Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 148

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Luo Yushu said: "Okay, this junior will go and find the way for you first!" He jumped down, only to hear a splash, but the water only reached his waist.Luo Yushu said happily: "The water is not deep at all, sister Zhi, come down quickly!" Gu Qingzhi thought of himself when he saw him first, couldn't help being very happy, and jumped into the water.Seeing that the river was only three or four feet deep, the two elders, Songzhu, jumped down one after another, followed by Songyun, Shihepu, and Jing Lanzhou. They saw that there was a long and narrow river corridor on the ground, extending all the way to the outside of the mountain.

The seven people moved slowly along the direction of the water flow. Although the dark river was only three feet deep, the top of the corridor was only slightly higher than the water surface. They had to bend over and squat in the dark, the river water would submerge everyone's chins, and the team walked very slowly.After walking for less than half a mile, the river bed under their feet sank, and the river water gradually became deeper. Everyone could walk upright, and the water level slowly rose to the mouth and nose.

The Songzhu elders couldn't help being a little flustered, and asked Luo Yushu, "The water is getting deeper and deeper, can we go ahead?" Luo Yushu said, "The front is flooded, so we have to swim out." Li Zhuliang hesitated: "If we go forward What should I do if there is no way out? Why don’t you go back and try another direction.” Luo Yushu shook his head and said, “Going into the mountain’s belly is almost always a dead end, and the only way to get out is to follow the direction of the dark river. If senior is suspicious, I’ll go ahead and have a look first. .” A fierce son plunged into the water.Gu Qingzhi said: "I'll go with you!" and fell into the water together with him.The two elders, Songzhu, looked at each other, feeling rather uneasy.

The two of Gu Luo swam tens of feet away from the bottom of the water, and suddenly saw a beam of light shooting into the water not far away in the chaos, which was the exit of the corridor.The two of them went out of the hole and struggled to swim upstream, and they surfaced in a short time. They couldn't help but let out a long breath, and each looked around, only to see that they were in a huge cave with a roof. It is seven to eight feet high, half of the lake in the cave is like a mirror, the bottom of the lake is connected to the exit of the corridor, and there are several rays of sunlight leaking from the cracks in the rocks on the top of the cave, obviously it is not isolated from the outside world.

Luo Yushu said happily: "Now we are saved, there must be a way out of this big cave!" He asked Gu Qingzhi to go ashore to rest first, and then he swam back to the place where the five people were waiting. But going upstream, even Luo Yushu's superb internal energy and excellent water skills also took a lot of energy.He told the situation ahead, the remaining five people were overjoyed, Shi Hepu and Jing Lanzhou immediately set off to swim to the cave, but Songzhu and Songzhu looked at each other with embarrassment.

Seeing this, Songyun said: "Two junior brothers, come with me!" He grabbed the two wrists and swam into the water.The two elders have superb internal skills, so it is not a problem to hold their breath under the water, and their hands and feet are unavoidably flustered, but Songyun firmly grasped the two of them, and they surfaced safely after a while.When Luo Yushu finally went ashore, the seven people gathered in the cave, and saw that the lake in the cave was as big as half an mu of land.Songyun laughed and said: "I don't think there is a cave in the belly of the mountain, which is eye-opening." Li Zhuliang said bitterly: "Hurry up and find a way out, the old man is going to kill Jin Yiwei's dog heads!"

Everyone took a rough look at the topography of the cave, and decided to move towards the brightest spot.Everyone's fire pleats are already wet, but luckily the cave has a faint light, and it's not blind.The seven people climbed westward through a section of rough and difficult stone forest, only to see the twists and turns in front of them, and then arrived at an open hinterland, with a small river flowing quietly on the left.Gu Qingzhi suddenly grabbed Luo Yushu's arm, and exclaimed in surprise: "There are dead people!" Luo Yushu looked up, and there was a skeleton sitting on a smooth boulder not far away, and the clothes all over his body had long since rotted.The seven people approached the boulder to watch, and saw five or six broken ribs on the chest of the corpse. It was obvious that they had suffered huge injuries before they were alive. They sat here and died of serious injuries. They couldn't help being curious: "I don't know what this is. How could people die here?"

Songyun suddenly exclaimed, "Master Uncle's Pine Pattern Sword!" Picking up the ancient sword on the right hand side of the corpse, he pulled out the pine scabbard, and saw that the pattern on the sword body was like flowing clouds and light waves. After a long time, there is still no rust at all, and the edge is faintly glowing, it is really a rare sword.Elder Songzhu recognized that this was indeed Zhang Yuqing's saber, and was shocked in his heart, secretly said: "Could it be that this corpse is Master Xibi?"

Songyun suddenly burst into tears, knelt down and kowtowed to the corpse and said, "Second Uncle, since you disappeared, my nephew has sent people to search secretly every year. I don't want you to die here, and your corpse has been exposed in the mountains for more than ten years. My nephew is not filial. Si, you are in vain for the descendants of the Zhang family!" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and Chen Yusong said in shock: "Although there is a pine-patterned sword here, how can you determine that this person is the uncle?" Song Yun said sadly: "The uncle left foot There are six toes, and no one knows about it except close relatives." Everyone looked at the skeleton, and there were six toes on the left foot.Seeing that Zhang Yuqing died in this barren mountain and cave, the Songzhu elders couldn't help feeling sad when they thought of their uncle's gentleness and love. They knelt down and kowtowed three times to his body.

Songyun lay on the ground and wept for a long time, everyone present felt sad, even Gu Qingzhi felt sorry for him.When the former calmed down a little, he got up and wiped away his tears and asked, "Second brothers, did Venerable Honglian never mention the uncle's matter to you?" He refused to say anything, but Monk Smelly must know the inside story, otherwise he wouldn’t be so scared when we asked about Master Uncle.” Songyun nodded slowly.Luo Yushu recalled that when his uncle Luo Yingting mentioned Immortal Xibi in front of the prison gate of Kaifeng Mansion that day, Jiansheng's expression was also very strange, it seems that there is indeed something strange.

Songyun said in a deep voice: "Because of seeing the death of a relative, the poor Taoist lost his composure for a while because of his grief. No wonder you guys. Now let's find a way out of the cave, and I will send people here to bury the second uncle's bones later. "Longhu Shanxi Bizhen Zhang Yuqinggui is a famous person of his generation, known all over the world for his extensive knowledge of classics and history, and his profound Taoism. After kowtowing respectfully, Songyun put away Zhang Yuqing's pine-patterned sword, and the seven of them walked along the waterway. After a while, they saw the river flowing out of a gap in the mountain wall. The sun was shining outside and the birdsong could be heard.

Luo Yushu said happily: "The exit is here!" The seven people climbed out of the gap one by one. Outside was a sloping hillside.Everyone was trapped in the cave on the mountainside before, but they managed to find a secret way to escape. They couldn't help but feel as if they were in another world. Everyone was soaked, their clothes were covered with mud, and they looked at each other in a panic.

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