Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 152 Domineering

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Qian Wenqin said with a smile: "The head of the coir raincoat gang is located in the Baiwu Cave of Qipanling in the southeast of Yuanling County. They are full of outstanding people. The leader of Gang Shi became famous for his thirteen-way seven-pan corpse-hunting sword, which is even more powerful in Hunan and Hubei. Brother Shi, although your martial arts are superb, you may not be the opponent of Gangzhu Shi." Shi Hepu smiled and said: "What is my meager skill, brother Qian said that, isn't it intentional to make my brother look ugly?" He was quite conceited, until he saw Luo Jing and Zhu Yi yesterday, he knew that these young masters had surpassed him too much, and his desire to compete for strength suddenly became extremely weak.

Luo Yushu heard that Shi Sen's famous kung fu was called the Seven-Pan Corpse-Removing Sword, and he felt very puzzled, and said to himself, "Repelling corpses is a witchcraft and sorcery spread among the Miao descendants in western Hunan. How could this Gang Master Shi include his majestic status in the list of martial arts?"

Qian Wenqin went on to say: "What the coir raincoat gang brothers do in Chenzhou Mansion is to lick blood with knives and rob houses. Although it's not about robbing the rich and helping the poor, they don't disturb the good people. They only pick more money from the government and escorts. Let's do it." Luo Yushu nodded and said: "This is also very rare." Qian Wenqin said: "Although Liu Xuwu is a fellow apprentice of the leader of the Shi Gang, he has never joined the Coir raincoat gang. He usually just does farming at home." Shi Hepu said: "It turns out that Shi Gang The leader of the gang and brother Liu have another school. So, the coir raincoat gang was founded by the leader of the Shi clan?" Shi Peiyin showed a bright face, and said: "That's right, that's what happened last year." Everyone thought: " It turns out that the coir raincoat gang was established not long ago, so it is no wonder that they are not well-known in the world. Although Shi Sen has his own teacher, it is not uncommon in the martial arts world to start a new one after completing his studies."

He also heard Qian Wenqin say: "The establishment of the coir raincoat gang by the head of Gang Shi is a beautiful thing. But the establishment of gangs and factions in the martial arts has always been your wish. How can there be any reason to force people to join the gang? Brother Liu doesn't want to get involved. He is a business owner of the coir raincoat gang, who only wants to water flowers and grow vegetables at home, how can Gang Master Shi threaten him with force?" Everyone said "Oh", thinking in their hearts: "It turns out that Shi Sen forced him to become a bandit. But it was the coir raincoat gang who took the blame."

Shi Peiyin snorted and said: "This is the private sect between my father and Liu Xuwu's brother, why should others worry about it?" Qian Wenqin sneered: "The coir raincoat gang is not Brother Liu's sect. Could it be that he refuses to join the sect? Is it to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? It really doesn’t make sense! Back then, the master Shi and Liu Xuwu’s master died of illness, and he didn’t specify which of the two would take over the sect. Fighting; who would have guessed that the leader of the Shi Gang, seeing that Liu Xuwu insisted on refusing to join the coir raincoat gang, abused his authority as the head of the sect, and wanted to expel him from the original sect. Brother Liu has always been honest and honest, but he is not good at words. Although he was unwilling to give orders, he had no choice but to accept this dumb loss. Unexpectedly, the leader of Gang Shi was so tyrannical that he didn't even allow Brother Liu to go to the grave to pay homage on the anniversary of his master's death. At the beginning of the year, I went to Chenzhou Mansion. I wanted to go to the Lord Shi to discuss it, but I didn’t know that Xian Qiaozi was not there that day, and the brothers of the Gui Gang started to fight with Qian without asking about it. I injured him seven times. Eight people." Shi Peiyin said angrily: "You took advantage of my father and I going out to sneak up on the door and plot against you, not to mention hurting many brothers in the gang, and even kicking off the big flag pole at the gate of the village, but you came to pretend to be a good person?"

Luo Yushu thought to himself: "It turns out that Qian Wenqin broke the banner of the Coir raincoat gang, but this violated the taboo of thieves and gangsters in the Jianghu. No wonder the coir raincoat gang is so angry." He laughed: "Senior Qian kicked the flagpole to break the flag. It was an unintentional mistake, although there is nothing wrong with recruiting soldiers and horses for your gang, you still have to be conscientious, how can you force it? Since ancient times, it is better to resolve enemies than tie them up, and I hope that father and son will remember the friendship between teachers and students, so don't pursue it hard." Shi Peiyin sneered and said: "Speak lightly! What kind of a person are you, dare to speak nonsense here? Could it be that my coir raincoat gang wants to listen to your orders?"

Luo Yushu has a very good temper, he only smiled slightly when he heard this, and was not very angry, but Gu Qingzhi was annoyed by that side room, with a light flick of his fingers, a wine glass on the table flew towards Shi Peiyin.Shi Peiyin raised his sword in the air, and the wine glass was shattered. Unexpectedly, another iron lotus seed flew out of it and hit him on the cheek. Shi Peiyin yelled "Ah". Blood dripped down, and his face was burning with pain.It turned out that Gu Qingzhi had hidden the iron lotus seeds in the bottom of the cup with a flick of her fingers, her technique was so clever that no one present saw it, although Shi Peiyin could smash the wine glass, but she couldn't guard against the hidden weapon of the oriole behind the cup.

Shi Peiyin roared angrily, and stabbed Gu Qingzhi with his sword, Gu Qingzhi took out the double rings to block it, and the two of them fought together in the blink of an eye, and the tables, chairs, dishes and dishes around them inevitably suffered.Luo Yushu knew that Gu Qingzhi's martial arts were not inferior to the opponent, although it was not dangerous to fight against him, but it is always inappropriate to fight in a bustling restaurant, and he did not want to make more enemies, so he raised his hand on the scabbard for a while, and the long sword brushed With a sound of unsheathing, the hilt of the sword pointed at the Shenzang acupoint on Shi Peiyin's chest.

After seven or eight moves with Gu Qingzhi, Shi Peiyin and Gu Qingzhi already felt that this young girl's martial arts are very high, and she is probably not an opponent. I am afraid that today I will lose face in front of my juniors, and when I am riding a tiger, I suddenly see a long sword flying from the side , Stretching out the sword in a panic, unexpectedly the sword contained a strong force, it actually stuck the long sword in his hand, Shi Peiyin's wrist trembled, and the hilt of the sword immediately dropped from his hand.At this moment, Gu Qingzhi flashed the gold ring in his right hand and attacked his left shoulder.Luo Yushu's body flickered, and he was lying between the two of them. He took his long sword with his right hand to support Gu Qingzhi's golden ring, and gently picked up Shi Peiyin's dropped saber with his left hand, and handed it back to him, saying, "I'm going to shoot recklessly!" , How offending, Wanwang Shixiong Haihan."

Shi Peiyin saw that the other party's martial arts were unbelievably high, so he couldn't help being horrified, and praised: "Such handsome kung fu! Did you guys help Qian Wenqin?" Luo Yushu laughed and said: "Everyone is a good man, and he can't handle everything. The word 'reasonable', since both sides have faults, why don't we all give in a step and forget it." Shi Peiyin's face was very ugly, and said: "You guys insist on intervening in this matter because of the large number of people, then it's up to you Please leave Wan'er behind, my coir raincoat gang can come to ask for advice in the future." Shi Hepu laughed and said, "Brother Shi, this Young Hero Luo is a descendant of the Luo family in Hejian, and he served in the Liaodong Army. It is rare that he is willing If you come forward to mediate, you can treat him as a friend, and you will benefit greatly in the future." Qian Wenqin said movedly, "It turns out that your Excellency is Luo Shaoxia from Liaodong, what a blessing!" Luo Yushu hurriedly returned the gift.

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