Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2024 Origin of the Ancient War Road

The ancient path of war has been passed down for a long time. Although it is not as good as the innate race of the Shangyang lineage, it is also passed down longer than the general supreme religion.

The emergence of the ancient war road is also because many eras ago, the creatures at that time were still living a life of bare hair and drinking blood. Although the cultivation had already been on the right track, it was very simple at that time.

Any conflict between various races will be resolved with strength.

Therefore, at that time, many races were exterminated, and even, in the end, all living beings in the Nine Heavens Realm were greatly threatened.

The flames of war became more and more intense, and finally, the ancient road of war appeared!

The ancient war road that appeared at the beginning was not a supreme religion, let alone monks, it was just a simple bluestone road.

However, once you set foot on the ancient war road, you will find that it is not a simple bluestone road. Every piece of bluestone is condensed with Dao Yun, and the ancient war road traverses the entire world.

Because the ancient war road Daoyun Qingshi is very strong and can withstand the toss of the monks, so many races moved their grievances to the ancient war road to resolve.

It is precisely because of this that the habit formed later is that when monks have grievances and grievances, they will solve the problem on the ancient road of war, and will not affect the creatures in the Nine Heavens Realm.

I don't know in which era, the ancient war road disappeared, and along with it, many powerful monks were rumored to have perished on the ancient war road.

In the next few eras, the ancient war road never appeared. After this situation lasted for several eras, the ancient war road appeared again.

However, after the appearance of the ancient war road this time, the Qingshi Road is still there, but it does not traverse the world, but stands in the heavenly realm.

Moreover, there is the existence of the supreme religion of the Ancient War Road. The supreme religion of the Ancient War Road has only one mission, which is to suppress the Qingshi Road of War.

Once a large-scale war broke out in the Nine Heavens Territory, the ancient war road would appear and mediate. Because of the ancient war road, many wars have subsided.

The Ancient War Road has a special symbol in the Nine Heavens Realm. It represents war, but it also represents peace!

However, according to the situation recorded in the Jade Slips, with the development of the times, the ancient war road has completely deteriorated in the era of Jindan Dao. The current ancient war road is more like a supreme religion.

Cultivating disciples and competing for opportunities in the Nine Heavens Realm has taken up a lot of resources.

Many forces dare not speak out against the ancient war road, because the ancient war road is too powerful, and even mastered the surviving Qingshi road of war, which made many supreme teachers fear.

It is for this reason that the ancient war road is getting stronger and stronger, and now it has become one of the most powerful supreme teachings in the Nine Heavens Realm.

The jade slips also introduced a lot about the ancient war road, which increased Wang Changsheng's understanding of the ancient war road.

"Maybe, this is the reason why the Ancient War Road is so sought after by many people?" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

In the jade slips, there is also a message recorded, that is the mystery of the ancient war road!

The bluestone slabs that paved the ancient war road are not ordinary bluestones, each piece of bluestone is a powerful Dao Yun.

As long as you fight on the ancient war road, whether you fail or win, you will get a gift from the ancient war road, and the gift from the ancient war road is to understand the Dao Yun on the bluestone road.

Those dao yun, even for the strong in the realm of the great venerable, are of great help.

Therefore, once the ancient war road is opened, it will be a feast for the strong for the strong in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Not to mention ordinary respectable monks, even those who have half-stepped into the Dao realm will enter the depths of the ancient battlefield, looking for the mysterious comprehension of heaven, earth, and Dao.

It would be very exciting for any monk to gain something on the ancient road of war.

"The minimum standard for entering the ancient war path is the initial state of Shaozun..."

Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart, the ancient road of war is powerful, and the lowest threshold to enter it is also the realm of Shaozun.

In other words, as long as the monks who can enter the ancient war road to fight for the front are the most powerful group of experts in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Not everyone can enter the opening of the Ancient War Road. All the quotas are in the hands of the Ancient War Road. As the lord of Wang Changsheng's patrolling mountain city, he can definitely get a quota.

However, once Wang Changsheng doesn't know about this matter, then Ancient War Road doesn't have to give Wang Changsheng this quota.

"On the ancient road of war, there are great dangers, but there are also great opportunities!"

Wang Changsheng said firmly.

Not to mention fighting on the ancient war road, it is easier to comprehend the heaven, earth and Taoism. Even in the above environment, competing with monks of the same level will have great gains. It is indeed a place for the strong to experience.

The most important thing is that no matter who is killed in the battle on the ancient war road, once they leave the ancient war road, they are not allowed to pursue it. This is the long-standing rule of the ancient war road.

"There is a loophole here..." Wang Changsheng said after careful analysis: "After leaving the ancient war road, we are not allowed to pursue it further, but when we are still on the ancient war road..."

Wang Changsheng vaguely understood the meaning!

On the ancient road of war, it seems to be chaotic, but you must not mess around, because if you kill a weak opponent, that opponent may have a very deep background.

Leaving the ancient road of war, no matter what your background is, it is impossible to chase and kill you, but that also requires you to have a chance to leave the ancient road of war alive? !

Wang Changsheng believed that if Li Fusheng died on the ancient road of war, the monks of the Shangyang lineage would definitely kill the monks who dealt with Li Fusheng at all costs.

"In the end, it's because of the background..."

Wang Changsheng said: "Even the background of the ancient war road seems to be useless, but in fact, it is still very useful..."

At the critical moment, it is definitely possible to save one's life!

"The Ancient War Road is indeed worth a trip!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

If Li Fusheng hadn't mentioned this matter, Wang Changsheng would have never known about the Ancient War Road and would have missed it.

Even the steward of the city lord's mansion spent a lot of effort in inquiring about this news. Such news would never spread in the Nine Heavens Realm.

At least, Wang Changsheng didn't hear any news about it in the mountain patrol city where people come and go.


Wang Changsheng directly crushed the jade slip, which contained a lot of information, no matter whether the information was true or false, Wang Changsheng understood it.

Anyway, what Wang Changsheng has to do now is to wait patiently, keep at the peak state at all times, and wait for Li Fusheng's arrival.

It's just that Wang Changsheng has not waited for Li Fusheng, but for Tiger Zun!

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