Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1817 Dividing the Battlefield

ho ho ho ho...

Seeing this situation, Hu Xiao continued to growl, and then said, "You...you all should die!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw Hu Xiao's body rising continuously among the stars. In just a few breaths, Hu Xiao's figure was raised to more than [-] feet!

For the gigantic Xingyu, Wanzhang is no big deal, but compared with the Huzun not far away, the huge gap still shocked the other monks.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Xiao stretched out one of his giant legs, crushing towards the battlefield on the other side of Xingyu.

While he was fighting against Hu Zun, Hu Xiao could still have time to support the battlefield where the elders of the Hu Clan were. From this, it can be seen that Hu Xiao's strength is indeed very strong. At least, most of the monks who were watching were ashamed!

The giant leg stretched out, Dao Yun gathered, and in an instant, the power of Dao Yun also turned into a giant leg, crushing away, the target of the tiger roar was not the ten abyss guards, because the ten abyss guards took the remaining The six elders of the tiger tribe were trapped in it. Once the roar of the tiger attacked the guard of the abyss, there was a high possibility of accidental injury.

The target of the tiger's roar is the four strong men of the Li family in Shangyang.

Now, on the other side of the battlefield, it is precisely because the four powerhouses of the Li family in Shangyang are affecting the balance. If Hu Xiao can solve the four powerhouses of the Li family in Shangyang, the elders of the tiger clan will still be able to fight in a short time. It can block the attack of ten abyss guards.

As long as it can be blocked, Tiger Roar will be able to help several Tiger Clan elders kill the Abyss Guard when Tiger Roar kills Venerable Tiger.

"Your opponent is me..."

Just as the giant legs condensed by Dao Yun were crushing the four strong men from the Li family in Shangyang, there was a roaring sound in Xingyu.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the figure of Hu Zun disappearing in the void storm, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Daoyun's giant leg, and I saw Hu Zun raised his Tiger Soul Spear and pointed directly at Daoyun's huge leg cut down.

bang bang...

Another head-to-head confrontation, the first time Hu Zun responded in a hurry, without much reaction time, but this time, the Tiger Clan knew that it would be difficult for the four strong men of the Li family in Shangyang to block Daoyun's giant legs, so they took the initiative to strike, halfway intercept.

There is not much difference between this collision and the first collision, the only difference is that this time the Tiger Master is more fully prepared, with powerful strength, through the blessing of the Tiger Soul Spear, although it is not the opponent of Tiger Roar, it can still be blocked up.

However, after Hu Xiao's Dao Yun's giant leg was blocked, cracks appeared in the clothes of Hu Zun's whole body, and there were many wounds on his body.


The wounded Hu Zun finally couldn't help it, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and his expression became a little pale.

"You...damn it!"

Seeing this situation, Hu Xiao didn't expect Hu Zun to block it with his hand, roared in his mouth, his figure flickered rapidly, and charged towards Hu Zun.

Hu Xiao finally understood that Hu Zun's strength is not too bad. If he wants to help the elders of the Hu Clan, the first thing to do is to deal with Hu Zun first. Therefore, Hu Xiao broke out with all his strength and planned to fight quickly!

Now one Tiger Clan elder has died, if two more die, the Tiger Clan will really be hurt.

Until now, Hu Xiao has not sacrificed the background of the Tiger Clan, because Hu Xiao understands that the current battle has not yet risen to a battle of clans, once he sacrifices his background, the mountain patrol and Shangyang's lineage , I will definitely not be polite.

Hu Xiao's current plan is to maintain this level of fighting, even if he kills the opponent, it doesn't matter, as long as there are no more strong people involved, the Tiger Clan can handle it.

As long as they can cope, the Yaozu should not sit idly by.

Hu Zun looked dignified, and roared at the abyss guard: "Quickly solve it!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zun also held the Tiger Soul Spear, and once again faced Tiger Roar.

Hu Zun also felt a lot of pressure, because he was fighting for life and death, he was definitely not the opponent of Hu Xiao, and now he was waiting for the guards of the abyss to solve the elders of the Hu clan to help him resist Hu Xiao.

And what the elders of the Tiger Clan have to do is to wait for Hu Xiao to solve Hu Zun, so as to help himself and others!

Now we have to see, which one can't bear it first!

boom boom boom...

The collision between Hu Zun and Hu Xiao continued to send out roars in Xingyu, and the gap in the void that had just healed in Xingyu was torn apart again because of the fight between the two.

On the other side, the ten guards of the abyss also trapped the six elders of the Tiger Clan. After all, the six elders of the Tiger Clan are all existences in the peak realm of the Great Master, especially the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan, who is comparable to the existence of the Great Master with the one-word title .

If it weren't for the help of the four strong men from the Li family in Shangyang, it would have been impossible for the abyss guards to make achievements in a short period of time.

But now, the seventh elder has been beheaded, and the remaining six elders of the tiger clan are here. They know that their combined strengths are no match for them. Therefore, the only purpose of the six elders of the tiger clan forming a battle formation is to defend!

The four strong men of the Li family in Shangyang also assisted from the side and continued to attack. With the suppression of the ten guards of the abyss, the four strong men of the Li family in Shangyang only needed to keep attacking.

According to this situation, it won't take long for the six tiger clan elders to die.

After all, the four powerful members of the Shangyang Li family came from the Shangyang lineage, and they also came from the Shangyang lineage of the royal Li family, and their strength was extraordinary.


I saw that the four powerful members of the Li family in Shangyang joined forces and defeated the defense of the six tiger clan elders.

And at this time, the ten guards of the abyss also reacted very quickly. At the moment when the battle formation of the six elders of the tiger clan collapsed, they shot instantly and cut the battlefield directly.

In a blink of an eye, within the encirclement range of the ten abyss guards, there were only four tiger elders left, while the other two elders were directly cut out.

"The third, the fourth!"

Seeing this situation, the Great Elder of the Tiger Clan roared with infinite anger, but he couldn't get out in the face of the ten guards of the abyss.

Seeing this situation, the third and fourth elders of the Tiger Clan who were cut out also had a flash of fear in their eyes, because they knew what they would face next!

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, the two tiger clan elders were directly surrounded by four strong men from the Li family in Shangyang, splitting the battlefield in an instant.

It was the first time that the four powerful members of the Li family in Shangyang joined forces with the ten guards of the abyss. However, both sides had a tacit understanding. When the battlefield was cut, they directly divided the battlefield.

In this case, the ten abyss guards only need to continue to suppress the other four elders of the tiger clan, while the four strong men of the Li family in Shangyang can deal with the two elders of the tiger clan with peace of mind.

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