Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 139 Poisonous Smoke

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At this time, the setting sun was sinking to the west, a crescent moon hung on the branches, and the garden gradually became dark.Zhu Quan caressed his beard and said: "General Luo, although you and I should not be prejudiced, I am an old friend. If the king refuses for a thousand miles, it will be a loss of etiquette." Quan nodded, and sighed: "That's right. Alas, at the end of the day, there is a cool breeze, and when there are many gray hairs, there are fewer old friends." Hanlin was punished by ten clans for insisting on refusing to draft the enthronement edict, Ling Zu was among them, I think you know it." Luo Yushu said: "That's right, there is such a thing."

Zhu Quan sighed and said: "At the beginning of the Fourth Emperor's war against Jing Nan, Shaoshi Yao decided that Fang Hanlin would not surrender on the day Wangshi won. He urged Brother Huang to spare his life, and Brother Yao has already agreed. He obeyed his advice, but in the end he broke his promise, I'm afraid Mr. Zhengxue is too aggressive." The Yao Shaoshi he was talking about was Yao Guangxiao, the most heroic counselor of Zhu Dijing Nan, and Mr. Zhengxue was Fang Xiaoru's name.

Luo Yushu secretly said: "King Ning suddenly brought up the matter of Mr. Fang. I don't know what his intention is?" He replied: "Emperor Taizong was a rare lord when he opened up territories, ruled by culture and martial arts; Mr. Zhengxue did not betray his old master, Even if he dies and martyrs, he does not lose the character of a Confucian. With the talent of Fang Hanlin, under Taizong's rule, he should have been a phoenix and a dragon, and his future is limitless, but if he does not follow Emperor Jianwen and die, then he is not Fang Xiaoru."

Zhu Quan shook his head and sighed: "Students' stubborn temper is much stronger than those rough wielding knives and guns. Back then, the imperial brother, Mr. Fang, must have been very polite. If Fang Xiaoru hadn't humiliated the emperor in the court, he would not have ended up like this. It's a pity that Yao Shaoshi was ordered to stay in Beijing and was unable to accompany Jingnan, otherwise he might be able to persuade the emperor to spare his life. Lingzu Tongfang Hanlin is a close friend, and he should be among the ten clans who were punished. No one from the top and bottom came out, so they escaped the catastrophe. When the king was stationed in Daning in his early years, he heard a lot about Luo Shaoqing's chivalrous name. I followed my brother to Yingtian, and I once invited Lingzu Zhishe to have an all-night talk. We are very close to each other. Yes. It's a pity that the ancestor resigned and returned to his hometown soon, and this king has also been in Jiangxi, and we have never met since then." Seeing that he and his grandfather had an old relationship, Luo Yushu couldn't help feeling relieved, and secretly said: "In that case, maybe King Ning Ken let Miracle Doctor Shi follow us."

Zhu Quan said again: "Let the ancestors be virtuous, if they serve the imperial court wholeheartedly, they will be on the stage to assist after a long time. Although he explored the world situation, resigned from his hometown and hidden his glory, and no longer care about these common affairs, he also found another way. Since then, he has become famous in the martial arts world. How can he know that it is not a blessing if he loses his horse. I wonder if Ling Zu has ever mentioned this king?"

Luo Yushu said: "The ancestors of the family said that the prince is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he has the talents to build a lot of talents. He can be a scholar and teacher in the world." Zhu Quan said with a smile: "Luo Shaoqing's false praise is too much. This dynasty has its own Song Qianxi and Xie Chunyu. This kind of article Zongbo, Zhu Quan is nothing to say! It’s just an old man who is confused and treats Nanchang. Well, I still remember that the army entered Yingtian in June 35th year of Hongwu. I had a long talk with Ling Zu in the room. I have benefited a lot, and I often want to be taught afterwards, but unfortunately I never have the chance to meet again. It is also a great comfort for my life to see the descendants of Duke Luo today."

Seeing that Zhu Quan praised his grandfather so much, Luo Yushu seemed to have a deep connection with his grandfather, and secretly wondered: "Although grandfather often praised King Ning for his outstanding talents, he never mentioned his old acquaintance. I don't know why?" Luo Yushu In his spare time, Zhong Yuan likes to tell his younger generation a lot of anecdotes about the lives of his friends. It is said that grandfather and Ning Wang also had a personal relationship.He thought to himself: "For an unrestrained and uninhibited martial arts expert like Taoist Songyun, according to Grandpa's temperament, he should never leave his mouth all day long. The reason why he didn't mention the name of the Taoist priest is probably to avoid talking about the other party. When he acted badly back then, he took care of other people's face; could it be... Could it be that King Ning is also like this?" Just as he was wondering, he suddenly smelled a sweet smell in his nose, followed by dizziness in his eyes, and his limbs felt limp. He screamed in his heart that something was wrong, and when he turned his head to look at Jing Lanzhou, he saw his pale complexion and sweat dripping from his forehead, obviously he had also been poisoned.

Seeing that Shi Hepu was shocked, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground with a clang and shattered, and he said in a trembling voice: "My lord, Shi has committed infidelity and wronged Wu En, he deserves to die for the crime. These two are guests of the palace and the current martial arts masters Disciples of descendants, I also hope that the prince will give you the antidote, so let them go."

King Ning's face became more and more blurred in the smoke, and only a low voice said: "You think it was my king's hands and feet?" Shi Hepu said: "My lord, isn't this poisonous smoke from the palace?" Five toads and seven smoke powder?" Zhu Quan said slowly, "That's right, but I didn't order anyone to poison the incense burner. Shizhao, how do you feel now?" Yu Shizhao said: "My lord, this poison is so powerful , I can hardly get my anger out."

Zhu Quan said in a deep voice: "Go and call the song." Yu Shizhao said: "At this moment, we are all plotted by the middleman, and we are in danger. Shizhao dare not leave the prince without authorization, please send someone else to go. Look for Mr. Fan." Zhu Quan nodded and said, "That makes sense. Where is Ju Weng?" The dwarf old man came in from outside the garden.Fearing that he would also be poisoned, Zhu Quan shouted, "Ju Weng, don't go into the pavilion." But he didn't know why.

The old man stopped when he heard the words, bowed and said, "I don't know what orders the lord has?" Zhu Quan said, "Go to the small room as soon as possible, and call Mr. Fan for the king." The old man replied, "Yes." But he stood where he was. like a statue.Luo Yushu was curious: "This old man is seven or eight zhang away from us, could it be that the poisonous smoke is so powerful that even he was poisoned?"

At this time, the twilight was falling, and the figure of the old man stood quietly by the pool, as if he had merged with the vegetation in the garden.King Ning frowned and said, "Ju Weng, can you hear me?" The old man said, "Yes, please forgive me for not being able to obey orders." Zhu Quan said, "How do you say that?" The old man said, "If Mr. Fan Come on, the old servant is not his opponent, how can he succeed?"

Zhu Quan was silent for a while, then sighed: "It turns out that you have tampered with it secretly. Your Excellency has been serving and cooking tea in the palace for more than one day, and there are countless opportunities for poisoning. Why did you not do it until today?" Eternal love, even a servant like me is not disrespectful, the old servant is very grateful, how dare to offend the beauty? I want to deal with this kid here." He said and stared at Jing Lanzhou, his eyes full of It is the color of resentment.

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