Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 159

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The old monk glanced at Luo Yushu and Jing Lanzhou, and sighed: "The old monk has lived for nearly a hundred years, and he has never seen such young talents with such high martial arts skills. I don't know where his master came from." Famous?" Gu Qingzhi wondered: "You haven't seen them make a move, how do you know that the two of them are strong in martial arts?" The old monk said: "As long as there is a great achievement in martial arts, it is natural to look at Yue Zhi and Gu Pan God with every gesture. Fei, this is obvious at a glance, so why should I see it in person? Although there are many masters who hide their secrets, the two young heroes are both in their twenties and at the prime of their youth. They hold back their sharpness, which is difficult for the strong."

Gu Qingzhi smiled and said: "Your eyesight is really good. This Shaoxia Luo is the eldest grandson of the hero Heshuo, and that Senior Brother Jing is the closed disciple of Mr. Si Guo, Senior Gu." The old monk laughed and said, "So that's the case. , then there is nothing strange about it. It’s just that Luo Daxia is known as the master of both fists and palms, how can his descendants use swords?” Luo Yushu said: “Master, I laughed. The younger generation loves to practice swords since they were young. With the sword in hand, the ancestral martial arts are neglected."

The old monk shook his head and said: "You are able to integrate martial arts and swordsmanship handed down from your family. This level of comprehension has already surpassed that of your ancestors. I heard that the Luo family has a very delicate palm technique of 'hand wielding five strings'. I wonder if the young man can do it." Try out one or two for the old monk?" Luo Yushu saw that although the old monk was a senior person, he was cautious by nature and didn't want to show off his skills in front of outsiders, so he replied: "The younger generation is ignorant and shallow, and dare not play tricks in front of the master. ’” The old monk laughed and said, “Forget it, since the young man doesn’t want it, the old monk won’t force it either.”

Suddenly hearing a rush of footsteps not far away, the old monk frowned and said: "This cave has not been visited by people for more than ten years, why is it so lively these two days?" Only a moment passed, and four people came running fast on the road An old man with a hunchback came in, suddenly looked up and saw all the people in the cave, he stopped with a sound of "ah".Seeing the scars on the man's face, Shi Hepu blurted out in surprise: "Xing Yiyan!"

The old man was Xing Yiyan, the "Hundred Clawed Centipede" who escaped from Ningwang's courtyard the day before yesterday, he never expected to bump into Luo Yushu and others in this cave, his face was terrified.With a dazed face, Gu Qingzhi turned to Shi and Pu Dao and asked, "You guys recognize this..." Before he finished speaking, Xing Yiyan's figure flashed, like a ghost, he came to Gu Qingzhi's side, and his right hand had already clasped her wrist like lightning. , pressed the thumb of his left hand on the Tianjiao acupoint on the side of her neck, and shouted: "Whoever of you dares to step forward, I will kill this girl!"

Earlier, after Guan Motong in Kaifeng healed Luo Jiayan, he had chatted with Luo Jing about Gu Dongguan's pursuit of Xing Yiyan. Wang Chu discovered Xing Yiyan's whereabouts, but she kept silent about it afterwards, so she didn't know the name of "Hundred-clawed Xuan Centipede". Although Shi and Pu Shicai called each other's name, they were still completely defenseless.She was the closest to Xing Yiyan. When the latter saw that he was in a critical situation, he immediately used the "Centipede Lost Step" to capture the little girl as a hostage in order to protect himself.His footwork is really the best lightness kungfu in the martial arts, he retreats like a god when he is pitching up, even though Luo Jing and Luo Jing are close at hand, they can't save each other.

Seeing that Gu Qingzhi's vital acupoints are restricted, and Xing Yiyan can take her life with just a little effort from his hands, everyone is extremely anxious.Luo Yushu tremblingly said: "Xing...Senior Xing, please let this girl go first, everything is easy to discuss."

Xing Yiyan sneered and said: "I have lived to this age, will I still believe this kind of nonsense? Now people from the palace are looking for me everywhere, and there is no place for me here, so I have to ask you to do something for Xing. "Luo Yushu hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?" Xing Yiyan said: "Although King Ning has many masters, I am not afraid of [31app下载], but I can't beat Yu Shizhao and Fan Mingsheng. People are now separately searching for the old man, you go and take off the heads of Fan Yu and the two of you, and Xing will return the doll with both hands."

Seeing that he wanted Jing Lanzhou and himself to kill Fan Yu, Luo Yushu said in astonishment, "Mr. Fan Yu's martial arts are far superior to the younger generation and others. How can we be their opponents? Senior's lightness kung fu is superb. How difficult is it to escape?" I also beg seniors to put your hand high and release this girl." Xing Yiyan said: "There are palace eyeliners everywhere around Nanchang, and the old man will reveal Xingzang if he shows up for a while. Right now I have been seriously injured and my internal strength cannot continue. I will be chased by Fan and Yu, the prince will not spare my life; only by killing them, I can live for two more years with peace of mind."

Jing Lanzhou sighed: "If I had known this before, why did senior reveal his identity earlier? Wouldn't it be better to live in peace and stability in the palace, wouldn't it be pleasant?" Xing Yiyan gritted his teeth and said: "Stinky boy, the old man has not yet settled the score with you It's over! As long as I, Xing Yiyan, are still in the world, I will be inseparable from the old ghost of Siguo." Jing Lanzhou was very annoyed when he heard his words insulting his teacher, but then he thought that although this person had done many evils in his life, he escaped from death Besides, he had been serving as a servant in the royal palace incognito for decades, and he felt a little sympathy for him, and sighed: "Senior Xing, when is the time to repay the injustice? The teacher and you are both very old. Take it to heart? Why don't you let this matter go, as long as senior agrees to let you go, and you won't mention your existence to Master and other old people when you go back next time."

Xing Yiyan laughed and said: "Zhu Quan has ordered people to spread the news, even if you don't say it, it will reach the ears of Old Man Gu sooner or later." Jing Lanzhou said in a daze: "King Ning has always been careful in his actions, he neither I would like to be known to be raising dead men in the world, so why do I do that?" Xing Yiyan sneered and said: "Back then, Xing owed countless blood debts, and there were thousands of people who wanted to kill me in the martial arts world. Once these people listened Said the old man is still in the world, how can he sleep peacefully for a night? King Ning is called a plan to kill with a knife."

Jing Lanzhou was silent for a while, then sighed: "Since that's the case, even if you escaped from Fan Yu's hands, it will be difficult for you to escape the pursuit of so many enemies in the rivers and lakes. Why bother to kill another person? I beg you, senior, to let this girl go." !" Xing Yiyan said with a smirk: "Even if the old man is doomed to die in the end, I still need to bring a few more people to be buried with me! Right now, Fan Yu and I are a big worry in my heart, and you will solve this urgent need for me, otherwise don't blame Xing's subordinates for being ruthless! I'll give you one day, tomorrow at this time the old man won't be able to see the heads of Fan Yu and the two, so you can collect the girl's body!" After speaking with a strange smile, he stretched out his hand and touched seven or eight acupoints of Gu Qingzhi, and his figure flickered , held her hostage and rushed to the depths of the cave, and the two of them were already ten feet away in the blink of an eye.

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