Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 153 Seven Swords of Exorcising Corpse

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Shi Peiyin lived in seclusion in western Hunan, although he didn't know Luo Yushu's name, everyone in Hejian Luo's family knew the name, and he couldn't help being shocked, he said: "It turns out that he is a disciple of Heshuo Heshuo, no wonder his martial arts are so strong You said that the affairs of the world are unreasonable, and Qian Wenqin has no one in his eyes, and took action to destroy the clan flag, but how can you explain it?" He was used to rampant in Chenzhou, and although he knew that Luo Zhongyuan was the master of martial arts in the Central Plains, he didn't care. Not how to be intimidated by the opponent's reputation.

Shi Hepu frowned and said, "Old Qian, did you really break the banner?" Although he didn't know that Qian Wenqin was from the martial arts until today, the latter has always been cautious in the palace, so he would never be so reckless.Qian Wenqin laughed and said: "That day, two or thirty people from the coir raincoat gang besieged Qian Mouyi. If I hadn't kicked down the flagpole to stop the pursuers, my old life would have been buried in Qipanling." The flag is just a way out.Shi Hepu said: "Old Qian, you are also an old man, and you are so reckless! But when you look at it carefully, you can't blame Brother Qian." Shi Peiyin snorted: "You guys only know how to take sides and protect each other. reason!"

Several people were arguing, when they suddenly heard the creaking of the wooden planks of the stairs, one person meandering up the stairs, Qian Shi and the other two turned pale immediately.Shi Hepu tremblingly said: "Mr. Yu, why are you here?" He saw that the person who came was an old man with long beard and green robe and red face, who was Yu Shizhao, one of the two masters of the palace.

Yu Shizhao glanced at everyone upstairs, and said slowly, "My lord heard that Mr. Qian got into trouble in Yunlaiju, so he sent me to come and take a look. I don't want all of you to be here." It turned out that Qian Shier They were all regular customers of the restaurant, the boss and the waiters recognized them as people from the Wangfu, and they thought it would be useless to report to the officials when encountering such unlucky things as gangsters fighting, so they had to secretly send someone to pass a message to the Wangfu.Zhu Quan saw that there were a lot of strange things in the mansion in the past two days, and worried that the disciples would cause trouble again, so he sent Yu Shizhao to take care of it himself.

When Qian Wenqin saw Mr. Yu coming, his face was filled with horror, and cold sweat dripped from the corners of his forehead.Seeing this, Shi Hepu was slightly startled, and asked him in a low voice, "Don't you know, too?" Qian Wenqin dared not answer, but shook his head slightly.Shi Hepu's heart sank, knowing that although King Ning likes to recruit Luo Wulin people for his own use, but like Qian Wenqin concealed his identity and sneaked into the palace.

Yu Shi took a look at Shi Hepu and said, "Doctor Shi, since the lord allows you to leave the mansion, you should leave as soon as possible. Why are you still staying in the mansion?" I'm leaving now, and I don't dare to procrastinate for another day." Yu Shizhao nodded, seeing the tables and chairs all around tilted, the cups, bowls and pans shattered all over the floor, and the dishes and soups were splashed everywhere, he frowned and said, "Master Qian , although you usually drink too much, you have never lost your temper, how can you be so lazy today?"

Shi Hepu hurriedly said: "It's not about the old money, it's Shi who had a verbal dispute with these Jianghu friends, and couldn't hold back his hands for a while, but the old man laughed." Yu Shizhao shook his head and said: "Your doctor Shi has the best temper, why would you fight with someone in the downtown area? I think these two kids probably did something good." He said and glanced at Luo Jing and the two.Luo Yushu deliberately took the matter to himself, and said with a smile: "Yes, this matter is only due to the juniors and others being young and vigorous, disrupting the clean governance of your mansion, and begging for forgiveness from the seniors. We will compensate the owner for the loss of the restaurant here. yes."

Yu Shizhao sighed: "You two are so good at martial arts, and Mr. Fan is not here. Even if you pat your ass and leave, what can I do with you two? You are old and useless!" Turning to Shi Peiyin Humanity: "You guys are dressed in weird clothes, how dare you come to Nanchang City to act wild?" Seeing the old man showing weakness to Luo Yushu and others, Shi Peiyin felt a little contempt in his heart, and sneered: "Old man, you are impatient to live , dare to meddle in the uncle's business?"

Shi Hepu was shocked when he heard the words, and secretly groaned in his heart.He is familiar with the tempers of Fan and Yu, and knows that although Fan Mingsheng is irritable, he is straightforward and heroic, which is actually quite amiable; Yu Shizhao is the most aloof and arrogant, dignified and dignified, and Shi Peiyin is so disrespectful to him, and he will be killed in a blink of an eye In this way, the enmity between Qian Wenqin and the coir raincoat gang is bound to deepen. Before Yu Shizhao could speak, he shouted loudly: "It's unreasonable! Do you know who this senior is, how dare you talk to him like that?" The figure flickered , bullying Shi Peiyin's side, raised his hand and gave him a heavy slap in the face, half of the latter's cheek suddenly became red and swollen, and five fingerprints were clearly visible.

Although Shi Hepu's martial arts are much higher than Shi Peiyin's, he couldn't slap each other so easily, but he was determined to resolve the disputes between the two parties, and his words were always polite. , the subordinates are far from doing their best.Although Shi Peiyin was aggressive and aggressive, he could see that the opponent was deliberately forbearing and did not take precautions against him. At this moment, he accidentally suffered such a big loss, and couldn't help being angry from the bottom of his heart.Shi Hepu's move was originally intended to lure him to make a move. He knew Yu Shizhao's self-respect and status, and would never step forward to flank him. He only needed to teach Shi Peiyin a lesson, and give Yu Lao a bad breath, and the other party's rude words just now might be fine. Call and go.Shi Peiyin is a very stupid person, he didn't know that the other party wanted to save his life, so he swung the long sword in his hand like a tiger.Luo Yushu saw that his swordsmanship was very peculiar, his moves seemed weird and clumsy, but in fact he had a hidden edge, he really looked like a straight zombie, but the fire was not yet ready to show the power hidden in the sword moves.

Yu Shizhao looked at it for a moment, nodded and stroked his beard and said, "This sword technique is quite interesting, what kind of martial art is it?" Jing Lanzhou said, "I heard that this is the seven-pan corpse-repelling sword of Xiangxi coir raincoat gang leader Shi Sen." One of Shi Peiyin's fellow apprentices suddenly scolded loudly: "What are you, how dare you call my master by his old name?" It turned out that he saw everyone present showing their martial arts one by one, and he was far from an opponent, but Jing Lanzhou was always the only one Shrinking to the side, seeing him dressed as a weak scholar, he only thought that the other party was a soft persimmon who didn't know martial arts at all.The coir raincoat gang is domineering and domineering in the west of Hunan, they don't pay attention to the government at all, and there is no martial arts sect nearby that can suppress them. They are used to being domineering and domineering on weekdays. When it was half a cent cheap, he wanted to show his prestige on Jing Lanzhou, so as to let out a bad breath.Jing Lanzhou didn't feel annoyed when he heard this, and said with a smile, "I'm being rude, brother, don't blame me."

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