Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 164 Divine Art

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The two of Guan and Zhu fought for half a bag of cigarette kung fu again. Although Chief Zhu's moves were fierce, his door was not as well-guarded as before. Guan Motong found an opening to lock the long sword with a pair of mandarin ducks, and his legs flew into the air." "Papa" kicked Zhu Chief's lower abdomen, Zhu Chief let go of his sword, vomited blood and fell backwards.Guan Motong stepped forward and stepped on his chest, and said with a sneer, "You are the confidant of the old palace lord, and it's not good for us old fellows to keep you. I'll send you to the underworld to meet the old lord!" After saying this, he cut his throat with the axe.Shi Hepu exclaimed: "Master, please be merciful!"

Suddenly there was a sound of strong wind breaking through the sky, a long and thin object flew out from behind the rock in the west, and stabbed straight at Guan Motong's face.Guan Motong was startled and raised his axe to block it, the object lightly tapped on the axe blade, Guan Motong felt an irresistible force pushing him away from Zhu Chief, and his body slid back about Zhang Xu. Standing still, the thing fell to his feet with a "snap".Guan Motong looked down and saw that there was a slender dead branch on the ground, he couldn't help being so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split, and he said in a trembling voice: "Is the hero Heshuo here? Or Mr. Siguo?" The master figure, the comer was able to repel him with a dead branch, only Luo Zhongyuan and Gu Dongguan had such skill in the whole world.

Hearing a cough from behind the stone, a person came out slowly, it was the old monk whom several people met in the cave earlier.The old monk glanced at Guan Motong, his pupils rolled suddenly, his eyes were radiant, but they dimmed again in an instant, and sighed: "Your martial arts are indeed very good, and you are worthy of being the apprentice of Old Ji. Compared with the masters, they are still a little bit worse, what a pity, what a pity!"

Ever since Guan Motong became famous, no one had dared to speak to him like this, and his expression changed upon hearing this.However, the old monk showed his extraordinary skills just now. He knew that he was not an opponent, so he fixed his eyes on the opponent, and said slowly: "I'll accept it. I'm just trying to get the most out of skills. It's hard for an expert to understand me. How to call it, can you see the name of the law?"

The old monk lowered his eyes and said: "You don't need to know my name. May I ask if there is any master in martial arts that is better than you?" Seeing his arrogance, Guan Motong felt angry in his heart, and said coldly: "Central Plains Wulin Sutui Heshuo and Si Guo are the leaders. Their martial arts are far superior to Guan. Why do you need to ask?" The old monk shook his head and said, "Of course I know. I'm asking if there are other old monks who have never heard of it. The master?" Guan Motong's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "That's quite a few." The old monk said happily: "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

Guan Motong said: "There are people out there, there are so many masters in the world, for example..." Before he finished speaking, he raised his hands quickly, and hundreds of silver needles hit the opponent densely like cow hair.The old monk seemed to turn a blind eye, just stood there blankly like a stone statue, everyone saw him standing there motionless, they couldn't help wondering: "Why didn't he hide?" Unexpectedly, the silver needles flew half a foot in front of the old monk, and suddenly landed one after another as if hitting an invisible wall, and there were bursts of clear and crisp sounds of needles and stones colliding.Guan Motong's face was ashen, and he said in a trembling voice, "You...are you a human or a ghost?" The old monk sighed, "Go away, don't force me to act."

Guan Motong was silent for a moment, then with a flash, he pulled Shi Hepu up and ran out of the cave.Luo Yushu said urgently: "Senior, stop him quickly!" But the old monk acted like he didn't hear it, and still stood there stupidly.Jing Lanzhou saw that the candle flame was flickering and was about to go out, so he hurriedly reminded the old monk, "Master, be careful that the candle is poisonous!" The old monk sighed softly, "It would be a blessing if the old monk could die from poisoning!"

Luo Jing and the two saw that the old monk's kung fu was divine and unfathomable, almost as good as Luo Zhongyuan and Gu Dongguan, two top masters in the world, but they didn't know who he was.He sighed a few times, and walked slowly back to the depths of the cave, but he disappeared for a moment, and the candle was extinguished, and the cave was suddenly dark.

At this time, Luo Jinggu and the three of them could not afford to be poisoned. Although Zhu Yi was not afraid of being drugged, he was severely injured by Guan Motong and collapsed on the ground, unable to move at all.The four of them lay in the cave for half an hour, Luo Jing and the two gradually felt their dantian warm up, and their true energy slowly accumulated bit by bit, and after another half an hour of incense burning, they gradually became able to move their hands and feet.The two struggled to get up and looked at Zhu Yi, and saw that his face was completely pale and his breath was very weak.

Luo Yushu knew that he had lost a lot of blood, so he bandaged his wound first, and Jing Lanzhou helped him up, then turned his head and asked Gu Qingzhi, "Sister Zhi, what do you think?" Feeling powerless, but knowing that there is no serious problem, he said: "I'm fine. Who is this weird man wearing a mask?" Luo Yushu hesitated a little, and said frankly: "This person is Zhu Chief." Gu Qingzhi said in surprise: "What? ? This... this person is that feeble scholar who has no strength to restrain a chicken?"

Luo Yushu nodded, and told her roughly what will happen on the road in the future, and said, "Sister Zhi, the reason we didn't tell you earlier is because Zhu Chief planned to get close to Yue Su to spy on Jin Yiwei, and I'm afraid you might have missed it by accident. Mouth, it’s not intentional to hide it. Although this person is mysterious and a member of Wuwei Palace, he has helped us several times, and he doesn’t seem like a villain.”

Gu Qingzhi said unhappily: "Well, you two have lied to me for so long! Now that Shi Hepu has been robbed, what should we do now?" Luo Yushu said: "The most urgent thing is to send Brother Zhu back to the inn to recuperate. Let’s slow down and plan later.” Jing Lanzhou said: “That senior monk’s martial arts has reached perfection, and my teacher has never mentioned that there is such a person in the Jianghu. I don’t know who he is, but I want to ask him face to face. Clear?" Luo Yushu murmured, "This senior doesn't even want to tell me his name, it's useless to ask more, we'd better go back to Nanchang first."

At that moment, Luo Jing and the two returned to Nanchang with Zhu Chief on their backs, placed him in an upper room of the inn, and asked the doctors in the city to prescribe several prescriptions for recuperation.Zhu Yi was injured by the weapon, but he suffered severe internal injuries from Guan Motong's feet. He didn't wake up until noon the next day. He opened his eyes and asked, "Where is Brother Shi?"

At this moment, Jing and Gu went out to inquire about Guan Motong's whereabouts, while Luo Yushu stood by alone. Seeing that he had just woken up, the first thing he wanted to do was to care about Shi Hepu's whereabouts. Speaking of loyalty, it's somewhat similar to Brother Luo Kun." Sighed: "Brother Zhu, we learned about Guan Motong's plan in the cave yesterday, and Dr. Shi has been taken away by him. But since Elder Guan is determined to press Senior Lin The whereabouts of Miracle Doctor Shi thinks that his life will be safe, so you don't have to worry too much about his safety."

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