Luan Ling Qixia

Chapter 120

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The Drunk Flower Envoy hesitated for a moment, and asked Luo Yushu, "This Young Master Luo is well known for his martial arts and Master Jing. Could it be that he is the descendant of the Luo family in Hejian?" Fraction.The Drunken Flower Envoy smiled and said: "Both of you are decent disciples from famous families, and you can put aside your family's views to help out during the day, the lady is very grateful."

Luo Yushu didn't want to talk about the past grievances between himself and Jiansheng, he just said lightly: "We have a little bit of trouble with the leader of Jinyiwei, this move is just unintentional, as long as the two priests are fine." Seriously injured, Luo Yushu felt angry when he saw the Twelve Wonderful Envoys, and he couldn't help showing a little indifference between his words and expressions.

Mei Qian's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his heart was full of doubts. He wanted to ask about the relationship between Luo Jing and Zhu Chief, but it was difficult for the second envoy to be present; if he really asked, he would have to mention the matter just now. Not only did he let go of the big traitor Shochiku and Elder, but he also turned around and dealt with Venerable Qinglian of our sect, but he couldn't explain to the Palace Master.When he was getting distracted, he suddenly heard Luo Yushu ask: "Senior Mei, this junior heard by chance on the way that Dr. Lin's enemy is the famous 'Viper Boa God' You Wu, I wonder if it's true or not?"

Mei Qian was startled when he heard the words, and frowned, "Where did you hear about this?" Luo Jing and the two of them guessed that what Songyun said was true when they saw him asking such a question.Luo Yushu said: "Senior brother Jing has met Mr. Su in Nanjing according to the elder's instructions. Senior Su promised to come to Nanchang on the tenth day of the next month to pay a visit to Doctor Shi." People are fine."

Luo Yushu said: "It's all thanks to Elder Mei for pointing out the maze, and the younger generation is like meeting a lamp in a dark room." He said in his heart: "That day in Henan, you, Mr. Su, was the nemesis of Lin Yuetai's enemy. After suffering from Shenquan's poison, I have to go to Luoxing Tower to find him for rescue. It seems that he is indeed a master of detoxification. It is no wonder that even the "Viper Anaconda God" is afraid of him. However, Lin Yuetai, as a master of Meishan Medical Hermit, may not be afraid of You If Wu poisoned in secret, most likely he would still lose to his Jade Phosphorus poisonous palm; in this way, this Mister Su must also be very strong in martial arts."

The second envoy Huaping showed a look of astonishment, and the drunken envoy asked: "Jing Shaoxia, are you also looking for Shi Hepu's master Lin Yuetai?" Except for Jing Lanzhou, no one else in the room knew that the second envoy was also here. Here comes.Mei Qian was startled when he heard the words, and said: "You came to Jiangxi under the order of the palace lord, just for this purpose?" The drunken flower envoy said: "That's right, the palace lord Flying Pigeon is in a hurry, and the order to Zhejiang is put on hold for now. , asked us to come to Jiangxi to visit Miracle Doctor Shi and his master Dr. Lin, but the reason for this was not clearly stated.”

Mei Qian didn't know that Xian Qing made this move to help Jing Lanzhou achieve success, but because the palace lord relied heavily on Guan Motong, he couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart: "Mei XX didn't pay much attention to the school affairs for two years, the young palace lord didn't care about the two immortals and me. There is a difference between closeness and closeness, Guan Xian instructed outsiders to find his senior brother, but the palace master actually sent twelve wonderful envoys to help him." Mei Qian was deeply scheming, and in order to protect himself, he did not hesitate to deal with Zhu Yi secretly behind Xian Qingrang's back, but at the beginning he The reason why he mentioned Luo Yushu to beg Mr. Su in Henan was because he had a good friendship with Lin Yuetai, and he couldn't bear to see what happened to him.Then he thought in his mind: "The three friends of Suihan were married to Jinlan and swore to live and die together. Unexpectedly, Chen and Li would betray the religion and leave. I was hard to convince the people in the religion. When the incident happened back then, I didn't come to Chief rudder, the palace lord has probably already become suspicious, if you don't get rid of Zhu Yi as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles."

The Drunken Flower Envoy saw him wandering off, and asked: "Elder Mei, I heard that the two elders of Songzhu suddenly appeared in Kaifeng. Why didn't you assist the palace lord in Henan when such a big event happened? Could it be that the elder was also ordered by the palace lord to find him?" Lin Yuetai just arrived in Jiangxi?" Mei Qian's complexion changed, and he glanced at Luo Jing and the two, seeing that the two had no intention of exposing him, he felt a little relieved, and said with a smile: "There is a palace lord in the Kaifeng mansion. What can the bad old man do to help? Since the palace lord has arranged for you to come to Jiangxi for business, why don't you let me go to Zhejiang for you." The drunken flower said happily: "There is Elder Mei watching at the other end of Zhejiang, so we can rest assured .”

Luo Jing and Luo Jing listened to their conversation, it seemed that the four envoys of the Yao tribe had an urgent mission in Zhejiang, but Xian Qingrang put the matter aside and hurriedly dispatched the four envoys to Jiangxi to look for Lin Yuetai.The reason for this is that Jing Lanzhou's heart is like a bright mirror, but Luo Yushu couldn't help but secretly startled: "Wuwei Palace is so aggressive, sending all the best in the sect to search for Senior Lin, why?"

The envoy Wo Ping said again: "Elder Mei, we met Monk Jiansheng Bai in Jiujiang. He colluded with people from Jin Yiwei and brought people to arrest us both." The teaching is not good, even the commander Ma Shun has arrived in Jiangxi, you should inform the congregants in this province as soon as possible, and be careful." Luo Yushu said in his heart: "Even Elder Mei is like this, it seems that Ma Shunguo has left Beijing, I wish the chieftain to fall Never lied."

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the house, someone shouted loudly: "Xiu let go of the witch of the White Lotus Sect!" The second envoy's face changed slightly when he heard this.Mei Qian's figure flickered, she rushed to the window and opened the curtain to peek out. She saw a hundred torches shining brightly on the shore, illuminating the night sky as if it were daytime. A group of officers and soldiers had already surrounded the two row houses. Quite annoyed: "Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here. The Twelve Wonderful Envoys and these young Taoist nuns are walking in pairs on the road. Isn't that not conspicuous enough? They didn't even notice that they were being followed by these idiot officers and soldiers. What's the use of girls Seeing the two rows of sergeants in front of them stretching their bows and setting up arrows, the arrows were all wrapped in burning tarpaulins, aimed at the houses and ready to go, and turned around: "The officers and soldiers want to set rockets to burn down the houses, so don't cause damage to other houses. , go out for a while."

Jing Lanzhou said: "Brother Luo, if the officers and soldiers see you in the same room with us, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient, so you might as well stay here." Luo Yushu shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go out and have a look together." When they went out of the row house, they saw that there were 200 people surrounded by them, each of them waving knives and making a noise.Suddenly the audience fell silent, and the sergeants in the middle spread out to both sides, and four people slowly walked out from the back row, including Erwang and Jiansheng. Among them was a long-faced man in a gray robe with piercing eyes, and two sides of his forehead. The temples are bulging high, showing that the inner strength is very deep.

Seeing this, Jing Lanzhou thought, "I wish the chieftain 'Jinyi Sanying' has all arrived in Jiangxi. Could it be that this person is the commander Ma Shun? I heard that the chief of Jinyiwei can't leave Beijing easily. What is the purpose of this trip?"

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