Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2050 Unruly

"Someone has gone!"

Li Fusheng said suddenly, "I wonder if we can go there?"

"Sure!" Wang Changsheng looked at a Dazun's early-stage cultivator and walked towards the Dazun's mid-stage area. He nodded and said, "If you don't have any ability, why don't you go to die yourself?"

To be able to receive invitations from the Ancient War Road, none of the origins are simple. Even the monks in the middle stage of the great venerable on the opposite side seem to be unable to get along in the middle stage of the great venerable, but they are actually very powerful.

It's just that other people are stronger in comparison.

"The aura on his body is not exposed at all..." Wang Changsheng said via voice transmission, "I can't tell his origin!"

"Just watch it, as long as you do it, it will definitely be exposed!" Li Fusheng said.

It is difficult to make up for a small gap in the realm of Dazun's early stage cultivation and challenge the middle stage of Dazun. Under the watchful eyes of the public, as long as you dare to step out confidently, the background is definitely not simple.


After stepping out of the Great Master's early realm monk, half of his foot fell into the Great Master's middle stage realm area.

At the same time, as the monks in the early stage of the Great Master stepped down, a buzzing sound resounded through the sky. The monks present were no strangers to such a buzzing sound.

Heavenly Sword Mountain!

"It seems to be Jian Ping?" Li Fusheng said with some surprise.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said: "I can't be sure, but there are definitely not many in Tianjian Mountain who can challenge the master's middle-stage master with the early stage of the Great Master!"

Jian Pingfan has already entered the mid-term realm of the Great Master, and can be ruled out directly, while Jian Pingfan...

The two of them had never seen the situation after Jian Ping broke through to the Dazun, so they were not sure!

The battle on the other side was imminent. With the Dazun's early stage cultivation base, he was already at a disadvantage when he challenged the Dazun's mid-stage cultivation base. Therefore, after Tianjianshan sword cultivator made a move, he went forward without hesitation, showing nothing but a fierce offensive.

"It's not ordinary sword!"

Wang Changsheng said firmly.

Jian Ping's kendo is different from this person's, and his aura is also different. Could it be that Jian Ping broke through to the Great Master and can change his own kendo?

"It's really not ordinary swords!" Li Fusheng said: "There are too many strong people in Tianjian Mountain. The development of these years has indeed made Tianjian Mountain completely stronger!"

In the past, Tianjian Mountain was a bit extreme because it majored in kendo, and it was not considered the top of the Supreme University, but now Tianjian Mountain is definitely the top Supreme University, and its strength is comparable to that of Zhou Tiangong. Not bad at all.

The two sides fought for a stick of incense, and the cultivator of Tianjian Mountain neither won nor lost. Wang Changsheng could tell that although the cultivator of Tianjian Mountain was very strong, he was by no means an opponent of the cultivator in the middle stage of the Great Master.

"Friendly Taoist strength!" The master of the mid-term realm of the great venerable stepped back with a blow, and said with a salute, "Fellow daoists are indeed qualified to enter the mid-stage realm of the great venerable!"

"However, the strength of this deity is also at the bottom of the mid-term realm of the great venerable. After the Taoist enters, you still need to be careful!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-stage cultivator returned to his original position and sat down cross-legged.

The cultivator of Tianjian Mountain nodded, and directly escaped into the mid-stage realm of the Great Master, without anyone stopping him.

Immediately afterwards, two heaven, earth, and Dao Yuns of similar size rushed out from the ancient road in an instant, one submerged into the body of the Dazun middle-stage monk, and the other rushed towards the direction where the monk of Tianjian Mountain disappeared, and submerged into the sky. In the body of monk Jianshan.

"This is the harvest of both sides, each takes what it needs!" Li Fusheng said.

Wang Changsheng also nodded and said: "It's not a battle to the death, but it's not a deceit either!"

The cultivators of Tianjian Mountain only wanted to enter the mid-stage area of ​​the great venerable, and the middle-stage cultivator of the great venerable on the opposite side blocked it, also for the sake of a steady battle and the gift of the ancient road.

Now everyone gets what they need, and everyone is happy!

Next, several monks in the early stage of the Great Master challenged. Most of them entered the middle stage of the Great Master. There were only one or two monks.

Even if it was defeated, the strong mid-stage Dazun on the opposite side did not kill him. After both sides received gifts from the ancient war road, the monks in the early stage of the Dazun retreated.

Under Wang Changsheng's deliberate attention, the cultivator on the Ancient Underworld Road moved.

The body flickered and appeared directly in the middle-stage realm area of ​​the great venerable. Immediately afterwards, without challenging any of the mid-stage monks of the great venerable present, he fled directly into it.

"How brave!"

"Bold lunatic, he doesn't obey the rules!"

"Fellow daoists, take him down!"


The actions of the cultivators of the Ancient Netherworld Dao immediately angered many great masters who were strong in the mid-stage realm. The purpose of setting up this checkpoint is to prevent these monks from the early stage of the great master from going to death. Mid-term monks can take this opportunity to get the gift of the ancient road!

The practice of the monks of the ancient road of Huangquan is tantamount to treating them as nothing, and it also makes them lose a chance to get the gift of the ancient road. How can they not be angry?

Immediately, three middle-stage masters who were relatively close to him made a move, and the three spells instantly condensed and fell directly towards the monks on the ancient path of the underworld.

Such an accident also surprised all the monks present.

In terms of the power of the monks of the ancient path of the Yellow Springs, if you challenge a monk who is in the middle stage of the Great Master, after proving your strength, both sides will take what they need, and they will definitely be able to enter the middle stage of the Great Master.

But now, the three middle-stage masters of the great venerables shot out angrily. No matter how strong he was, he could not be the enemy of the three masters of the mid-stage masters.

Even Wang Changsheng frowned, wondering what that monk from the ancient way of the underworld meant?

boom boom boom…

The three spells fell, and the powerful power spread instantly. Then, the monk who saw the ancient path of the Yellow Springs waved his hand, and a bloody light appeared in his hand.


When the blood light fell, the magic power of the three masters in the mid-stage realm disappeared instantly. The monks of the ancient path of the underworld did not stay long, and they escaped into the mid-stage realm of the great venerable in an instant. Even if they wanted to stop it, they couldn't stop it!

Immediately, four Dao aggregates of heaven and earth appeared, three of which entered the bodies of the three great masters in the early stage, and the other largest Dao aggregate followed the direction in which the monks of the ancient way of the Yellow Springs disappeared, and disappeared in an instant.

"What... what's going on here? With the cooperation of the three middle-term seniors, they actually blocked it directly?"

"It's a bit unbelievable. What was that bloody light just now? It feels very strong. Could it be some kind of powerful Dao weapon?"

"I don't know, have you seen the origin of this person?"

"I didn't see it, but I can be sure that this person should be from Xiantian Realm!"


Many monks in the early stages of the Grand Master who were still watching were also shocked when they saw this situation.

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