Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1854 The Great Way to Jane


Feeling that the power above the Mountain Patrol Order is getting stronger and stronger, there is also a roar from the mouth of the elder of the Yaozu.

"Don't hold on!"

A voice came from the Buddha Kingdom: "During the order to patrol the mountains, there is a mighty power of heaven and earth. What is being stimulated now is the power of heaven and earth. You can't hold it!"

From the words of the strong man in the Buddhist country, it can be seen that the strong man in the Buddhist country understands the mountain patrol order very well, and can even mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the mountain patrol order.


With the sound of an explosion, Dao Yun's big hand, which had been holding the patrolling order, collapsed directly, and Dao Yun dissipated instantly.

Not only that, everyone saw that even the right hand of the Great Elder of the Yaozu trembled slightly, and a wound appeared in the middle of the palm.


Seeing the wound on his right hand, the Great Elder of the Yaozu also became fierce. This time, the Great Elder of the Yaozu shot again, but it was not to stop the patrol order from falling, but to crush the figure in the golden light and go.

I saw the Great Elder of the Yaozu waved his hand, and a mysterious force condensed in front of the golden light in an instant.


A phantom of a strange beast condensed, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed it directly at the phantom in the golden light. Following the big mouth of the strange beast, even Xingyu was swallowed in one gulp. , into nothingness.

The Great Elder of the Yaozu knew that no matter how strong the Mountain Patrol Order was, it was nothing more than a dead thing. It was driven by the powerhouse of the Buddha Kingdom. As long as he could stop the Buddha Kingdom Powerhouse, the Mountain Patrol Order would naturally stop.

The Tiger Clan is almost gone. What the Great Elder of the Yao Clan is thinking about is to preserve the ancestral land of the Yao Clan first, and preserve the ancestral land of the Tiger Clan.

The alien beast was approaching, and the strong man in the Buddhist kingdom saw the alien beast slaughtered, and he did not stop urging the mountain patrol order. With a big wave of the other hand, a Buddha seal was directly crushed out, and immediately after that, he saw a golden The Buddha directly appeared in Xingyu, blocking the power of the alien beast.

bang bang...

The fight between the golden Buddha and the alien beast, the powerful force, collided continuously in the stars. After each collision, the stars were swallowed by the powerful force of the collision, leaving nothing but void.

The Buddhist monks are very strong, but the elder of the Yaozu is not weak. Even the fight with the suzerain of Zhou Tiangong, Qi Zhenyuan just now, was evenly matched.

In a short period of time, a large number of Xingyu were buried and killed by the strong of the Buddhist kingdom and the great elder of the monster clan.

Originally, Xingyu suffered great damage in a big battle, and now he has been severely injured. In a short period of time, this Xingyu will not be able to recover.

In the entire Nine Heavens Realm, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching the fight between the two powerhouses. After all, they are the top two powerhouses in the Nine Heavens Realm. If they can have some insights, they will definitely benefit a lot.

However, the Great Elder of the Yaozu and the powerful of the Buddhist Kingdom all collided with magic, and monks who have not reached this level cannot understand the danger at all.


Li Zefeng saw the collision between the strange beast and the Buddha's golden body, and there was a sound of admiration in his mouth, and his eyes were shining brightly!

"Where is it so powerful?"

Li Fusheng, who was standing next to him, couldn't understand it at all, because, in Li Fusheng's view, the strange beasts sacrificed by the great elder of the monster clan were simply slaughtered, and the golden body of the Buddha was also a punch and kick to resist.

It's a very simple move, if the surrounding Xingyu hadn't been annihilated, it wouldn't even be possible to see how powerful the two strong men are.

"You do not understand!"

Li Zefeng said directly: "However, you can write it down, and when you reach the peak of the Great Master, you can barely observe it!"

"The move is simple, and it doesn't have much power, but every culling and every resistance is the two's understanding of the realm and the control of Dao Yun!"

Li Fusheng was stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise: "Is the truth as simple as it is?"

"You can say that!" Li Zefeng paused and said, "But, that's not all the truth!"

There is nothing wrong with the simplicity of the avenue. For the strong, every move is a manifestation of great strength, and there is no need for any reliance.

The reason is very simple, if a venerable monk wants to attack a monk in the Mahayana realm, what kind of magic is needed?

No need!

With just a simple finger, it is impossible for a monk in the Mahayana realm to withstand it!

However, what if two monks of equal strength fight?The comprehension of the realm is similar, and the strength that erupts is not much different. At this time, the help of external force is needed!

Artifacts, spells, and cultivation techniques, these are all very important reliance!

Therefore, it is correct to say that the road is simple, but it is not absolute!

The current great elder of the monster clan and the strong man of the Buddhist kingdom are fighting each other by virtue of their profound cultivation. Every move and style seems simple, but it contains great power.


With a roar, the strange beast turned into a body, opened its bloody mouth, and bit down on the golden body of Buddha.

The big mouth of the strange beast covered a huge area, and the golden body of the Buddha couldn't escape at all, and was swallowed by the strange beast in one gulp.

Immediately, the golden light that permeated the entire Xingyu dissipated in an instant, and even the powerhouse of the Buddha Kingdom was stunned for a moment.

"The Buddha's golden body was swallowed?"

"The golden body of Buddha is a very powerful existence. I once saw a golden body of Buddha fall down, directly crushing a corner of the realm!"

"The Great Elder of the Yaozu is really powerful and courageous, even dare to swallow the golden body of Buddha?"

"It's too scary. After watching this for a while, I feel a little dizzy!"


Many of the powerhouses who were watching showed surprise when they saw such a situation.

Especially for some monks with insufficient cultivation base, when seeing such a scene, it is completely like two powerful Dao aggregates colliding, and under the circumstances of insufficient strength, forced to observe and observe received a great impact.

"It's really courageous!"

The strong man in the Buddhist kingdom was also a little surprised.

The golden body is not a magic weapon, but the manifestation of cultivation and spells. Its powerful power has made many strong people afraid. What the strong in the Buddhist kingdom did not expect is that the elder of the monster clan doesn't know?Why dare to swallow the golden body of Buddha?

I saw the strong man from the Buddha Kingdom waved his hand again, and a mysterious force pulled him.


As the powerful man from the Buddha Kingdom waved his big hand, traces of Buddha's light erupted from the body of the strange beast.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the strange beast with a golden body that had been swallowed, roaring continuously, and the voice revealed pain.


With the sound of a huge roar, the entire star universe began to vibrate, and the air wave swept across, and all the places swept by the air wave were directly annihilated and turned into nothingness.

At the place where the strange beast stood just now, the strange beast disappeared, leaving only a golden body sitting cross-legged.

The golden body closed its eyes tightly, with a smile on its face, but no one dared to underestimate this golden body.

Because, the collapse of the alien beasts represented that in this battle, the strong of the Buddhist kingdom won, and the great elder of the monster clan lost!

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