lan Zhou, have you packed everything?" Xian Qingrang turned her head to look, it turned out that she was so absorbed in listening just now that she didn't even notice when Jing Lanzhou came nearby.

Jing Lanzhou said: "Master, this disciple has finished dressing up. I feel very sorry for not being able to serve you for a longer time in the villa this trip." Gu Dongguan waved his hand and said, "Your trip is to save people. What are you talking about? Shentang and I are relieved to see that you are safe and sound. Go to Suzhou quickly." Immediately after Xian Jing and the two had breakfast in the village, Jing Lanzhou bid farewell to Gu Dongguan with tears The father and son, together with Xian Qingrang, continued to look east.


The two went northeast from Jixi to Ningguo Mansion, and on the third day they reached the boundary of Huzhou in Zhejiang Province.Passing through Fucheng at noon that day, Jing Lanzhou gave way to Xian Qing: "Miss Xian, right next to this is Taihu Lake, which is where the name 'Huzhou' comes from. Let's drive along the shore of the lake and walk a few dozen li It is the territory of Suzhou Prefecture, so we should be able to catch up with the agreement with Senior Su."

The two of them rode their horses to the lakeside in the north of the city, Xian Qing let him see the scenery of Taihu Lake, it was different from other places, it was full of lotus leaves and lotus flowers, reflecting the whole lake is green and bright red.There are countless small boats and light boats in the lotus bushes, most of them are fisherman girls in blue cloth clothes with broken flowers, picking lotus seeds and tender water chestnuts in the lake.Jing Lanzhou smiled and said, "Miss Xian, although you are from Cantonese, your figure and appearance look like us Jiangnan local girls."

Xian Qing blushed, and spat: "You're talking nonsense again, what do Jiangnan girls look like?" Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard that, and said with a smile: "I can't say that, it's just that they have a softer temper." Xian Qingrang smiled and said, "Do you think I am gentle?" Jing Lanzhou thought for a while and said, "Sometimes the girl is indeed a majestic and unapproachable Palace Master of Wuwei, but sometimes she is just like an amiable and ordinary woman." Xian Qing asked Yanran He smiled and said, "Then which look do you like more about me?"

Jing Lanzhou felt her heart beating faster, and said with a smile: "Young lady, you just want to do things according to your will, why do you need others to talk to you?" Xian Qing let him smile when he heard this, and didn't speak, just bowed his head and pressed his bridle and walked slowly.At this moment, the lake breeze blew gently, and slightly blew a few black hairs from her temples, sticking them on her jade-like cheeks, Jing Lanzhou felt the sun was dazzling, and she was a little dazed, completely forgetting about the other party He is the master of the number one evil sect in the martial arts.He walked with Xian Qingrang for more than ten days, knowing that the other party had a heart of admiration for him, he strictly observed etiquette all the time during the journey, and he did not dare to do anything wrong; but the two laughed and talked all the way, and they had a warm affection for each other, this is a young man Human nature is like this, since ancient times.At this moment, the peach blossoms are flowing, the grass is smoky and the wind is warm, Jing Lanzhou is intoxicated, suddenly thinking of Master's teachings, he feels a chill in his heart, he hastily restrained his thoughts, and pointed forward: "Miss Xian, not far ahead is the Zhenze Town, let's rest in the town for one night, and we can go to Suzhou tomorrow." Xian Qingrang nodded slowly.

The two of them walked along the lake to enjoy the scenery of the Jiangnan water town, and after traveling for tens of miles, they suddenly saw two horsemen galloping towards them. Immediately, the two men were both dressed in black and strong clothes. The first one saw Jing Lanzhou, and cupped his hands and said: " Excuse me, may I ask if this person is Jing Shaoxia of Casting Wrong Villa?" Jing Lanzhou was startled when he heard this, and replied: "It's just Jing Lanzhou, what do you two have to teach me?"

The two people showed joy, got off their horses and worshiped: "The two of us are servants of the Shao family in Songjiang, and we are here to welcome the young hero by the order of the master. My master has already set up a banquet at the Guangji Temple in Zhenze Town ahead. Waiting for the young hero." One of them looked at Xian Qingrang, hesitantly said: "I don't know if this girl is..."

Jing Lanzhou said: "This is my next friend from Jianghu, who came with me on this trip. I don't know how Shao Daxia met Jing?" The man said: "Hejian Mansion Luo Shaoxia and Wuchang Master Gu's Qianjin visited our mansion a few days ago and talked about it. Knowing the purpose of this trip, my master has arranged for people to search for Dr. Lin. Luo Shaoxia told my master that the young hero will arrive soon, and the master ordered me to wait here to meet him."

Jing Lanzhou said happily: "Brother Luo and the others have already arrived! I have never met Shao Daxia before, but I have to work hard for you all. Why should I do it?" My master has long admired the honored guest who did not come, and it is a great joy to meet you now. You are welcome, young hero, please come with us." At that moment, the second cavalry opened the way, leading the two of them, Xian Jing. After a long time, the sun came to Zhenze Town before sunset.

Zhenze Town is not far from Wujiang County, Suzhou. The Guangji Temple in the town is an ancient temple in the Song Dynasty.Jing Lanzhou saw two people standing outside the gate of the temple from a distance. One was wearing a sapphire blue straight gown. He was about 50 years old. He was majestic and majestic. She is a middle-aged woman with a cloud-shoulder jacket and skirt, with a very simple and elegant appearance. She stands side by side with Shao Yantang. She is naturally the wife of "Tieyan Silver Spear" and a famous chivalrous girl Sang Muhua of the Emei School.

Shao Yantang saw Jing Lanzhou approaching at a glance, smiled and went forward, cupped his fists and said: "Brother Jing, ever since I heard about your name, Shao has never wished to meet, today finally fulfilled my wish !" Jing Lanzhou dismounted from his horse and bowed his hands: "Old Shao is famous as a hero. The younger generation lives together in Nanzhi, but they have always neglected to ask questions. Now I want the senior to bow down and greet me personally. How can I feel at ease?" Shao Yantang stepped forward and held He said with his hands: "You and I don't need to say these polite words. You are Senior Gu's apprentice, and we don't need any seniors or juniors. If you don't give up, you can just call me Big Brother." His expression was extremely affectionate.

Jing Lanzhou said: "How do you do this?" Shao Yantang waved his hand and said, "Your friend, you don't have to stick to conventions, it's just agreed. I don't know what to call this friend?" Jing Lanzhou said: "This Xian The girl is a good friend of mine, and we are here to help you find Senior Lin." Shao Yantang said with a smile: "Sure enough, she looks good. I'm here to introduce you two, this one is Zhuo Jing, who is called 'Jade Guanyin' in the world. yes."

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