Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 206

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While she was dazed in a daze, Gu Dongguan had finished practicing a set of Taizu Changquan, turned his hands over and said: "I'm showing my ugliness, I don't know if Palace Master Yu can give me some advice on this boxing technique?" Xian Qingrang was slightly startled, Turning around, he said: "The younger generation just remembered something, and felt distracted, please forgive me, senior." Gu Dongguan said: "Oh? I don't know what the palace master is thinking?"

Xian Qingrang hesitated for a moment, and said: "The younger generation just remembered the teachings of my master, which seems to coincide with the set of boxing techniques practiced by the senior." Gu Dongguan stroked his beard and said, "Could it be that the respected master is the old man who is proficient in all kinds of martial arts Are you a master?" Xian Qing asked: "Exactly, but I promise Master that I will never reveal anything about him to outsiders, and I hope the old man will forgive me." Gu Dongguan nodded and said: "If you make a promise, what's wrong with that? Even if the palace master is willing to talk about respecting the master with the old man, I am afraid that he may not be able to say anything." Xian Qing was at a loss when he heard the words, and secretly said: "That's right, the master never talked about anything other than teaching me martial arts. Know nothing."

Seeing that her expression was different, Gu Dongguan changed the topic and said: "How does my boxing fit with the teacher's instruction, the palace master may wish to try it out." Xian Qingrang pondered: "Master once asked me if I could not use my full strength when I made a move. With internal strength, even if it hits a child without hurting it, I think it is impossible. But I just saw the senior practicing boxing, and the moves did not slow down. How can I not arouse the slightest rumor? I don’t know if the senior just sent boxing With me, will this junior get hurt?"

Gu Dongguan nodded and said: "Master, if you ask this question, it can be seen that it is indeed the vision of a great master of martial arts. When the old man tried out this Taizu Changquan just now, the true energy of the meridians in his whole body was retrograde, and it was the same as the strike. The fist winds cancel each other out, so there is no sound in the move, and it is just like a breeze blowing against a person, completely harmless." Xian Qing was shocked when he heard the words, and said: "The retrograde flow of true energy is a sign of becoming obsessed with qigong. It often makes people die in the blink of an eye, which is really a life and death taboo, can you do it?"

Gu Dongguan said with a smile: "Going forward and going backward is just a method of practicing kung fu. If you dare to ask the palace master, if two people compete with each other for internal kung fu, what are they competing for?" Xian Qingrang said in a daze: "Since it is a competition of internal kung fu, It depends on whether your internal strength is higher or lower. If your internal strength is far inferior to others, hitting the opponent with ten punches is like scratching an itch, but if someone hits you once, you will not be able to stand it. Naturally, there will be defeat but no victory." Gu Dongguan said: "Yes, if you want to overwhelm the opponent with internal force, you must pour out all your strength, and you can win when you confront him tit for tat. But when I am facing an enemy, my true energy is reversed and my internal force is reversed. What does the Palace Master think?"

Xian Qingrang shook his head and said: "Since the younger generation has no such ability, I can't explain why. But I think the internal force is reversed, and instead of releasing it, it is retracted. In this way, it won't hurt the opponent at all. What's the use when fighting against the enemy?" Gu Dongguan said: "The sun will be dizzy at the middle of the day, and the moon will be full of losses. The heaven and the earth have their own principles of surplus and emptiness. It is also like the ebb and flow of the tide. Anyone who is good at water knows that when the tide rises, although the wind blows and the water surges, No matter how big the wave is, it will only push you to the shore; when the tide is ebbing, it looks calm, but there are undercurrents under the water, and if you are not careful, you will be drawn into the depths of the lake, which is actually extremely dangerous." Xian Qingrang said with a frown : "The junior is dull, but the words of the unknown senior make sense."

Gu Dongguan said: "Palace Master knows that if two forces collide with each other, even if there is a winner or loser, there will always be some losses for both sides. If a person hits rock and iron with his bare hands, no matter how good his martial arts are, he is nothing more than himself. If the palace master slaps someone on the face, the face will be swollen, but if the other party is too thick-skinned, your palm will inevitably hurt." Xian Qingrang smiled sweetly, and said to himself: "Mr. interesting."

Gu Dongguan went on to say: "But if I don't fight head-on with the enemy, but retreat to advance and bend to stretch, the strength of the opponent will hardly hurt me, no matter how powerful his martial arts are. Domineering is nothing but a waste of energy, this is the principle in martial arts." Xian Qingrang nodded thoughtfully and said: "This is the saying in Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching" that "the strong are at the bottom, and the weak are at the top" Got it." Gu Dongguan said happily: "The palace master is indeed talented and intelligent, and he can understand it at once."

Xian Qingrang pondered for a while, and said: "Although according to the principles explained by the seniors, it is indeed a good way to deal with hard and fierce martial arts by using the method of true energy against luck, but how can we win?" Gu Dongguan said: "It is only the first glimpse of the way to defuse the enemy's offensive. The palace master used the swimming fish skill to injure the head of the beggar gang Chen Tuo that day. This way has already been accomplished."

Xian Qing was shocked when he heard the words, and said to himself: "The other day I used the method of borrowing strength taught by my master to induce Chen Jinfeng to punch himself. Never dare to use such a powerful move." Now after listening to Mr. Si Guo's words, I feel that if he can really reverse his internal energy, combined with the ability of Yu Yu Gong to use his strength to fight, he can use all the martial arts in the world. Afraid of the kung fu of the enemy's fists and feet; thinking about it again, I couldn't help laughing in my heart: "It takes a long time to practice to reach this level, martial arts is easy to learn but difficult to do, I have never even learned the surface Why do you want to think about what you will be able to do after you become a master?" But Gu Dongguan's few words made him appreciate a new world that he had never dared to imagine until now when he was learning martial arts, and his body trembled a little under the excitement.

Seeing this, Gu Dongguan smiled slightly, and said: "Being able to defeat the enemy by pretending to be the hand of the enemy is indeed the essence of using the false to defeat the real, but it still fails to exert the power of this to the extreme. Just think about it, the palace master. The two waves collide with each other, what will happen?" Xian Qingrang said: "It's likely to be a hit and two waves." Gu Dongguan said: "What if the two waves are hitting the same direction?" Xian Qingrang thought for a while and said : "Then they will be combined into one place." Gu Dongguan nodded and said: "That's right, and the two will accumulate to form a bigger wave. The world's streams and springs converge into rivers and rivers, and rivers return to lakes and seas. Isn't this the reason. As long as the enemy's internal energy is not as deep as yours, when competing for internal energy, you only need to reverse your own true energy, if the opponent's internal energy cannot be controlled, it will flow into the sea like a river, and instead flow into your body." Xian Qingrang said in surprise: " Senior, you mean... you mean you can use this to absorb the opponent's internal energy?"

Gu Dongguan nodded, and said: "Kungfu for absorbing people's true energy and inner strength, there have been rumors in the world for hundreds of years, but they are all evil martial arts that everyone talks about, and they have never been tolerated in the righteous martial arts. Learning inner strength is not a matter of day and night. Once the inner strength cultivated for decades is sucked away by others, all martial arts will be useless. Therefore, although the old man has learned this method, he has never used it in a fight. Because of this The kungfu is too overbearing, the old man named it "Dry Ze Divine Art", in order to remind the practitioners not to forget that fishing in a dry marsh, burning forests to hunt is an act against the heavens, although relying on absorbing the true energy of others to increase your kung fu is not a bad idea. It is a shortcut, but if you are addicted to this way and cannot stop, you will inevitably end up harming others and yourself.”

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