Longevity Tianque

Chapter 2023 Two things

Wang Changsheng is still very satisfied with the final harvest of this battle. Although the increase in strength is not great, but after the foundation is strengthened, it will be of great benefit to future breakthroughs.

Originally, it was very difficult to practice the ancient method. If the world is not happy, it is even more difficult to break through. Only with a strong enough background can the road to breakthrough become smoother.

Sensing someone touching the formation, Wang Changsheng ended his retreat.

"Cultivation really has no time. The higher the level of cultivation, the longer the time for one retreat..." Wang Changsheng said with a sigh.

This retreat, in Wang Changsheng's own feeling, was just a few breaths, just digesting the gains from the battle with Li Fusheng.

Even the cultivation base has not improved much, and the time it takes is as long as three years...

Originally, Wang Changsheng felt that the years of cultivation were passing by very quickly, but now that he has broken through to Dazun, this feeling is even more obvious.

After tidying up, Wang Changsheng stood up and walked out of the room, directly opening the formation.

The one who touched the formation outside was the manager of the City Lord's Mansion. Wang Changsheng had already felt it, otherwise, he would not have broken through. Anyway, the ten years agreed with Li Fusheng is still long, and Wang Changsheng still has time to retreat and cultivate.

Even if his cultivation level cannot be broken through in a short period of time, if he can deepen his comprehension of a certain technique, Wang Changsheng's strength will also be greatly increased.

After breaking through to the realm of the Great Master, Wang Changsheng made two shots in total. The first time was to fight against Hu Zun, and the second time was to prove each other with Li Fusheng. In the polishing of some techniques, they have not yet been improved to the same level as today's cultivation.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng is superior to many techniques, and there is still room for improvement.

"City Lord!"

After the steward of the city lord's mansion walked into the small courtyard, he cupped his fists and saluted Wang Changsheng, feeling helpless in his heart.

In order to save trouble, Wang Changsheng has been cultivating quietly in the small courtyard, but he has suffered from the management of the city lord's mansion who has been on the go. During this time, many city lords came to visit Wang Changsheng one after another, but they were all turned away.

The steward of the city lord's mansion knows that if this continues, it will definitely not work!

However, Wang Changsheng has always been like this since he became the city lord, and he has nothing to do with completely delegating power to him.

Many supreme religions have built cities from the heavenly realm, but Wang Changsheng is probably the only city lord who is as idle as Wang Changsheng.

Even Li Fusheng was constantly running around while he was in Shangyang City.

"What's the matter?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Wang Changsheng knew that he had already delegated power to the governor of the city lord's mansion, and most things could be handled by the manor of the city lord's mansion. Now that he has found him, there must be some things that he can't handle.

"City Lord, there are two things in total!"

The steward of the city lord's mansion immediately said: "The first thing is that many city lords from other cities have come to visit the city lord. They have the intention of making friends. Maybe they want to form a strategic alliance with Xunshan City!"

"The city lord has been missing like this, which is not conducive to the development of Xunshan City from the sky!"

Wang Changsheng also frowned when he heard the words of the governor of the City Lord's Mansion.

Regarding these matters, Wang Changsheng didn't want to deal with them, because Wang Changsheng himself didn't know how to deal with them. However, the manager of the City Lord's Mansion was very reasonable. If they didn't deal with them, it would be bad for the development of Xunshan City.

Once the rest of the cities unite to suppress Patrol City, Patrol City will be greatly affected.

Don't think that this is from heaven, the city lords of those cities will not do this, internal fighting will always be an eternal topic among the supreme religions!

Once other cities join forces and isolate Patrol City, it will be a disaster for Patrol City!

"Any good suggestions?" Wang Changsheng asked directly.

Wang Changsheng's understanding of Xunshan City is definitely not as good as that of the governor of the city lord's mansion, and even the governor of the city lord's mansion has a plan to deal with this matter.

However, the city lords of other cities came here in person. Of course, Xunshan City cannot be solved by a person in charge of the city lord's mansion.

Status is not equal!

Only Wang Changsheng came forward!

"The city lord, the best suggestion is to form a strategic alliance with them!" The manager of the city lord's mansion said directly: "Because it is only the alliance between the cities, and does not involve the relationship between the great religions!"

"The refusal has nothing to do with the alliance, but if the Xunshan City has a better development, the alliance is definitely the best!"

"The city lord can rest assured that this kind of alliance has nothing to do with the attitude of the great religion, and is only limited to the Congtian realm!"

After finishing speaking, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion looked at Wang Changsheng.

"Okay!" Wang Changsheng said, "Then arrange a time to meet them!"

Wang Changsheng didn't have a better way to deal with it himself, he must listen to the advice of the governor of the city lord's mansion.

Because, judging from what Patrol Mountain City discovered over the years, Wang Changsheng is still very satisfied with the current results.

"Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible!" said the steward of the City Lord's Mansion.

The steward of the City Lord's Mansion knew that Wang Changsheng was a troublesome person, so after he was ready to take care of everything, Wang Changsheng only needed to show his face.

The steward of the City Lord's Mansion is able to assist so many mountain patrollers, and each of them is very successful. It must be very good for a certain degree. While letting Wang Changsheng relax, he will definitely not rob Wang Changsheng of his achievements.

Because, his lifelong pursuit is in the hands of Wang Changsheng.

"What else?"

Wang Changsheng asked, the steward of the city lord's mansion said two things just now!

"City Lord, the second thing is that you ordered a few years ago to collect information about the ancient war road!" The manager of the City Lord's Mansion said: "In the past few years, a lot of resources have been spent, and many people who have entered the Xiantian Realm have been contacted. Cultivator, I have sorted out a piece of information about the ancient war road!"

As he said that, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion directly took out a jade slip, which contained the information collected by the steward of the City Lord's Mansion over the years.

"Thank you!"

Wang Changsheng took the jade slip directly.

"Then, City Lord, I will arrange the strategic alliance now!"

The steward of the City Lord's Mansion cupped his fists and saluted, then turned and left.

After the manager of the City Lord's Mansion left, Wang Changsheng set his sights on the jade slips.

"Ability to work well..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

No matter how much information is recorded in such jade slips, Wang Changsheng will be very satisfied, because Wang Changsheng doesn't know anything about the ancient war road now, and the more information, the more he understands.

The efficiency of the City Lord's Mansion was recognized by Wang Changsheng.

Immediately, Wang Changsheng's consciousness sank directly into the jade slip.

There is not much information recorded in the jade slips, only about a few dozen pieces, some of which are confirmed, and some are rumors that have not been confirmed.

Every piece of information has something to do with the Ancient War Road!

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