Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 129 Innate palm technique

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Seeing that Wang Shan doesn't use weapons, Li Zhuliang considers himself a self-identity, and he doesn't want to take advantage of it, so he put away his magnetic calculations and confronted the enemy with his bare hands.Although Wang Shan's moves were extremely fast, he responded even faster, sometimes he was able to block the opponent's attack one step ahead, and he didn't make a counterattack. Your master is strong!" The two of them played twenty or thirty moves in a row, although it seemed that there was no victory or defeat, but Wang Shan was already attacking with all his strength like a storm, but Zhu Lao was calm and unhurried, and a discerning person could tell the superiority at a glance Ma Shun couldn't help but secretly frowned when the verdict was issued.

After several rounds of fighting, Li Zhuliang slapped out a palm, seemingly carelessly, but Wang Shan felt that no matter how he blocked it, it was too difficult to parry, so he had to jump back a few feet to avoid the front.Li Zhuliang caressed his beard and said: "You kid doesn't want to use a sword. It's a bit of a shame. I think the old man Wuzheng has some friendship with me. You just said something rude, so I don't care too much about it. Let's back down." Wang Shan laughed and said : "My skills are low, I was just asking for advice from my seniors, how dare I compete with the superiors?" As he said this, he gave a deep bow to Li Zhuliang, only to hear a soft sound of the machine spring, and three cold stars on his back suddenly shot towards the opponent's front door. out.Li Zhuliang flicked his sleeve and shot down the hidden weapon, angrily said: "I don't know how to advance or retreat!" He took out an iron abacus and threw it down on Wang Shan's head.

Suddenly hearing the wind blowing in his ears, Ma Shun's soul-chasing tiger claws attacked from the side.Li Zhuliang raised his arm, and the tiger's claws clinged to the abacus with a bang, Zhu Lao pulled his right hand, and Ma Shunfei jumped forward, kicking his right shin.Li Zhuliang did not give in, he raised his legs and swept across, the legs of both sides intersected, and there was a muffled bang; the two kicked their legs like lightning, and each kicked several times in a row, only heard the sound of thumping, and they did not touch each other several times. They separated up and down, and then stretched out their hands and "slapped" each other. Ma Shun took a few steps away, pulled the iron cable upright with a bang, and stood still. The steel claw at the other end was still firmly attached to the iron abacus in Li Zhuliang's hand.Li Zhuliang saw that the other party's kung fu was comparable to his own, he couldn't help but secretly startled: "Ma Shun is worthy of being the number one master in the university, his kung fu is really powerful."

Ma Shun clasped his hands and said: "My righteous brother was innocent for a while and offended Elder Li. Mrs. Ma thanked Elder Li for him. I hope Elder Li will not take the blame." Li Zhuliang snorted and said: "With Master Ma's martial arts, It's strange, strange!" With a flick of his right hand, the steel tiger claw fell off the abacus.

Ma Shun put away his tiger claws and said: "Senior has been over-reputed, how can Ma, a meager talent, be worthy of the important task of being the head of the sect? Since what you are talking about is the privateness of the family, we should avoid suspicion." After speaking, he wanted to lead the crowd to leave.Songyun stopped him and said, "Wait! You can leave as soon as you want, and you must leave Venerable Honglian behind." Li Zhuliang sneered and said, "Brother Zhang's trouble with other sects is still the same as before. Monk Jiansheng broke the door and went out. Teach me, why do you need others to worry about whether you want to pursue crimes for the palace punishment hall? In this way, you will definitely not let Senior Brother Chen and me go."

Songyun said sternly: "Monk Jiansheng can make master's innate palm, don't you two know?" Chen and Li were shocked when they heard the words, and Chen Yusong said: "Brother, you... what did you say?" Jun slowly said: "The whereabouts of my uncle have been unknown for more than ten years, and the congenital skills have been learned by an outsider. Don't you two want to ask the truth? The two junior brothers should put the teacher's school as the most important thing. What are the past grievances between you and me?" Worth mentioning?"

Both Chen and Li cast their eyes on Jian Sheng, although the latter joined Wuwei Palace for a long time, he has been ordered to serve as a monk official in Baozhu Temple, in order to avoid suspicion, he seldom has contact with his companions. The two elders had never seen him display his true abilities before.Chen Yusong said: "Reverend Honglian, is my senior brother serious?" Jian Sheng's face turned blue and white, and said, "My own practice has its own fate, why can't the poor monk learn the innate palm?"

Li Zhuliang sneered and said: "Innate skills are not even allowed to be taught to disciples with surnames outside our sect, but you put it lightly!" He quickly approached Jian Sheng and slapped his left shoulder with his palm.Jian Sheng raised his arm to block, Li Zhuliang suddenly changed his move, turned his right palm halfway to cut his lower abdomen, Jian Sheng pressed down with his left hand, with his left palms facing outwards and right palms facing inwards, he first closed his hands on the abdomen, and then turned his hands over , changing the left palm to the inside and the right palm to the outside, taking Li Zhuliang's palm.Li Zhuliang didn't pursue, he jumped two steps away and said: "Senior brother, it's 'Bao Yuan Shou Yi', it really is the Xiantian Palm."

Chen Yusong nodded, and suddenly he and Li Zhuliang jumped forward, one on the left and the other on the right, moving like lightning, and grabbed Jiansheng's shoulders respectively.Shocked, Jian Sheng hurriedly crossed his arms, suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, the two elders had somehow shifted their positions, pointing him to the left and right Tianxi acupoints.Jian Sheng was caught off guard, he sank his shoulders and retracted his elbows to protect his armpits in a hurry, but the upper part opened wide, he felt a numbness in his shoulders, the other hand of the second elder had already grasped the Jianjing acupoints on both sides of him.

Everyone at the scene saw that the two elders cooperated seamlessly with each other. Although Jiansheng's martial arts were inferior to the two, they were restrained in an instant, and they were completely powerless to resist. It was also because this attack was too weird and unpredictable.Songyun said coldly: "The two junior brothers practiced this move 'Impermanence Constraining the Soul', presumably it was used to deal with the poor, and it can be described as well-intentioned." Li Zhuliang said: "Senior brother Zhang's martial arts are too high. Seeking self-protection is a last resort.”

Songyun snorted and said: "You used this trick on Venerable Honglian in front of me. Aren't you afraid that I will be on guard and it won't work if you use it in the future?" Chen Yusong sighed: "Brother, the three of you and I We are both dying, so why talk about those disputes in the past all the time? The two of us were attacked from all directions, so we practiced some strange moves for self-defense. Could it be that they are really here to harm you?" Still clinging tightly to Jian Sheng acupoints do not let go.Although he and Songyun had been at odds for a long time, but after listening to Mei Qian's words in Zhuxi Town, thinking that the reason why the two of them were able to save their lives back then was thanks to the benevolence of their seniors, their tone softened a little.

Song Yun's heart immediately softened when he heard the words, and sighed: "Back then I missed and injured Junior Brother Li, and I regretted it in my heart, but I can't watch the two of you make mistakes again and again. The two junior brothers were recommended to the old Palace Master with all my strength. , Who would have thought that the entrustment was not human, and in the future, under Jiuquan, he would inevitably feel ashamed of his old friend."

Li Zhuliang sneered and said, "Under the Nine Springs? You are a dead person..." Chen Yusong interrupted him and said, "Junior Brother Li, it's better not to say anything irrelevant." Turning to Songyun, he said, "What brother said is very true If the matter of personal grievances is small, but the matter of the master's family is big, how can the innate palm of our sect fall into the hands of outsiders? We will take Venerable Honglian to torture carefully, and the whereabouts of the master uncle will be wrapped up on both of us." Li Zhuliang mentioned Looking at Jiansheng's shoulders, he jumped lightly, and in the blink of an eye, he sank into the nearby woods. Jiansheng's key points were restricted, and he had no strength to struggle.Songyun was about to go after her, but suddenly remembered that the girls of the Yao tribe were not out of danger yet, so she looked back at Ma Shun and the others, sighed, stopped and stood quietly on the spot.

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