Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 147

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Seeing that many powerful enemies were eliminated in one fell swoop today, Ma Shun couldn't help but feel very proud. He listened carefully to the silence in the cave, knowing that everyone must be thinking about how to escape, and said with a smile: "It's better to save some effort, everyone, relying on martial arts Gao Qiang, do you think you can push away this boulder and get out of trouble? At present, only the gods descend to earth and Arhats reincarnate can save you."

At this time, all the people in the cave were trying to move the boulder, and the cave entrance was long and narrow, allowing only one person to stand; in order to escape, the seven had no choice but to put aside their previous suspicions and work together, lined up in front and back, and the last person clasped their palms together. With the vest in the front, each transfers their internal energy forward.Five of the seven people in the cave are the top masters in the world. Although Shi Hepu and Gu Qingzhi's skills are slightly weaker, they are not ordinary people. The combination of seven people's internal strength can be said to be astonishing in the past, but the mountain rock is too huge , I don't know how many tens of thousands of catties it weighs, but it still remains motionless under the joint efforts of everyone.

Among the seven people, Songyun ranked first in the team with the strongest internal strength. Seeing that he could not move the boulder even after exhausting all his strength, he sighed: "Everyone, please accept your efforts, don't waste your efforts in vain." Looking around the cave, there is darkness all around, only a little light from the fire folds faintly reflects the worried faces of everyone.

Li Zhuliang snorted suddenly, and said coldly: "Brother Zhang, if he was willing to pass on the congenital skills to the two of us back then, he might not be able to push this broken stone today." Chen Yusong frowned and said, "Junior brother Li, what's the use of saying this now? Right now, everyone is in trouble, so finding a way to escape is a genius." Li Zhuliang said angrily, "It's not like you don't know that there is no other exit from this cave, how can you escape?"

Luo Yushu said: "Seniors, be safe and don't be impatient. As the saying goes, there is no unparalleled road, we might as well look for it again." Li Zhuliang sneered: "Although this cave is not shallow, it is only this big. You What other flowers can you find?" Luo Yushu didn't answer, picked up the fire fold and walked into the cave, carefully inspecting the walls and ground by the light of the fire along the way.The six people on the side were puzzled about what his intention was, and their eyes fell on him involuntarily.I saw Luo Yushu carefully inspecting every inch of the stone wall and soil in the cave, and suddenly squatted down in a corner, and beckoned to six people: "Come and see!" It is denser than the ground at other places in the cave.

Li Zhuliang said disdainfully: "What's so good about these mushrooms? Who knows if they are poisonous." Luo Yushu laughed and said: "Even if these mushrooms are edible, they are not enough for so many of us. But the fungi and grass here are dense, obviously the soil is far away It is more fertile than other places, and there may be water flowing underground." Stretching out his hand and digging randomly on the ground, it turned out that the soil was very moist and soft.

Chen Yusong asked: "So what if there is water in the ground?" Luo Yushu said: "There is a river at the foot of Gexian Peak, and there may also be underground rivers flowing under the surface of the mountain. Since we can't push away the boulder, we can only see if we can dig a tunnel. Go out." He led troops outside the pass for several years, and he has always studied the strategy of marching and fighting, and he also has a deep knowledge of mountain terrain and geomorphology.

Li Zhuliang happily said: "This is a good idea, why didn't we think of it before?" Everyone was digging the soil nearby, some places were dug a few inches and there were rocks, some places were dug quite deep, and the soil became more and more wet , found a lot of earthworms and beetles, Gu Qingzhi felt goosebumps. 00kxs.After digging down about half a foot, they also touched hard rocks. Li Zhuliang scolded: "This method doesn't work, there are rocks everywhere!"

Luo Yushu leaned over and held up the folds of fire to examine carefully, and saw a trickle gurgling from the cracks in the ground. He said happily, "There is spring water below! Senior Li, please use your abacus." Li Zhuliang wondered, "What are you doing?" Still handed him the iron abacus.Luo Yushu tapped the ground with an iron abacus, the sound was quite crisp, and he said happily: "The ground is not very thick, there is a rock spring below, maybe there is a river leading to the outside." It turned out that Li Zhuliang's magnetic abacus was very heavy, and it could not be knocked down. He could tell the thickness of the rock formation by listening to the sound, the long sword worn by Luo Yushu and the iron double rings worn by Gu Qingzhi were both considered too light.

Everyone listened with bated breath, and the sound of rushing water could be faintly heard from the ground, and they couldn't help being overjoyed.Li Zhuliang said: "Let me do it!" He took the iron abacus and smashed it down hard, there was a bang sound of sparks flying and stone chips flying, which made his jaw hurt, but only a white mark appeared faintly on the ground.Chen Yusong shook his head and sighed, "This is beyond human capabilities."

Shi Hepu suddenly said: "Jing Shaoxia, do you still have extra thunderbolts on your body?" Jing Lanzhou understood what he meant, and said hesitantly: "Yes, there are, but we are in the cave, if you accidentally trigger a fire bomb?" Landslide, I'm afraid there will be no burial place for death." Songyun said: "I think the feng shui here is good. It happens to use the stone cave as the coffin and Gefeng as the burial place. How can there be no burial place? Now there is only a test. It's better than starving to death here."

Gu Qingzhi suddenly said: "Someone set fire outside!" Everyone was startled when they heard this, and turned their heads to look, only to see thick smoke billowing in from the gap between the cave entrance and the boulder, and the sound of burning branches crackling faintly from outside the boulder.It turned out that Ma Shun was worried about a change, so he ordered his men to pile up branches outside the cave, set fire to it and fan the flames, intending to choke everyone inside to death.

Seeing the critical situation, Songyun shouted: "It's useless to think too much, let's do it!" Jing Lanzhou gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone stay away!" Everyone hid in the depths of the cave, Jing Lanzhou took out a thunderbolt, Press down the two hidden grids and throw it towards the deepest part of the excavation, only to hear a loud noise, the place where the fire flashed and the mud splashed everywhere, falling on people's faces and bodies, and a deep sunken pit exploded on the ground, but the ground has not yet been cleared. Blast through.

Seeing that there was no sign of landslide in the cave, Jing Lanzhou took out the last thunderbolt in his bosom, pressed down the three hidden compartments at the same time, and threw it at the center of the round pit, only to hear a thunderclap like the sky falling apart, shaking everyone The ears were deafened, and after the dust settled, a small hole the size of a bowl was blown out in the center of the pit. The seven people leaned over to have a look, and there was a rush of water rushing through the ground, and the water surface was no more than a foot away from everyone's feet. May.

Luo Yushu pulled out his long sword and stretched it down, the tip of the sword did not touch the bottom, he said happily: "This dark river is at least two feet deep, as long as it is running water leading to the outside, we can escape." Li Zhuliang raised the iron abacus towards the edge of the hole With a burst of smashing, since the small hole has been blasted through, it is much easier to smash the surrounding rocks, and in a short time, a hole big enough to pass through is dug out.

At this time, the smoke in the cave was getting thicker and thicker, and everyone felt it was getting difficult to breathe, Luo Yushu asked: "Who will go down first?" The elders of Songzhu and Songzhu were not used to water, thinking that if the dark river was so deep, they would drown in vain if they fell. ?Chen Yusong hesitated for a moment, and said: "Since Shaoxia Luo found this way, naturally you should go first."

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