Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 140

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Jing Lanzhou was very puzzled when he heard the words, and secretly said: "I have never met this old man, how could he hate me so deeply?" Seeing this, Zhu Quan was also surprised: "Ju Weng, do you recognize this young man? The old man gritted his teeth and said, "How can I know this young boy? But the old servant and his master have a deep hatred, and they may not be able to repay it in their lifetime. It's better to take the apprentice first."

Zhu Quan changed his face and said, "What's the festival between you and Mr. Siguo?" The old man smiled bitterly and said, "The grievance between the old servant and Gu Dongguan can only be described by the word 'holiday'? Do you know Who am I?" Zhu Quan said: "Everyone who enters my palace, I have sent people to check your details. Your Excellency is the elder of the Aoshan sect. In terms of seniority, you are still the uncle of the master Lingshi Taoist. He is alone in the rivers and lakes. Thanks to his honor, he is willing to commit himself to the palace as a servant, and he really wronged the old man."

The old man smiled and said: "What did the prince say. The old servant has to be entrusted with the task of cooking tea with a cooking stove. This is the most elegant thing in the world. I am really grateful. Does the prince know the name of the old servant in the martial arts?" Zhu Quan said: "The old man's name is Changkong. Because of his lightness, there is a nickname in the Jianghu called 'Shangkong Yiyan'. After you entered the palace, everyone just called you 'Ju Weng' to increase tea affairs. Qingzhi." The old man nodded and said, "That's right, this old man is the Changkong Taoist of the Aoshan School. I also have a common name named Xing, and a double name named Yiyan."

All the people present were shocked when they heard this, Shi Hepu said: "What? You are 'Hundred-clawed Centipede' Xing Yiyan? have died a long time ago?" The old man laughed and said: "Hey, 40 years The former bandit Xing Yiyan who roamed the rivers and lakes is still alive, did you not expect that?"

Zhu Quan frowned and said: "Although the Aoshan School belongs to the Taoist sect, most of them are lay disciples. Lingshi Taoist's master, Su Shuangxiong, has not become a monk. Your Excellency is Su Shuangxiong's junior, Changkong Daoist, how could it be that?" The notorious Jiangyang bandit Xing Yiyan?" The old man said bitterly: "Although the Aoshan School is not a famous school, what kind of honor is there to have someone like Xing under the school? Naturally, the entire sect does not want to announce it to the outside world. But Taoist Changkong It’s Xing Yiyan, and Xing Yiyan is Changkong, just like a fake.”

Jing Lanzhou was secretly surprised, thinking: "Xing Yiyan is not dead? Master said that he chased him to Tongya Mountain by the river in Tongren County, Guizhou, and shocked him to death on the river beach with heavy hands. With master's skill, how could the other party die?" Can you escape with your life?"

Xing Yiyan saw the confusion on his face, and sneered, "Gu Dongguan said he beat me to death with his own hands, didn't he? It's a pity that my 'hundred-clawed centipede' should not die. But he refused to take me in and sent me back. I am sorry to see you today, the apprentice who taught me to meet my big enemy here!"

Shi Hepu suddenly said: "I heard that the bandit Xing Yiyan is of medium height, which doesn't seem to match your appearance." Xing Yiyan said angrily: "Back then in Guizhou, I was hit by Gu Dongguan's palm and broke my spine. Although I saved my life, I became permanently disabled. , turned into this appearance of being neither a human nor a ghost, and suffered so much for decades." Looking at Jing Lanzhou, he said viciously: "Don't worry about it, you kid, if Xing doesn't make it slowly, you will regret it." When I was born into this world, I will take your surname."

Zhu Quan suddenly said: "Ju Weng, oh, you should be called Mr. Xing. You have concealed your identity and entered my palace for more than [-] years. What is your intention?" Xing Yiyan sneered: "I know that I have done too many evils in my life. Mr. Guo wanted to get rid of me, so he had nothing to say; luckily Xing escaped with his life, but although the world is big, how can there be a place for me? But if there is one person in the martial arts world who knows that my life is still alive, Gu Dong Guan is determined to let me go, but the old man thinks about it, and the only way to go is to join the prince."

Zhu Quan sighed: "Since Mr. Xing intends to return to seclusion, why don't you stick to the rhyme of Qin, Shu and tea, and spend the rest of your life with me in the countryside? Wouldn't it be beautiful? Today you reveal your identity for the sake of a moment, what will happen in the future?" Xing Yiyan smiled and said: " As long as you don't say anything, who would know that this old man is a 'Hundred Clawed Centipede'?" Zhu Quan said slowly, "You want to kill all of us?" Xing Yiyan sighed, "My lord has always treated Xing very well. , I am helpless.”

Zhu Quan sighed, and said: "My king is nearly seventy years old, and I don't really care about life and death. Unfortunately, I died at the hands of a tea cooker, which is definitely not my wish." Suddenly he said to Xing Yiyan: " Hurry up and take this person down." Xing Yiyan was shocked when he heard this, and looked back, but there was no one behind him.He knew something was wrong, and when he turned to look at Zhu Quan, he saw that the brick under Zhu Quan's stool suddenly turned over, and it turned out to be a huge trap.

Xing Yiyan hurriedly rushed into the pavilion, only to see that the stone bricks on the ground were paved tightly, and after touching it for a long time, he didn't know what mechanism King Ning had touched just now. When he was shocked and angry, he suddenly heard the wind behind him, it was Yu Shizhao Then a palm came from behind, he quickly turned around and faced it with a palm.Hearing a "pa", Yu Shizhao stood on the spot, but Xing Yiyan's short body flew straight out of the stone pavilion and fell heavily to the edge of the pool.I saw a trace of blood slowly dripping from the corner of his mouth, he got up and said with a grinning grin: "After being hit by five toad and seven smoke powder, he can still use his kung fu to strike a palm. Mr. Yu is indeed a great player. It's amazing, it's amazing!"

It turned out that when Zhu Quan and others talked with Xing Yiyan just now, Yu Shizhao kept silent, secretly saving the remaining zhenqi in his dantian, and waited for the right time to strike hard. Unexpectedly, Xing Yiyan's reaction was so fast that he failed to plot success.When the two palms intersected, it seemed that although Yu Shizhao had the upper hand, he had exhausted the little remaining internal energy and was so weak that even a child could poke him down with a finger; Xing Yiyan Although he was shaken away and injured, he was fine for a while.Luo Jing, Shi and Pu Nei were not as powerful as Yu Shizhao. After being poisoned, their internal energy was exhausted, and it was difficult for them to accumulate true energy like him.

Xing Yiyan saw that Zhu Quan escaped from the secret passage, and knew that King Ning's subordinates would arrive in no time. The first priority was to kill Jing Lanzhou to take revenge, but since he caught Gu Dongguan's apprentice, he had already made up his mind to torture him After a while, how can you be willing to give him a happy death?He thought to himself: "Since King Ning has escaped, I can't cover the matter of the old man's being in the world anyway. Do you want to spare the lives of others?" Thinking about it, he thought to himself: "'Heshuo Hero' Luo Zhongyuan What kind of friendship is there with Gu Dongguan? Since the old man is determined to deal with me, how can the Luo family sit idly by? Lao Xing, Lao Xing, you have lived under the fence for many years, and your vigor has been exhausted. Dozens of people were killed when you acted back then. How could you ever hesitate in your heart? Half a cent?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel evil, shook his hands, and pulled out a pair of gleaming centipede hooks from his waist belt, and shouted: "Today you are all buried with the kid named Jing, you must not blame the old man! " After saying this, he threw himself towards Luo Yushu's neck.

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