Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1816 The Power of Tiger Roar

The Tiger Clan is not called the Tiger Clan because it has the roar of a tiger, but a huge whole. Even a few elders occupy a pivotal position in the Tiger Clan.

If all the elders of the Tiger Clan fall, the Tiger Clan will be out of touch. At that time, let alone the monks of the Nine Heavens Realm, even in the environment of the Congtian Realm, the Tiger Clan will also encounter a great deal. trouble!

The Tiger Roar, which sacrificed its body, is a little stronger. Every time its sharp claws fall, it can tear cracks in the star universe. The cracks spread, and instantly turn into void cracks, roaring towards the Tiger Lord.

With Hu Zun's cultivation base, of course he wouldn't be afraid of void cracks, but Hu Xiao's strength was higher than Hu Zun's, and Hu Zun had to be careful, otherwise, he was in danger of falling.

The Tiger Soul Spear kept whistling, and it also traversed in the stars, the spear's light flickered, attacking the tiger howling.

In just half a stick of incense time, both Hu Zun and Hu Xiao were injured.

Both of them are in the peak realm of the Grand Master. With the strength of the two, it can't be said that they are evenly matched. After all, Hu Xiao's strength is still stronger, but the difference is limited.

It is difficult for strong players of this level to fight against each other for ten days or eight days, and it is difficult to have too much inclination, but what about now?It was only half a stick of incense, and both of them could only be described as a bloody battle.

It shows that Hu Xiao and Hu Zun fought desperately as soon as they fought.

Some of the wait-and-see monks who were hiding closer had to reveal their figures at this time and kept retreating. They didn't want to be involved in this battle.

In just a few breaths, dozens of monks actually appeared. These strong men also have a tacit understanding, wrapping themselves in Taoism, so that people can't see their identities, and they also won't ask other people. The identity of the strong.

ho ho...

Hu Xiao didn't care about those strong men who waited and watched, because Hu Xiao knew that those strong men would not make a move. The most important issue now is to end Hu Zun first.

The figure of Hu Xiao kept flickering in the Xingyu, leaving thousands of afterimages in the Xingyu. It wasn't that Hu Xiao stayed there on purpose to confuse Hu Zun, but the speed of Hu Xiao, which was really too fast.

When the figure of Hu Xiao appeared, he had already arrived in front of Hu Zun, and at the same time, his sharp claws slapped down fiercely on Hu Zun directly with majestic power.

"not good!"

Sensing the might of the tiger's roaring claws, Hu Zun's expression also became ugly.

Monster clan monks, as long as they sacrifice their bodies, there are not many spells that can be used, and they don't bother to cast more spells, because the monster clan's bodies are their best weapons and spells!

Now it seems that Hu Xiao is just a simple claw, but Hu Zun, who is close at hand, knows very well that this sharp claw is not only infused with all of Hu Xiao's cultivation, but also involves a huge Dao Yun.

If he was really hit by this sharp claw, Hu Zun judged that even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

Originally, there was a gap in strength compared to Hu Xiao. If he was seriously injured, it would be no different from death. After fighting to this extent, Hu Zun didn't think Hu Xiao would stop.

In desperation, Hu Zun directly raised the Tiger Soul Spear in his hand to block the tiger's claws.


Under the collision, a roaring sound directly stirred in the Xingyu, where the sharp claws and the Amber Spear collided, the Xingyu collapsed instantly, and the exposed void instantly formed a void storm.

And the figure of Hu Zun flew upside down, and was slammed into the void storm by the force of the sharp claws.

Hu Zun immediately involved Dao Yun, and used Dao Yun to stabilize his figure. The void storm raged around Hu Zun, but to Hu Zun, there was no threat at all.

On the contrary, it was Hu Xiao's claw just now, Hu Zun blocked most of the power with the Tiger Soul Spear, but there was also a small part of the sharp edge, which fell directly on Hu Zun's body.

At this moment, the black robe on Hu Zun's body is in a mess, especially on Hu Zun's chest, several wounds are deeply sunken, not to mention the flesh and blood, even the ribs were snapped off by the sharp claw just now A few.

This is when the Tiger Soul Spear is blocking most of the power of the sharp claw, if there is no resistance from the Tiger Soul Gun, Hu Zun really can't hold back the claw just now!

Looking at the Tiger Soul Spear in his hand, Hu Zun also looked horrified.

Because, where the Tiger Soul Spear and Tiger Roaring Claws collided just now, there was a shallow mark!

Amber Spear is a Taoist weapon!

The tiger's roaring claws were able to leave a shallow trace on the Taoist artifact. Although the trace is very shallow, it is scary enough, because a monk who can leave traces on the Taoist artifact, at least He is also a strong person at the half-step Dao level.

But now, Hu Xiao has not stepped into the half-step Dao realm, and can leave traces on the Taoist artifacts, which shows that Hu Xiao can burst out a power comparable to the half-step Dao level in a short period of time with the body of the Tiger Clan. the strength of the person.

"You can't go head-to-head!" Hu Zun said immediately: "The main body of the monster clan is indeed strong enough!"

With a big wave of his hand, if the wound on his chest disappears, of course it is not healed, but Hu Zun temporarily suppressed the injury and healed it after the battle.

If you lose the battle, you don't need to heal your wounds!

"Old Seven!"

"Don't! Seventh, get out of the way! Hohoho..."

The battle between Hu Zun and Hu Xiao hadn't been decided yet, a few anxious voices suddenly erupted from the other side of Xingyu, among which were mixed with the sound of tiger howling.

Just now most of the powerhouses were paying attention to the battle between Hu Xiao and Hu Zun. The battle on the other side was obviously not as exciting as this side, but when the roar came out, everyone immediately turned to another battlefield.

I saw that originally there were seven elders from the Tiger Clan fighting, but now there are only six elders!

And not far from the six tiger clan elders, there was a cloud of blood mist, and within the blood mist, there was also a majestic power that was gradually dissipating.

There was no need for people to guess, and they knew that the cloud of blood mist should be the Seventh Elder of the Tiger Clan who had been beheaded.

Moreover, the seven elders of the Tiger Clan were all destroyed in form and spirit, and they could not even escape their spirits.

Not far from the Seventh Elder of the Tiger Clan, there were four fiery red figures, neighing continuously, they were the four strong men of the Li family in Shangyang.

What is the situation now, at a glance!

The ten abyss guards were so powerful that it was difficult for the four strong men from the Li family in Shangyang to blend in. In this case, the four strong men from the Li family in Shangyang teamed up and directly approached the injured seventh elder.

The Seventh Elder, who was injured at first, was about the same strength as the powerful members of the Li family in Shangyang. Now he was besieged by four strong members of the Li family, and the outcome was naturally doomed.

Several other elders of the tiger tribe, seeing the seventh elder in distress, wanted to rush over to help, but they were all trapped by the battle formation of the abyss guards, and they couldn't rush out at all!

I can only watch helplessly as the Seventh Elder...falls!

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