Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 158

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The old monk nodded and sighed: "If Ji Ruting hadn't been distracted by studying medical skills, his martial arts would definitely be improved to a higher level, but if ordinary people are as obsessed with medicine as he is, their martial arts cultivation can't be so deep. It's always your master who is pedantic Heaven and man are the only ones who can achieve both perfections. It's a pity that my respected teacher, Dr. Lin, refuses to practice martial arts with all his heart, otherwise how could he be forced so hard by his fellow disciples?"

Shi Hepu saw that this old monk was so familiar with his master's affairs, he must be a martial arts senior, and immediately replied respectfully: "As the saying goes, the east corner of the Tao is lost, and the mulberry tree is harvested. However, he can benefit the common people all over the world with his true medical knowledge." The old monk laughed and said, "It makes sense. But although Ji Ruting is worthy of being a rare genius in the world, if you really want to talk about erudition and miscellaneous reading, compare it with another person It’s still a little bit worse.”

"Meishan Medical Hermit" Ji Ruting is a generation of high-ranking, amazingly talented people. Luo Zhongyuan and Gu Dongguan praise him very much on weekdays. When Luo Jing heard this old monk say that there is someone else who is as talented as he is, they couldn't help being very curious .Jing Lanzhou couldn't help asking: "I don't know who the senior said?" The old monk said with a smile: "It is the old man in Du'an who lived in front of Emperor Taizong of your dynasty." He is a pillar of talent, but he is not from the martial arts world, so it would be biased to compare him with the ancestors of our sect." The old monk shook his head and smiled, "How ridiculous! This old man Ji Ruting is really, he didn't follow his disciples and grandchildren. Did you mention that Yao Guangxiao is his senior brother?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked from ear to ear, Shi Hepu tremblingly said: "What... what? Senior said that Young Master Yao is... the senior brother of Master Ji of our sect?" The old monk said: "That's right, Both of them are apprentices of famous scholar Xi Yingzhen. Yao Guangxiao has practiced medicine for generations, and Ji Ruting's medical skills were mostly taught by him at the beginning, but your master's talent is exceptional, so you are better than others here." Luo Yushu said in surprise: "Master Yao is the accountant of Taizong. Your advisor, how can you possess martial arts?" The old monk smiled and said, "What are you talking about? In the nearly 80 years since Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, there has never been a master of martial arts in the Central Plains who is as good as Yao Du'an."

Everyone knows that Yao Guangxiao has studied Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and military science deeply. He is the number one hero of Taizong Jingnan, but he has never heard that he is actually a martial arts master, so he can't help but be suspicious. .Shi Hepudao: "Although Xi Yingzhen was a master Taoist master of the three religions in the Yuan Dynasty, he has never heard of him knowing martial arts. Where did Master Yao and Master Ji learn their martial arts?"

The old monk said: "Back then, by chance, Xi Yingzhen got a martial arts book divided into two volumes, but because of his congenital weak constitution, he couldn't practice it himself, so he passed the two volumes of secret books to his apprentices Yao Guangxiao and Ji Ruting respectively. Among them, the first volume records inner strength and mental skills and fist and palm kung fu, and the second volume records all kinds of weapons and footwork and light kung fu. Doctor Shi, the martial arts passed down by your ancestors are good at weapons and light kung fu?" Shi Hepu After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said: "That's right, although my teacher's martial arts are not top-notch, he is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, especially the 'Nine Steps of Lingxu' lightness kung fu. And it was passed on to Shi Mou to learn it, because My talent is extremely dull, I only specialize in the judge's pen as a weapon, and my light-handedness is only mediocre."

The old monk sighed: "The ambition of respecting the teacher is not here. What you have learned is not as good as your master's eleventh. Even if your master's martial arts is not as good as Ji Lao's three-tenths, even so, it is enough for him to rule the world. It's a pity that Meishan doctor Yin accidentally lost the second volume of the strange book in his later years, and as for the essence of martial arts contained in "Yao Ding Yi Pian", it is just the part that Ji Ruting himself practiced in the secret book of the second volume." Shi Hepu's heart was shocked, and he thought to himself : ""The Legacy of the Medicine Cauldron" is a treasure passed down secretly by the master before his death. How could this old monk know about it? In this way, the master has not even learned half of the strange book, and he has already ranked among the best in the world. Character, what kind of martial arts secret is this?"

The old monk seemed to see through his mind, and said with a smile: "This wonderful book is called 'Qianlong Xinchan', but it is not a Buddhist meditation classic. The profound martial arts, I don’t know which peerless expert who is rare in a hundred years has painstakingly edited it. The martial arts contained in the book are all-encompassing and unfathomable. Your ancestors have exhausted their entire lives, and what they have learned is less than the second half of the wonderful book. Forty percent; if he does not study medicine and concentrates on practicing martial arts, he may be able to practice to 600% or [-]% of it. It is a pity, a pity!"

Jing Lanzhou's heart shuddered when he heard the words, and he remembered an old story that his master said: Gu Dongguan, who was nearly [-] years old in the early years of Yongle, was already recognized as the number one master in the world, and he was in the limelight for a while.One day, at the junction of Anhui and Henan, he came across Ji Ruting, a doctor in Meishan. Let's chat.Ji Ruting was older than Gu Dongguan in his twenties, he was over sixty years old at that time, he was considered Gu Dongguan's senior, when they chatted with each other, they both felt that the other's martial arts were unfathomable, so they started to fight each other out of itch. Fighting until there were more than a thousand moves, Ji Ruting lost half a move.Afterwards, Gu Dongguan talked about the fierce battle with Meishan Yiyin, and he was full of praise for his high martial arts. He said that if the other party was not old and he was in his prime, the outcome would be extremely unpredictable.Jing Lanzhou thought that Ji Ruting's martial arts were almost as good as his master's back then, if it was true what the old monk in front of him said, Meishan Yiyin only learned half of the "Qianlong Xinchan" three or four successful kungfu to reach such a state, Then this wonderful book of Xin Chan is too powerful; it is unimaginable that Ji Ruting would lose such a supreme treasure.

Gu Qingzhi asked: "You said that the first volume of "Qianlong Xinchan" is in the hands of Yao Guangxiao?" The old monk said: "Yes, Yao Du'an has a peerless martial arts, but he never reveals it to others, and he lives in seclusion all day long. It helps to keep a low profile. Since he is an extremely powerful minister, he naturally has no chance to interact with people in the world, so no one in the martial arts world knows this secret except his junior brother Ji Ruting." Everyone thought: "Then how do you know?" Gu Qingzhi said: "Then after Yao Guangxiao's death, who got the first volume of "Qianlong Xinchan"?" The old monk shook his head and said: "I don't know, Yao Du'an has no descendants and disciples, this half volume of the wonderful book His whereabouts have since become a mystery."

Everyone's hearts were shaken, and they thought to themselves: "It turns out that the two volumes of "Qianlong Xinchan" are all missing. If this news spreads, there will be another bloody storm in the martial arts world. What is this old monk? People, how can they know so clearly the secrets and past events from decades ago?"

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