Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 166 Encounter

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Qian Wenqin waved his hands and said, "The young man is a master student of Mr. Si Guo, and his seniority is probably higher than Qian's. How dare Wen Qin regard himself as an elder? If the young man doesn't see you, just call me Brother Qian." Lan Zhou said with a smile: "Since that's the case, Jing has overstepped. Since Brother Qian is the elder of the Qingyao Sect, why did he work in the Nanchang Palace? Doctor Shi came to the palace to avoid enmity, does Mr. have any difficulties?" Qian Wen Qin sighed: "That's not true. Qian has committed himself to the palace for many years, just to repay the kindness of his grandchildren."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Oh? Brother Qian is talking about Zhu Mianpei, the eldest grandson of King Ning?" Qian Wenqin nodded and said, "That's right, it's this person. The prince's son died young. In the future, the prince will be promoted to immortality. Sun Bendang succeeded to the throne. He is a virtuous and corporal, with both talents and virtues, and he is really a rare enlightened master."

Jing Lanzhou knew that Zhu Dianpei, who called himself the Lazy Immortal of the Bamboo Forest, had the style of his ancestor Zhu Quan. He said with a smile, "I've heard of this man's name for a long time, but I don't know why such a family of officials would be kind to you?" Qian Wenqin said with a smile: "The reason for this is not for outsiders to understand. If Qian hadn't been rescued by his descendants, there would have been no bones left." After a pause, he continued: "Jing Shaoxia, I should have gone with you to Yingtian to find that traitor, but Qian has a private matter and cannot leave Nanchang in a hurry. .If the young hero meets this person again in the future, just clean up the door for me, don't have any worries."

Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "This is a matter of Brother Qian's sect. How dare others interfere? After leaving the restaurant the day before yesterday, did the coir raincoat gang come to find Brother Qian's bad luck again?" This kind of thing, Qian doesn't care about it." Jing Lanzhou said: "I heard that Brother Qian admired the swordsmanship of Nashi Clan Master, but I don't know whether his martial arts is higher than Brother Qian's?" Qian Wenqin His complexion changed, and he said: "To tell you the truth, Shi Peiyin's kung fu is not as good as his Lao Tzu's. Shi Sen is the leading master in Hunan and Guizhou, and Qian is far inferior. If you meet this person in the future, you must be careful. care."

Jing Lanzhou frowned and said: "Since Shi Sen's martial arts are so powerful, why is he so unknown in the Jianghu?" Qian Wenqin said with a smile: "In the martial arts crouching tiger, hidden dragon, there are many masters who do not show themselves For example, although my brother is a fledgling, his fame will move the rivers and lakes, but it is just a snap of the fingers." Jing Lanzhou laughed and said: "Brother Qian is too famous. I have little talent, but I am satisfied with not insulting the reputation of my family teacher. Dare to expect to be famous." Qian Wenqin shook his head and said, "Even if the young hero does not seek fame, this matter is just as ripe and ripe."

While the two were chatting, four Taoist nuns in white clothes suddenly walked towards them, they were the four envoys of Wuwei Gongyao tribe.When the envoy of Woping saw Jing Lanzhou, she said happily, "Master Jing, why are you here? We are really destined!" The envoy of Zhuoshui said, "This is..." The envoy of Zuihua said, "Sister Bai, this one is It's Mr. Siguo's disciple, Jing Lanzhou, Jing Shaoxia." Zhuo Shui envoy nodded and said, "It turned out to be Senior Gu's disciple. Fortunately, I heard that Shaoxia rescued my two sisters in danger twice in a row. Thank you so much, in the future, if the young heroes are useful to get what I teach, my Yao tribe will dare not follow orders based on urging."

Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "Small strength is nothing to worry about, the Taoist minister's words are serious." Then he thought: "The four envoys of the Yao tribe were ordered to come to Jiangxi to help me find Dr. Shi and his master. Now Shi Hepu is taken away by Guan Motong. They might know the whereabouts of Elder Guan." Then he clasped his hands and asked, "May I ask how many Taoist priests came to Nanchang to look for Lin Yuetai, Shi Hepu and his disciples under the order of the Palace Master of your sect?"

Zhuoshui Shi was startled when he heard the words, and turned to look at Qian Wenqin.Qian Wenqin has traveled all over the rivers and lakes for many years, and he has so much experience. Knowing that what the other party is talking about is a sect's private matter, it is inconvenient for him to eavesdrop on it, so he clasped his fists and said, "Jing Shaoxia, Qian has something important to do, so I will take my leave first, you and I will meet later." Jing Lan Zhou also didn't want others to know that he was involved with Wuwei Palace, so he said goodbye to him now.

Zhuoshui envoy waited for Qian Wenqin to go away, and said: "To tell you the truth, young man, this is a secret order from the palace lord. It should not be told to outsiders, but young man knows about it, and he has the grace to save his life in this department. We There is no need to hide it. The palace lord transferred all four members of my Yao tribe from Zhejiang to Jiangxi to handle this mission, so it can be seen that he attaches great importance to this." Zhu Xueshi smiled and said: "The palace lord told us that we can only travel here. Success, no failure, I wonder who this master and apprentice Lin Yuetai is, it is more important than what happened in Zhejiang?"

Jing Lanzhou hesitated for a moment, led the four envoys to a secluded alley, and said to the four women: "I met the two Taoist priests Huaping and Huaping one after another by chance the day before yesterday. Is the wound getting better?" The Drunken Flower Envoy leaned forward and thanked him, "The medicine for wounds given by the young hero is very effective, after recuperating in the past few days, the wound has recovered completely. Young Master saved my sister Ping and me two times in a row. This kindness will last a lifetime. Unforgettable." Jing Lanzhou waved his hand and said, "Jin Yiwei has done a lot of evil, and Jing has never been able to take them seriously. However, I have some connections with your sect, and it is also part of my job to rescue the two priests a few days ago. Fight against injustice."

The Zhuoshui envoy wondered: "I don't know what you say, my lord?" Jing Lanzhou said: "To tell you the truth, Jing had a few encounters with the master Xian of the noble sect in Kaifeng earlier, and they got along very well. , and had the honor to join forces with them to fight against the elders of Songzhu. Miss Xian sent four Taoist priests to Jiangxi to find Shi Hepu's master and apprentice, just at the request of Jing Mou." Then Luo Jiayan was hurt by Jiansheng, and Shi Hepu was the only one in the world. The things that Master can save are roughly explained.The Drunken Flower Envoy said happily: "It turns out that the Palace Master sent us to look for Senior Lin to heal the granddaughter of Heshuo Heshuo! Shaoxia Luo also helped the two of us out of trouble in Jiujiang the day before yesterday, so I should serve you more. Bai Sister, what do you think?"

Zhuoshui envoy smiled and said: "Mr. Jing is not only the friend of the palace master, but also benevolent to the headquarters. If the palace master sent the Yao tribe to Jiangxi this time to help you, we should do our best. But the four of us are just I was ordered to find Lin Yuetai, and I have to follow the Palace Master's instructions on how to proceed."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Naturally, I have something to ask for help from some Taoist elders. As Jing said, the only person who knows the hiding place of his master is Shi Shenyi, who was taught by your teacher earlier. Elder Guan has been taken away, and the whereabouts of the two are unknown. I wonder if the envoy can tell Elder Guan his whereabouts?" The water envoy was startled when he heard this, and said: "Elder Guan is on top of the twelve envoys in the teaching class, and he is not allowed by me. Waiting for control, I don't know where he is right now. Why did he want to take Dafu Shi away?"

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