Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 121 Horse Commander

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Wang Shan and others saw the appearance of the five people facing him clearly under the light of the fire. Wang Lin was the first to turn pale with shock, and asked Mei Qian, "Senior, why is it you?" I have offended you, is your injury almost healed?" Jing Lanzhou thought: "Miss Xian really sent Elder Mei to intercept Wang Lin at Niupi Mountain." Wang Linqiang smiled and said: "I will follow your old orders, and I will never do it again. Go to Kaifeng Mansion, I wonder if your old man has told Senior Gu?"

Jian Sheng snorted and said, "Lord Wang, this man is an elder of Wuwei Palace, and has nothing to do with Mr. Si Guo." Wang Lin shook his body and said in a trembling voice, "What are you? This... this old senior Isn't he the housekeeper of Zhucuo Villa?" Jian Sheng shook his head and said, "It's absolutely unreasonable."

Mei Qian smiled and said, "Honorable Red Lotus, don't talk too much, am I not with Senior Gu's disciple right now?" Jian Sheng frowned, and asked, "Elder Mei, your disciple Who is it?" Mei Qian glanced at Jing Lanzhou with a smile, but did not answer.Jiansheng lost his voice and said: "Zhou Lanjin, you are indeed Mr. Siguo's apprentice! The poor monk should have guessed it long ago." Wang Shan couldn't help being horrified when he saw that the scholar was actually the descendant of Gu Dongguan.

Jing Lanzhou smiled and said: "Master Wang, Master Jiansheng, my name is Jing Lanzhou, and Zhou Lanjin is just a pseudonym I casually picked up earlier. Earlier, I practiced martial arts with the two of you several times, and I am so grateful for the mercy of the two adults. To the point." Hearing the sarcasm in his words, the two of them kept their faces ashen and said nothing.

Wang Lin was the most impatient, seeing that he had been deceived, he said angrily: "Well, Yu Qian, as a great official of the imperial court, actually has dealings with people who teach Wuwei, when I go back to play the emperor, I will definitely sentence him to death." Smash all the families! Luo Yushu, you are a general of the imperial court, but you can't get away with them..." The long-faced man waved his hand and said, "Third brother, don't worry." Luo Jing and the two saw Mei Qian's identity. Knowing that what Wang Lin said was not all bluff, he couldn't help feeling anxious in his heart, but remained calm on his face.

The big man took a step forward, cupped his hands to Luo Yushu and said: "Brother Luo, you and I have been separated for several years. Ever since my brother worked at the border, Ma has always thought about it. I don't want to see you here today. The general is still handsome, gratifying Congratulations." Luo Yushu cupped his fists in return and said, "Luo came here from Liaodong on business, and didn't want to meet Mr. Ma thousands of miles away. It's really a coincidence to meet an old friend in a foreign land."

This big man with a long face is Ma Shun, the commander of Jin Yiwei. His eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "This time, Ma was ordered to go to Jiangxi to wipe out the remnants of the Bailian party. It is really a joy to meet you here by chance. I heard The general is going south this time to investigate the case of the demon party. The old man and the two women are both demons of the White Lotus Sect, and I ask the general to help me catch them together." Ma Shun is a shrewd and capable man, and he is also sophisticated. There are many masters, and when they come up, they use words to run against Luo Yushu, who is the official of the imperial court. Once these two sentences are uttered, even if the latter does not help each other and stands by, it seems unreasonable.

Before Luo Yushu opened his mouth, Jing Lanzhou said suddenly: "This person must be Ma Shun, the commander of Jinyiwei. Master Ma is well-known, and he is known as the number one expert in the university. Jing has heard of it a lot in the Jianghu, so I will go first Lingjiao lord Gao Blink" Before he finished speaking, he flew forward and struck Ma Shundang's chest with his palm.He saw through the latter's sinister intentions, and thought to himself that instead of putting Luo Yushu in a difficult situation, it would be better for him to take the lead and make the situation as chaotic as possible. It was the second hair first, the right hand was like a claw like a hook, and grabbed Ma Shun's shoulder.Jing Lanzhou was startled for a moment, then stopped walking.

I saw that Ma Shun didn't dodge, he stretched out his finger and tapped the Shenmen acupoint on Meiqian's wrist.Mei Qian said with a smile: "Not bad!" She retracted her right hand, clapped her left hand, and slammed it with Ma Shun's right palm, Mei Qian shook her body slightly, and Ma Shun took half a step back.Mei Qian said with a smile: "It turns out that Commander Ma is a master of the Songyang School, really disrespectful." He has already tried Ma Shun's skills much higher than that of Wang Lin, who is also Miying, although he is slightly inferior to himself. , but it is by no means easy to be with.

Erwang worked with Ma Shun for several years, never heard him mention the origin of his school, now he knows that he is from Songyang School.The Songyang faction has long since declined in the martial arts world, and Guo Pei, the leader of the "Songyang Sword", is not a great figure; Why do you want to hide his mastery from us? 'Songyang Sword' is mediocre in martial arts, and his seniority in the Jianghu is not very high. If the Songyang School is controlled by Ma Boss, its status in the martial arts will be much higher. This It’s really evil for me to be able to snatch the head of the sect from Boss Ma.”

Ma Shun saw that the old man's skill was so profound, he said in a deep voice: "General Luo, you..." As soon as he opened his mouth, Jing Lanzhou slipped behind him, and in the blink of an eye, he greeted Jian Sheng, Wang Shan, and Wang Lin respectively. He stretched out his palm, and before the three of them could fight back, he dodged into the crowd of officers and soldiers again, only heard a few "ah yo", but didn't see what was going on, three or five soldiers fell down long ago.Wang Shan shouted angrily: "What a traitor! I really think I'm afraid you won't succeed!" He drew his sword and stepped forward, Jian Sheng and Wang Lin also stepped forward to help.

Ma Shun saw that the crowd had already started a scuffle, and was about to force Luo Yushu to take action again, when he saw a blue light flashing in front of him, but it was Hua Ping's second envoy attacking with his sword.Seeing the two women's swordsmanship is fierce, his heart trembled, he didn't dare to distract easily, he waved a pair of fleshy palms to meet the burden and fought for half a cup of tea. And Shou, obviously felt that his martial arts were much higher than the opponent's, and for a moment he couldn't beat the second daughter, he felt anxious, and from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Mei Qian standing aside with his arms folded, smiling, with a calm expression on his face, and he felt palpitations immediately , Thinking secretly: "Could it be that the son surnamed Jing can fight against two virtuous younger brothers and monk Jiansheng by himself?" Just a little carelessness, he was almost cut through his sleeve by the sword of the drunken flower.

Although Jing Lanzhou's martial arts in the next room is not as good as the combined strength of the opponent's three masters, his lightness kung fu is far superior to the three of them. Although Wang's attack was fierce, he was able to dodge it lightly by using the Fish Swimming Technique.After fighting like this for more than ten rounds, Wang Lin couldn't help cursing: "You bastard only knows how to run around, what kind of hero is he?"

Seeing that the four were fighting fiercely, all the officers and soldiers wanted to shoot arrows to help, but they were afraid of hurting the officer; they wanted to step forward to help, but their martial arts were too far behind, so they kept shouting and cheering.Occasionally, a few ignorant people drew their swords and rushed towards Mei Qian, but the latter grabbed them with a single move and threw them several feet.Among the 200 people, only [-] or [-] were the Jinyiwei who accompanied Wang Lin before, and the rest were ordinary soldiers of Jiujiangwei, who hardly knew martial arts; A few days ago, Mei Qian suffered a lot in Niupi Mountain, knowing that the opponent is powerful, how could he dare to approach him so easily?

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