Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1811 Unable to hand in

Hu Zun and Hu Xiao, the two powerful men at the peak of the Great Master, kept silent in the hall, each with their own schemes, only the huge power, constantly attacking each other.

Hu Zun's power is slightly inferior to that of Hu Xiao, but after shrinking the scope of his power, there is still no problem in protecting himself, but the place where Hu Zun stands, the surrounding land has become a bit messy.

"Your request, the deity agreed!"

After thinking about it for a while, Hu Xiao said directly.

"Okay!" Hu Zun also nodded and said: "Then please Patriarch Hu Xiao, hand over the disciples of the deity!"

Hu Zun feels that the current solution is a very good result. Anyway, Hu Zun is not willing to go to war with the Hu Clan, because the duties of mountain patrollers rarely conflict with any forces in the Nine Heavens Realm.

However, Wang Changsheng had to save him!

"No way!"

Hu Xiao shook his head and said: "Fellow Daoist, the deity and the Great Elder have both said that the person you want is not in the Tiger Clan!"

"Now, the deity has let you search for it yourself, but have you found any traces?"

Hu Xiao changed the subject, leaving Hu Zun speechless.

If you want to come to Hu Xiao, there is indeed nothing wrong with it. Since Hu Zun helped conceal the matter of robbing the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, then Hu Xiao handed over Wang Changsheng. However, according to Hu Xiao, Wang Changsheng is not in the Tiger Clan at all. ?

What's more, Hu Zun let Hu Zun look for it himself, and Hu Zun didn't find any trace, who is to blame?

"Tiger Roar Patriarch!"

Hu Zun's expression became unfriendly, and he said in a cold voice: "You know where you hide people, don't you..."

"Does Patriarch Hu Xiao really want to die?"

As he spoke, a jade slip appeared in Hu Zun's hand.

"This jade slip records our conversation just now, as well as some secrets known to the mountain patrollers!" Hu Zun said directly: "If the Patriarch Hu Xiao doesn't hand over people, then I can guarantee that within three days In a month's time, this jade slip must be spread throughout the entire Nine Heavens Realm!"

Hu Xiao looked at the jade slip in Hu Zun's hand, and never thought that Hu Zun would make such a move!

"You are a great respecter...why are you so cheap?" Hu Xiao thought to himself.

However, in this case, Hu Xiao didn't say it after all, because the thing in Hu Zun's hands is indeed related to the life and death of the entire Tiger Clan, even if this jade is released briefly, the Monster Clan will be greatly implicated.

"Friend Hu Zun..." Hu Xiao pretended to be gloomy and said, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Hu Zun shook his head!

Are there any monks who can cultivate to the realm of the Great Master, are they stupid?No!

The realm of the Great Master is not something that can be built behind closed doors in a greenhouse, but after being sharpened by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, one can cultivate to the Great Master, not to mention that Hu Xiao is still at the peak of the Great Master!

"Since I'm not stupid, and I know that what you have in your hands can threaten the life and death of my tiger clan, will I joke with you on this issue?" Hu Xiao said.

Hu Zun looked at Hu Xiao with burning eyes.

Thinking about it, it was indeed the truth that Hu Xiao said. The jade slips in his hand and the information obtained by the mountain rangers were related to the life and death of the tiger clan. If Wang Changsheng was really in the hands of the tiger clan and received such a big threat, would If you don't hand it over, Hu Xiao is really stupid!

"However, the bloodline formation of the Li family in Shangyang cannot be faked!" Hu Zun said.

Hu Zun still has great trust in the blood formation of the Li family in Shangyang!

After pondering for a while, Hu Zun said: "Patriarch Hu Xiao, besides the strong ones in the Tiger Clan, are those strong people outside the clan also robbing monks in the Nine Heavens Realm?"

What if it wasn't done by monks within the Tiger Clan, but by a strong offshoot of the Tiger Clan?

After all, Hu Xiao had just left the customs, and it was impossible to coordinate the information of the entire Tiger Clan. If those strong outside the clan robbed Wang Changsheng, and Hu Xiao denied it out of trust in the Great Elder, it would not be unreasonable!

"It's possible..."

Hu Xiao frowned and said: "If they rob the monks of the Nine Heavens Realm privately, it is absolutely impossible, because this matter is very secretive, and not many members of the Tiger Clan know about it..."

"The only possibility is that Wang Changsheng offended a strong foreigner from the Tiger Clan and was imprisoned!"

Hu Zun also nodded.

"Since this is the case, fellow daoist Hu Zun, why don't you and the young master of the Li family continue to search, and on the side of the tiger clan, this deity will also help fellow daoist to find it!"

"What do fellow Daoists think?"

Hu Zun also had no choice but to nod his head and said: "That's the only way!"

After some conversation, Hu Zun left the Tiger Clan Hall, found Li Fusheng, and the two continued to investigate in the Tiger Clan's land.

Feeling Hu Zun and Li Fusheng leave, Hu Xiao's expression became ugly.

"It's very troublesome..."

Hu Xiao said in his heart.

Judging from Hu Zun and Li Fusheng's current attitudes, this matter must be resolved before leaving.

However, Hu Xiao knew in his heart that it was impossible to find traces of Wang Changsheng in the places where the offshoots of the Tiger Clan were outside.

Because Wang Changsheng was imprisoned within the Tiger Clan!

Hu Xiao also wanted to hand over Wang Changsheng and give Hu Zun an explanation, and then the matter would be resolved in this way and it would be very satisfactory.

However, Hu Xiao knew even more clearly that Wang Changsheng must not hand it over!

Because, the great elder of the tiger tribe regarded Wang Changsheng as a humanoid medicine, and kept bleeding Wang Changsheng. If the monks of the Shangyang lineage knew about it...

The consequences could be disastrous!

Based on Hu Xiao's understanding of Shangyang Yimai, if this matter spread to Shangyang Yimai's ears, Shangyang Yimai's hot temper would definitely send troops to the Tiger Clan.

At that time, when the army is overwhelming, the Tiger Clan cannot be the opponent of Shangyang's lineage!

Therefore, after some weighing, Hu Xiao still decided to hide this matter, and Wang Changsheng absolutely must not hand it over.

"The Tiger Clan is still weak, otherwise, how could they be in such a predicament..."

Hu Xiao said in his heart.

Immediately, Hu Xiao ordered the monks from the Tiger Clan to look for Wang Changsheng together.

The strong men in charge of the Tiger Clan all knew Wang Changsheng's whereabouts, and also understood what Hu Xiao meant now, so after hearing the order, they also began to search in the Tiger Clan's clan.

Most of the Tiger Clan monks who helped to find him knew the truth of the matter and knew that it was impossible to find Wang Changsheng, so they worked extra hard.

Anyway, if you can't find it, let Hu Zun see the attitude of the Tiger Clan.

After Huzun and Li Fusheng left the clan land of the Li family in Shangyang, they began to investigate in other places of the Hu clan.

Both of them understood that these places had already been investigated, and there was no trace of Wang Changsheng at all, so continuing to investigate would be futile.

It's just that neither of them has thought of a better way now, and it's impossible to pry open Hu Xiao's mouth, so they can only use this method to drag it on first. At least, by dragging it like this, Wang Changsheng will not be in danger, and neither will the Tiger Clan. I have free time to deal with Wang Changsheng.

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