Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1853 Angry Eyes King Kong

"The Great Elder..."

Li Fusheng looked at the figure wrapped in the golden light, and asked, "Who is that senior...?"

Li Zefeng shook his head. With his strength, although the figure in the golden light is not very real, he can still see a general idea. However, the entanglement of Dao Yun is too strong, and Li Zefeng is not easy to judge.

Looking at Hu Zun who looked normal, Li Zefeng also had some concerns in his heart!

"Little friend..."

Li Zefeng asked Hu Zun through sound transmission: "Is this person the predecessor of your mountain patrollers?"

Hu Zun shook his head and replied via voice transmission: "Senior, the Buddha's light on this person is very pure, presumably his identity, needless to say, you should know it too!"

"Senior, you don't need to test me anymore. I don't know much about it!"

Hu Zun was able to lend out the Mountain Patrol Order, of course he knew who the other party was, but he couldn't say...

Seeing Hu Zun's resolute attitude, Li Zefeng didn't ask any more questions, because Li Zefeng already had a vague guess in his heart!

"It can't be him, can it?"

Li Zefeng said with uncertainty in his heart.


The Great Elder of the Monster Clan watched the patrolling order getting closer, and the monks of the Tiger Clan rushed towards the patrolling order one after another. Such a tragic scene had not appeared in the Monster Clan for a long time.

Not only that, but in Congtian Realm, there are also several powerful auras flickering, and there is a posture of immediately coming out to kill the villain with the order of the elder of the monster clan.

After he stopped speaking, the Great Elder of the Monster Clan found that the opponent was not moved at all, and the Dao Yun entanglement in the golden light became more intense, and he should be preparing to strike directly through the small world of the Tiger Clan's ancestral land.

As the Great Elder of the Yaozu, I can't stand it anymore!

bang bang...

I saw that the Great Elder of the Monster Race did not hesitate at all, and a powerful force erupted from his body, shaking the surrounding monks to keep retreating.

"Old man, are you crazy?!"

Li Zefeng also cursed and led Li Fusheng back.

Hu Zun is also protecting the guard of the abyss, and keeps retreating to offset the power of the great elder of the monster clan.

I saw the Great Elder of the Monster Clan stretching out his right hand, and Dao Yun was entwined. Immediately afterwards, the strong present saw that the falling speed of the patrolling order slowed down, and finally, it stopped before it was about to hit the formation of the Tiger Clan.

When the mountain patrolling order stopped, everyone saw that there was also a huge palm under the mountain patrolling order, which was formed by the condensed Dao Yun, holding the palm. Protected the family land of the Tiger Clan.

For a moment, except for the collision of the mountain patrol order and the palm, the entire Xingyu was silent.

Even those supreme masters who watched secretly, seeing such a situation, had a new understanding of the strength of the great elder of the monster clan.

"Who is this person? Can he influence the patrol order? Could it be the strong one among the patrollers?"

"Impossible, the whole body is full of Buddha light, it should be a certain Buddha from the Buddha Kingdom, but, have you heard that a certain Buddha from the Buddha Kingdom was born?"

"There are so many Buddhas in the Buddha Kingdom, some are powerful, and some have false names. I feel that even if this person is not a certain Buddha in the Buddha Kingdom, he must be a powerful generation!"

"Nonsense, with one blow, the Tiger Clan is not far from being wiped out. It must be a powerful generation, and it is still very powerful!"


The powerhouses who watched in secret collided with each other and communicated with each other. Undoubtedly, everyone was very curious about the sudden appearance of the Buddha powerhouse.

They couldn't see the figure of the other party clearly, and they almost wiped out the Tiger Clan if they were able to make a move. They also wanted to know, who is such a strong man?

"Fellow Daoist, that's too much!"

After supporting the patrolling order, the great elder of the Yaozu clan looked at the figure in the golden light, and a stern voice came out of his mouth.

As the Great Elder of the Monster Clan, he almost let the Tiger Clan be exterminated in front of him. The Great Elder of the Monster Clan also felt that he was ashamed, and he was also sorry for his status as the Great Elder of the Monster Clan!

The Great Elder of the Yaozu believed that if he slowed down by two more breaths, the Tiger Clan would cease to exist.

Of course, in the ancestral land of the Tiger Clan, there are still foundations falling down, but seeing the power of the Mountain Patrol Order, especially now with the Mountain Patrol Order, the Great Elder of the Monster Race feels that even if the foundation is revived, he wants to resist the Mountain Patrol Order Order, but also to pay some price.

As the Great Elder of the Yaozu, he still knows a little about the background of each branch of the Yaozu.

What's more, those who have deep knowledge, even those who have buried themselves, are equivalent to defenseless before they wake up. If they are hit by the mountain patrol order, they will probably only fall.

"Not at all excessive..."

From the golden light, a faint voice came out, neither proclaiming the Buddha's name, nor revealing his identity, but just the killing method just now made all the strong dare not underestimate it.

"Buddha Kingdom!"

The Great Elder of the Monster Clan looked at the figure in the golden light with a sharp expression: "Could it be that friends from the Buddhist Kingdom have enmity with the Tiger Clan?"


The figure in the golden light replied.

The Great Elder of the Monster Clan was taken aback immediately, and almost lost his mind to let the order to patrol the mountain fall. After steadying his mind, he continued to ask: "Since there is no enmity, why did Fellow Daoists attack the Tiger Clan?"

"Could it be that my monster race is easy to bully?"

The figure in the golden light didn't answer, the Great Elder of the Yaozu directly moved out of the Yaozu, how should he answer?Is it necessary to use the power of the Buddha Kingdom to collide with the power of the Yaozu?

The Great Elder of the Yaozu raised the matter to a higher level with a question.

Seeing that the figure in the golden light did not answer, the Great Elder of the Yaozu continued to ask: "Fellow Taoist, the teachings of the Buddhist Kingdom are to guide people to be good and educate the world!"

"But, what have fellow daoists done?"

"Under one order, the demon clan lays down millions of corpses. Is this the teaching of the Buddhist kingdom?"

A voice of questioning echoed continuously in Xingyu, and set off those void storms that did not dissipate, sweeping continuously.

After some silence, the figure wrapped in the golden light finally spoke out:

"Buddhas have sentient beings and good images, and there are also angry-eyed Vajras!"


Before the figure in the golden light could finish speaking, an angry roar came from the mouth of the Great Elder of the Monster Clan: "Friend Daoist has no grievances with the Tiger Clan, why are you glaring at King Kong?!"


The Great Elder of the Yaozu has a tyrannical aura. If it hadn't been for years of rationality that suppressed the Great Elder of the Yaozu, the Great Elder of the Yaozu would have already made a move.

What about the Buddha Kingdom?

What about the Buddha?

I am in a hurry, the Great Elder of the Yaozu doesn't mind starting a big war. Anyway, for so many years, the Buddha Kingdom has occupied the entire Heavenly Realm, which has also touched the interests of many supreme religions. The Great Elder of the Yaozu believes that if the Yaozu is willing to be the vanguard To attack the Buddhist kingdom, there must be a Supreme Master who is willing to cooperate!

The figure in the golden light didn't answer anymore, maybe he was too lazy to answer, and just waved his hand, another majestic power, condensed directly on the mountain patrolling order, turning into a finger!

Immediately afterwards, this finger fell directly on the mountain patrol order, and the huge force pressed the mountain patrol order and continued to crush towards the ancestral land of the tiger clan.

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