Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 128

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Just as Ma Shun was in shock, he hurriedly adjusted his inner breath secretly, but luckily he was not injured.Seeing that the other party received a slap in the face, he acted as if nothing had happened. He had practiced this old way for decades like a fly shaking a tree. He couldn't help but feel all hopeless, and sighed: "The Taoist master's magical skills are far beyond the reach of Ma. I would like to bet and admit defeat. Everyone, please go ahead." In fact, Song Yun may not be able to win easily with all his martial arts, but the latter showed a shocking Hunyuan internal strength. Since Ma Shun knew that he was invincible, there was no point in fighting more Or call Sanying and Jiansheng to swarm up, but there are also three women from the Yao tribe on the opposite side to help.

Songyun threw the iron claw back to Ma Shun, turned around and asked Jian Sheng, "Master Jian Sheng, who did you learn your innate palm skills from?" Jian Sheng paled and said hoarsely: "This is the poor monk. It's really inconvenient to tell you the secret biography of the sect, but I still hope that Dao Chang Haihan." Song Yun shook his head and said, "Xiantian palm is a unique skill that is not passed on in the Qing Palace. The master is a Buddhist, how can he be responsible for this work?" Jian Sheng said: "There are so many martial arts in the world, and it's not surprising that there may be similarities between them. It's not the first day for the Taoist master and I to know each other. Why do you ask all these?"

Songyun snorted and said: "Since the lord refuses to tell, the poor have no choice but to learn a few tricks." The heels of the two palms were combined together, and the palms were pushed forward in a lotus shape, and the wind of the palms covered Jiansheng in all directions. Immediately forced the latter to have no way out.Sanying saw that this veteran martial art was astonishing, and he focused on Jiansheng for the matter of Xiantianzhang. He didn't think it was worthwhile to try his own life for this monk who had just joined the group, but no one stepped forward to help.Jiansheng's scalp was numb, he summoned his internal strength to forcibly receive the palm, and with a slap, he was shaken back a few feet, he felt that his whole body was about to fall apart, extremely uncomfortable.

Songyun raised his right palm, and was about to attack again, when he suddenly saw two figures floating from the left and right, the speed was unbelievably fast, and each handed out a palm to him.Songyun flipped his hands and touched the palms of the two, his body suddenly spun around like a top, the two were stuck by the internal force of his palms, so they had to circle around him quickly, making everyone dizzy.After turning around seven or eight times, Songyun spit out his internal strength, and the two of them stepped back a few steps.Songyun didn't even look at it, and said in a deep voice, "You two junior brothers, are you all right?" In the moonlight, the man's face was clearly reflected, and it was the two elders of Songzhu.

Li Zhuliang said with a grim face: "Thanks to the gift of senior brother, you are still alive." Song Yun said sharply: "Back then, you two defied the sky, betrayed the faith and betrayed the alliance, and you still don't know how to repent?" Chen Yusong laughed. Said: "If you don't follow the elder brother's wishes, you are going against the heavens? Hehe, what a big tone. Although the old palace master is the hero of the whole life, he still can't bear the word 'heaven' when he thinks about it."

Songyun said: "As soon as I heard that the two junior brothers showed up in Henan, I knew that you would come to Jiangxi to find me sooner or later. I didn't expect to arrive so quickly." Hurry up." Song Yun yelled, "Then what are you waiting for? Junior Brother Li, make a move!"

Li Zhuliang said: "Okay! Let me try to see if my brother has improved in martial arts in the past two years." Just as he was about to slap him, Chen Yusong grabbed him and said, "Wait a minute, brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time Why don't you talk about the old friendship first, and you have to do it when you come up?" Li Zhuliang said: "It's not speculative, so what's there to say?"

Chen Yusong pondered for a while, then turned his head and smiled at Jian Sheng: "Master Jian Sheng, we meet again. Finally, you and I have been excommunicated, and there is no need to confront each other at this time. It is very fortunate." Jian Sheng's complexion changed slightly, and he said "It's easy to say, the two elders are still as handsome as before, and the poor monk is really gratified." Chen Yusong said: "The three of my brothers and sisters have some private matters to talk about, so I dare to ask the master to move away from the young master and all the adults. Thank you in advance Pass."

At the side, Wang Shan saw that the four daughters of the Yao tribe were ready to capture, but Cheng Yaojin came out halfway, and he was unwilling; If the two sides fight together, one side may be able to make a profit, so how can we miss this good opportunity?Immediately he laughed and said: "The universe is bright, the sun and the moon are shining, and there is nothing that cannot be said to others. My Jinyiwei is under the imperial edict of the emperor to carry out arrests. How can I retreat easily? If you have something to say, let's talk here."

Wang Shan hadn't finished speaking when Li Zhuliang's figure flashed in front of him, and said coldly: "You are also an old Jianghu, why don't you even understand the rules of martial arts?" Wang Shan didn't see how he flashed in front of him at all. A thin bony face almost touched the tip of his nose, he couldn't help being terrified, but he didn't dare to make a move easily, he quickly jumped back two steps.

I saw Li Zhuliang's body didn't seem to move at all, Wang Shan's feet just touched the ground, but the former was standing in front of him like a shadow, and said coldly: "Your master Wu Zheng Taoist was defeated by me back then, I heard that you boy The blue comes out of the blue, so I will test how good you are." Wang Shan said with a bitter face: "The junior's kung fu is still less than [-]% of that of my mentor, how dare I compare with the senior?" Li Zhuliang swept away his chest.

With a flick of his wrist, Li Zhuliang pulled out a dark iron abacus from his back, locked Wang Shan's soft sword with a clatter, and said with a sneer, "Sword with sweet mouth and belly! Is this also taught to you by Wu Zheng?" The sword couldn't be drawn back, the veins on the forehead were slightly bruised, and he said with a smile: "Senior's weapon is so strange, I don't know where it came from?" Li Zhuliang said: "This is my family life, today I will open your eyes." The Chief Secretary of Henan Province worked as an accountant for two years, and he never left his calculations on weekdays, but he actually practiced a weird kung fu that he used as a weapon.His abacus is purely made of magnets, not only makes the incoming force heavy, but ordinary weapons are firmly attracted as soon as it comes up, how can he fight against it?In times of crisis, the brass abacus can also be used as a hidden weapon, making it impossible to defend against, which is really powerful.

Wang Shan saw that he couldn't move the Dragon Beard Soft Sword, so he stretched out his left hand and quickly tapped the acupoint on the lower stage of the opponent's breast.Li Zhuliang slanted the abacus, and the soft sword blade lay across the path of Wang Shan's attack, almost cutting off half of his finger.Wang Shan changed his moves very quickly, with a slip of his wrist, he clamped the sword body with two fingers and pulled it outward, and finally pulled the soft sword out of the abacus lever.

Seeing that the opponent's weapon was weird, he didn't dare to use the Dragon Beard Sword anymore, he lightly shook his right hand, tied the soft sword around his waist, and turned to use the 32-style grabbing hand to fight the opponent.In the cabin, Luo Yushu and the others saw that Wang Shan's moves were as quick as a single move. Picking, cutting, hanging, hooking, pressing, buckling, splitting, and punching were all clean and neat, and they thought: "It is said that Wang Shan uses 36 strokes. The Dragon Beard Huifeng sword is famous all over the world, I don't want to be so good at it."

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