Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 167 The Taoyuan School

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Jing Lanzhou said: "You guys don't know, but Lin Yuetai is Elder Guan's fellow senior. At that time, the master of both Guan Lin and Lin Yuetai passed a book of martial arts secrets to Lin Yuetai. The reason why Elder Guan arrested Master Shi was to force his senior brother The whereabouts, in order to snatch the secret book in the opponent's hand."

Zhuoshui envoy nodded and said: "So that's the case. Since everyone is looking for Senior Lin, and Rong Pindao will find out if there is any news about Elder Guan in the left and near later." He said in his heart: "The palace master ordered us to find the person surnamed Lin, could it be the same? For this martial arts classic? Guan Motong acted without the order of the palace lord, most likely because he wanted to steal the secrets, but he had to find Lin Yuetai before him." But she didn't know that Xian Qingrang was only helping his sweetheart, and didn't know about "The Legacy of the Medicine Cauldron" "Articles".

Suddenly, a figure flashed at the entrance of the alley, and all the girls shouted: "Who is it?" Only one person turned into the alley, and it was Qian Wenqin who had just left.When Qian Wenqin saw everyone, he felt relieved immediately, and said with a smile: "Nephew Shi Xian, Qian just kicked a wooden pole of the Gui Gang, why is he so entangled? Do you think Qian is afraid that you will fail? If you don't leave, just I'm afraid it will get worse soon." There was a sound of chaotic footsteps from behind, and four more people chased into the alley, it was Shi Peiyin and his three juniors.

Shi Peiyin caught sight of Jing Lanzhou and the four girls from the Yao tribe, and said angrily, "It's you again!" The day before yesterday in Yunlaiju, one of his juniors was seriously injured by Yu Shizhao who was watching because he provoked Jing Lanzhou However, even though Jing Lanzhou had nothing special about him, Shi Peiyin became angry when he saw him.Jing Lanzhou said with a smile: "Brother Shi, what happened to Brother Qian was made clear the day before yesterday. It is better to settle the enemy than to tie it up. Why are you pushing each other so hard?" Shi Peiyin said angrily, "When is it your turn to deal with the coir raincoat gang? Boy, come and point fingers!"

Woping made her eyebrows stand upright when she heard the words, and shouted: "Who are you, dare to be so rude to Mr. Jing?" Shi Peiyin sneered and said: "Why, you Taoist nun want to support your good friend's little boy? Shi is afraid that you will not succeed! "Wou Ping turned pale with anger, and cursed: "Are you looking for death!" She drew her sword and stabbed at Shi Peiyin.

The Zhuoshui envoy raised the scabbard and gently pressed down on her long sword, and said with a smile: "Your mouth grows on other people, why should my sister get angry?" The envoy of lying Ping said angrily: "You have cultivated yourself well, I am born with such a bad temper!" The Zhuoshui envoy said to Shi Peiyin: "You are too reckless, and you have offended my sister with your outspokenness, why don't you hurry up and make up for it?" Shi Peiyin said coldly: "It's not impossible, you first ask her to knock three Ring your head and call me ancestor!"

The Messenger of Lying Ping couldn't restrain herself, and wanted to stab her with her sword again, but the Messenger of Zhuoshui stopped her and said, "Now I'm under orders, and you don't even know who the other party is, so how can you act recklessly?" Seeing this, Jing Lanzhou He said in his heart: "The Drunken Flower Envoy in Jiujiang Zeng praised the Zhuoshui Envoy to be exquisite in all aspects. Looking at it today, he also has the style of a general in dealing with things. It is remarkable to have such a bearing at a young age."

The lieutenant envoy said angrily: "Since my twelve wonderful envoys have been in the rivers and lakes, why have I ever been so angry? You are so timid and afraid of getting into trouble, how can you be the leader of a department!" The drunken flower envoy shouted: "Sister, don't talk nonsense! The old palace master personally entrusted the order, how dare you disobey her old man's will?" Wo Ping knew that the next crime was a serious crime in the sect, although she was not angry, she didn't dare to attack it again, so she suppressed her anger and said: "Then everyone will do it. Shrink your head like a turtle!" He put the long sword back into its sheath heavily.

Zhuoshui envoy pointed to Qian Wenqin and said, "Jing Shaoxia, is this your friend?" Jing Lanzhou laughed and said, "Let me introduce to you, this old brother Qian Wenqin is Zhai from Qingyao Gang." The junior brother who is in charge of the sect; this brother Shi Peiyin is a master of the Xiangxi Coir Clothes Gang. There was a little misunderstanding between the two of them before, but it is not a big deal. Brother Shi is a magnanimous person. Forget it." Shi Peiyin raised his eyebrows and said, "How much is Zhai Shengxian's face worth?" Qian Wenqin's expression changed, and he said, "My brother is well-known in the Jianghu, how can you allow a junior like you to slander him?" Can't help it He wanted to step forward, but Jing Lanzhou stopped him and said, "Brother is causing trouble in the city, I'm afraid he will offend the prince again." Qian Wenqin's heart was shocked, and he forcibly held back his anger.

Shi Peiyin sneered and said: "What are you, kid? It's your turn to be a poor scholar! Shi was ordered by his father to bring this 'Tiantian Harrier' back to the Coir raincoat gang. If any of you refuse to accept it, just come up and learn." Zhuo Shui The emissary laughed and said, "The coir raincoat gang? I've never heard of it because I'm poor and ignorant. Dare I ask your gang leader's name, Taifu?" Shi Peiyin looked at him and said, "Which sect of Taoist nuns are you?" His tone was very rude.Zhuoshuishi rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "We are from the Emei sect." Jing Lanzhou said in his heart, "Master Jin Lan of the Emei sect has been famous in martial arts for decades. Zhuoshuishi falsely claimed to be a disciple of Emei. What's the point?"

The reputation and status of the Emei Sect in Jianghu has always been inferior to Shaolin and Wudang. Together with Kunlun, they are also called the four major martial arts sects. Although Shi Peiyin is fierce, he couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and said: "Master Jin Lan was born in a Shamen, how could there be such a thing?" Taoist disciples?" Qian Wenqin laughed and said, "Nephew, you don't understand now. The Emei School has always embraced eclecticism, and they also interpret Buddhism and Taoism. There are many lay disciples under their sect. These Taoist priests belong to Mrs. Jin Lan Apprentice, what's so strange about that?"

Shi Peiyin snorted, and thought: "So what if you are from the Emei sect? Old nun Jinlan's martial arts may not be better than my father's." After all, he was concerned about the other party's reputation in the martial arts world, so he cupped his fists and saluted the four envoys: "My lord, Shi Peiyin , my father is the leader Shi Sen of the Coir Clothes Gang in Chenzhou Prefecture." Zhuoshui envoy said: "Poverty is short-sighted, and I haven't heard of the name of the leader Shi, it really shouldn't be."

The Drunken Flower Envoy suddenly said: "Shi Sen is Liu Nanhu's great apprentice of the Taoyuan Sect in Changde Mansion. His martial arts are better than blue, and he is much better than his master." Taoyuan Sect is an inconspicuous small sect in Huguang. Liunan Lake is not well-known in martial arts, and Jing Lanzhou only heard Gu Dongguan mention its name.Shi Peiyin was shocked when he heard the words, and said to himself: "This Taoist nun broke the lineage of my father as soon as she opened her mouth, which is a bit evil."

The Drunken Flower Envoy continued: "There are two disciples in Liunan Lake, Shi Sen and Liu Xuwu. The reason why Shi Sen surpassed the master in martial arts is not because of his extraordinary talent, but because he was taught by a stranger by chance. " Shi Peiyin was sweating slightly on his back, and said: "What does the Taoist master say?" The drunken flower emissary said with a smile: "Your Excellency, you might as well ask the old man in the future, do you know Ma Junxiong from Mount Laer?"

Shi Peiyin's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Who are you, how do you know about Ma Junxiong?" Everyone thought in their hearts: "This person is extremely stupid, doesn't this clearly admit that his father has a lot to do with Ma Junxiong?" Except for Qian Wenqin and Liu Xuwu who were friends and knew that Shi and Liu belonged to the Taoyuan sect, even the other three disciples of the coir raincoat gang had never heard of the name of the Taoyuan sect, let alone Ma Junxiong.

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