Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2049 You are a businessman

Dan Dongyang, as the arrogance of the Alchemy Dao, is an existence that has been cultivated in the Alchemy Dao. Now that he has broken through to the Dazun realm, he must have more treasures. According to Li Fusheng's temper, it would be great if he could borrow some!

"You are a businessman, not a robber!" Wang Changsheng said.

"A businessman... I know..." Li Fusheng smiled and said, "Exchange his life with the treasure on his body. I think this deal is worth it!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng didn't know what to say anymore, so he could only be silent for a while, then said fearfully: "Dan Dongyang is not easy to mess with, he is no worse than Jian Pingfan!"

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng did not provoke Dan Dongyang, and continued on the ancient road. The two found that the closer to the boundary of the area behind, the more monks there were, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

Especially the places close to the regional boundaries exude the aura of the early peak state of the great lord, and there are even many monks in the middle stage of the great lord standing on the other side.

"What kind of battle is this?" Wang Changsheng asked suspiciously.

"Gateway!" Li Fusheng said: "On the entire ancient war road, there is actually mutual exchange of needs, not to mention monks under the dignity, even ordinary people can come up!"

"However, after the ancient war road has a threshold, there are some unspoken rules on it, the so-called rules!" Li Fusheng said: "It's a rule that everyone has agreed upon!"

"If you want to go to the area where the monks in the middle stage of the great venerable are located, you can only go through here. The prerequisite is to defeat a monk in the middle stage of the great lord, or get the approval of one of them!"

Li Fusheng pointed to a lot of mid-level monks standing opposite him and said: "The pile on the opposite side, you can choose as you please, just defeat one!"

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, "Those people are not monks from the Supreme War Ancient Road!"

"It's really not!" Li Fusheng said.

Seeing Li Fusheng's pointed expression, Wang Changsheng instantly understood.

Standing opposite those strong men in the middle stage of the Great Master are not the monks sent by the Supreme Great Sect War Ancient Road, but the monks who entered the ancient road, spontaneously organized!

Those monks in the middle stage of the great venerable standing opposite are not considered strong in the middle stage of the great lord, and they can't get along at all in the middle stage of the great lord. However, since they are qualified to come to the ancient road, they can't Return empty-handed?

But it would be too embarrassing for them to let go of their old faces and bully Dazun's early stage monks, so there is such a rule here.

Of course, the Supreme Cult War Gulu knew that this kind of situation existed, and did not put an end to it, which meant that it did not object to these monks doing so.

Over time, at the junction of each area, some monks will appear to guard.

"How shameless!" Wang Changsheng said cursingly.

On the ancient road, as long as there is a battle, no matter whether you win or lose, there will be a gift from the ancient road. Therefore, judging from the strength of the strong mid-stage masters of the great venerable opposite, as long as you are safe, it is impossible to face the monks in the early stage of the great venerable. defeat.

This way, although the gift from the ancient road is less, it is better than losing your life in the depths of the ancient road, right? !

"Are we going to break through?" Wang Changsheng asked through voice transmission: "With our current strength, there is no problem with our joint efforts!"

"We can't join forces!" Li Fusheng said: "Anyone who wants to pass must challenge one!"

"Then I won't go!" Wang Changsheng said.

Li Fusheng looked at Wang Changsheng's appearance and smiled lightly, but he didn't take Wang Changsheng's words to heart.

They've all come here, don't they?

With the cultivation base and strength of the two, basically there will be no opponents in the area of ​​the early stage of the Great Master, because those powerful monks in the early stage of the Great Master have all entered the middle stage of the Great Master, such as Jian Pingfan...

The two wanted to get more gifts on the ancient road, so they could only walk towards the back.

"Let's wait and see!" Li Fusheng said through voice transmission: "There are still many famous people behind us, let them go to explore the road first..."

After finishing speaking, Li Fusheng took Wang Changsheng directly to the other side and sat cross-legged. There were also many monks around. Naturally, they were not here to challenge, but to watch the excitement!

After the confrontation, you can get a gift from the ancient road. Wouldn't it be worthless if you don't make a move?Watching other monks fight will also be very rewarding.

Many of the monks around are wrapped in black robes, or they are entangled with Dao Yun, so they can't see their faces clearly at all, and the aura they feel is very mixed, which is obviously fake.

"The one over there should also be a strong person in the way of alchemy!" Li Fusheng said to Wang Changsheng through voice transmission, and looked at a monk on the other side.

"It should be right!" Wang Changsheng nodded and said.

Although the man was trying his best to conceal the aura of the medicinal pill on his body, there were still traces of it leaking out, but it was not known whether the aura leaked out because the man couldn't restrain himself, or if it was exposed on purpose.

"That's the powerhouse of the dog clan..." Li Fusheng frowned and said through voice transmission: "Are all clans from the heaven realm also within the scope of invitation from the Ancient War Road?"

Wang Changsheng shook his head, he really didn't know much about the ancient war road.

Suddenly, Wang Changsheng frowned, and looked in another direction. In that direction, a figure wrapped in a black robe just landed, and then sat cross-legged. Obviously, the purpose of Wang Changsheng and others was the same.

"What?" Li Fusheng asked via voice transmission, "Know you?"

When Wang Changsheng's expression changed, Li Fusheng also followed Wang Changsheng's line of sight and saw the figure who had just arrived, but there was no trace of aura flickering on the other party's body, and the concealment technique of the two of them was more subtle than his own.

Li Fusheng immediately confirmed that the other party had a lot of background!

"do not know!"

Wang Changsheng withdrew his gaze and said through sound transmission.

Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng had already concealed their gazes, but the figure that had just fallen still noticed it, but not only Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng, but many monks present also had their gazes on him. body.

"Stay staring at him if you don't know him?" Li Fusheng said.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and didn't explain much, because Wang Changsheng really didn't know each other!

Wang Changsheng knew the origin of the other party!

Huangquan Ancient Road!

When that figure fell, Wang Changsheng could clearly feel that within that figure, there was the aura of Huangquan. Although it was very faint, similar to the Anchen back then, it was definitely the aura of Huangquan.

Wang Changsheng didn't want to provoke the monks of the ancient way of the underworld, because he could recognize the underworld in the other person's body, but the other side could do the same.

It's just that Huangquan was refined into the Langcang Sword. No one would know that Anchen, the only person who had seen Huangquan in the ancient way of Huangquan, had died in the hands of Wang Changsheng.

Don't provoke, but once you make a move, you must kill the opponent without leaving any traces.

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