Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 163

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Luo Jing and the two looked at each other, Jing Lanzhou gently put down the leather bag, Luo Yushu put the lit candle beside the leather bag, and the two of them, together with Shi Hepu, walked back slowly.Seeing the three people walking away, Xing Yiyan made sure that no one was in ambush according to the high-level inspection. He pulled Gu Qingzhi to jump off the high stone and walked to a place a few feet away from the leather bag. Suddenly, his hands sank, and Gu Qingzhi "" He fell to the ground with a bang.Xing Yiyan smelled a burst of sweetness in his nose, and then his eyes darkened, knowing that something was wrong, he wanted to use the centipede hook to hook Gu Qingzhi's head and neck, but he couldn't lift one arm, so he turned his heart and pointed the hook blade at Gu Qing Zhi Xin mouthed, and fell down, intending to stab her to death by virtue of the force of her fall.

Luo Yushu and the other three were tens of zhang away, and there was no time to rescue them anyway.It was too late to say it, and then soon, Zhu Yi and Guan Motong both flew out from behind the rocks, the sword light in Zhu Yi's hand flashed, only to hear Xing Yiyan's scream, one right arm was cut off, and half of the centipede hook was cut off. It fell to the ground with a "ding".Guan Motong raised his hands, and dozens of silver needles pierced into Tanzhong and Qihai acupoints on the opponent's chest and abdomen at the same time, and then kicked Xing Yiyan's heart in a row, Xing Yiyan spurted blood, and his short and crooked body flew several feet away. He slammed into the rocks heavily.

Luo Yushu saw that Guan Zhu and the two had succeeded in one attack from a distance, so he quickly flew forward to hug Gu Qingzhi in his arms, and stuffed a pill of the antidote into her mouth.Gu Qingzhi woke up slowly, and when she opened her eyes and saw Luo Yushu, she didn't look too flustered, and said softly, "Brother Luo, I know you will be able to save me." Fang, hugged her tightly in his arms, and said in a trembling voice: "Qing Zhi, I will never let you be in such a dangerous situation from now on!"

Jing Lanzhou and others stepped forward to look at Xing Yiyan, and saw that the wound on his broken arm was bleeding profusely, the silver needle penetrated into the vital organs, and the rib on the left side was broken.Xing Yiyan pointed at Zhu Ya, and hissed, "It's you again! You... who are you?" I saw that Zhu Ya had put on that silver-cast mask again, and smiled. Said: "Senior Xing, you are a person who should die. After living for so many years, it should be enough for you?"

Xing Yiyan spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", his eyes slowly turned to Guan Motong's face, and suddenly he let out a "huh", the corners of his mouth twitched, and said: "" Guan Motong said expressionlessly: "Xing Yiyan, you and I don't offend the river, whoever taught you to offend someone you shouldn't offend, you can't blame me."

Xing Yiyan gasped more and more, and coughed: " are..." Guan Motong swiped all the silver needles on his lower abdomen into his body with a flick of his right hand. There was a convulsion, and then he died.This lone bandit "Hundred-clawed Centipede" who has been evil for decades, escaped from Gu Dongguan's hand and hid in Nanchang Palace for many years without anyone noticing. Today, he finally died in this cave in Xishan. .

Seeing that Xing Yiyan seemed to have something to say before he died, Shi Hepu secretly said: "When he saw Uncle Guan, his expression changed drastically. Could it be that he recognized Uncle Guan?" Captured by Guan Motong, he said in surprise: "Uncle, you..." Guan Motong sneered and said, "Nephew, it's rare that the prince is willing to let you out of the house, so you can go with uncle!"

Jing Lanzhou and Zhu Chief were shocked when they saw this, and they were about to step forward to stop them, when they suddenly felt their hands and feet go weak, and they both sat down on the ground.Jing Lanzhou tried his luck secretly, but he couldn't even draw out half of his true energy. He looked to the side in amazement, and Gu Luo and the two of them also collapsed slowly.Luo Yushu tremblingly said: "Senior Guan, you are..." Guan Motong said with a smile: "Don't worry, young man, I just want to take away my nephew, and I have no intention of harming you. The upper half of my candle is indeed heavenly fragrance It is finished, but the second half is mixed with the Mixiang Moon Toad Cake produced in Miaojiang. This thing is not harmful, after you sniff it, you will not be able to perform martial arts within half an hour, once the time is up, the poison will be cured by itself."

Luo Yushu broke out in a cold sweat, and said, "You deliberately want us to procrastinate in front of Xing Yiyan, so that this candle can burn to the second half?" Guan Motong laughed and said, "Young Master Luo, I will help you rescue Gu's little girl no matter what I say." Sister, you should thank me." The index finger of the left hand flicked, and tapped several large acupuncture points on the front and back of Shi Hepu like lightning, and said with a laugh: "Senior nephew, this time you fall into my hands, senior brother, can he see death? help?"

Before the former could finish speaking, Zhu Ya suddenly jumped up from the ground and stabbed Guan Motong in the chest with his straight sword.Guan Motong didn't expect that he was not poisoned, so he pulled Shi Hepu to the front in a panic to block, Zhu Chief was shocked and hurriedly withdrew his sword, just like that slowly, Guan Motong pushed Shi Hepu to the side, Before fighting with Chief Zhu.The two confronted each other differently than the previous trials. Zhu Yi was determined to save Shi and Pu from the disaster. Guan Motong didn't understand why Zhu Yi was not afraid of the poison of Yuechansu, but also feared that Luo Jing and Luo Jing were also poisoned. Zhu Yi teamed up to deal with him, and the two had already done their best, fighting each other to the death.

Luo Jing and the two saw Zhu Chief's strange and changing swordsmanship, which he had never used in the fight with Jian Sheng and Fan Yu before.Instead of going through thirty or forty moves with empty hands, Guan Motong saw that he could not win quickly, he flicked his wrist suddenly, and a pair of Ziwu Mandarin Duck axes appeared in his palms. Shi and Pu knew that these were his usual weapons, but they were rarely used in recent years.Zhu Chief held a sword and faced him empty-handed, but as soon as the opponent had a weapon in his hand, the situation was immediately stretched and dangerous.

I saw that Guan Motong's body was squatting, his moves were light and agile, and he fought for another twenty or thirty moves. His hands were weak on the left and firm on the right.Zhu Yi was injured in one leg, and his feet became more and more inflexible. After a short fight, he was wounded in two places one after another.Seeing that his wound was bleeding profusely, Shi Hepu knew that if he continued to fight, he would surely die, and said: "I wish you brothers to stop, the uncle just wants me to take him to find his mentor, and he will never harm me. Stop fighting " Guan Motong said with a smile: "Master Qinglian, my nephew is so sensible, why do you bother?"

Zhu Chief didn't answer, and suddenly changed his sword move, and even made a desperate move, all of which was a way of fighting to die with the enemy.Guan Motong's face changed, and he shouted: "Have you lost your mind and gone crazy?" Seeing that the opponent's attack was like a storm, he was forced to retreat again and again.Luo Yushu saw it in his eyes, and was very anxious in his heart. He secretly said: "The reason why Chief Zhu has never been poisoned must be because he has taken the 'Han'e Yukou'. He only needs to detoxify me and Brother Jing first, so why worry about taking care of Motong now? Alone? I don't know why he has to go forward alone and desperately?" But at this time, Zhu Yi has been entangled by Guan Motong and cannot be separated, and it is impossible to give them an antidote.

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