Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1810 If you don't pay...


Hearing Hu Zun's words, Hu Xiao was stunned immediately, and he didn't quite understand Hu Zun's meaning, so he said directly: "There are no other monks from the Nine Heavens Realm in the Tiger Clan's land, isn't that normal?"

"Now is the critical moment of bloodline traction. Those monks in the Nine Heavens Realm have evil intentions. Once they appear, this deity will definitely kill him!"

This is Congtian Realm, and it is also the land of the Tiger Clan. The Tiger Clan is qualified to say such things.

In other places in the Nine Heavens Realm, the Yaozu cannot casually slaughter the monks of the Nine Heavens Realm, and other monks in the Nine Heavens Realm cannot slaughter the Yaozu at will!

However, as long as the demon clan kills the cultivator of the Nine Heavens Realm here, it can only be said that the cultivator of the Nine Heavens Realm is unlucky!

What's more, the Tiger Clan is now drawing blood, which is related to the big plans of the Tiger Clan. If the monks of the Nine Heavens Realm dare to appear, the Tiger Clan will definitely not hold back.

Hu Xiao's explanation is also reasonable!

However, Hu Zun heard it, smiled slightly, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said: "Then... what about those Nine Heaven Realm cultivators you looted?"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zun looked at Hu Xiao with a half-smile, and didn't care about his injury, which didn't have much impact.

What's more, Hu Zun was sure that Hu Xiao would not dare to kill himself!

"The monks from the Nine Heaven Realm who were looted?"

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Hu Xiao frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hu Xiao was puzzled on the surface, as if he didn't know anything, but in Hu Xiao's heart, there was a huge wave!

The matter of robbing the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm was done by the elder of the Tiger Clan without telling Hu Xiao, but it was discovered by Hu Xiao later. How could a looting ship get away so easily?

Therefore, Hu Xiao also acquiesced to the matter of robbing the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

But how did Hu Zun know?

"Fellow Daoist, don't show such a blank expression..." Hu Zun said, "As the patriarch, don't you know that the Tiger Clan is looting the Nine Heavens Realm?"

"If you want others to be unaware, you have to do nothing!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zun looked at Hu Xiao, waiting for Hu Xiao's reaction.


What Hu Zun waited for was Hu Xiao's power that erupted again, directly crushing Hu Zun, as if he wanted to kill Hu Zun directly.

This time, Hu Zun realized what was going on, and he didn't fight against Hu Xiao with his power, but shrank his power around himself. Although Hu Zun was not Hu Xiao's opponent, there was still no problem in protecting himself under the power.

Feeling the majesty of the tiger's roar, full of killing intent, Hu Zun smiled.

"Patriarch Hu Xiao..." Hu Zun said directly: "Do you think that no one will know about this matter if you kill me?"


Hu Zun opened his mouth, in exchange for Hu Xiao's more majestic and powerful suppression.

At this moment, Zun Hu's feet had already sunk into the floor of the hall, this was the result of deliberate control, otherwise, the gap between the two would be enough to press Zun Hu down to the ground for burial.

"You still have a backup?" Hu Xiao asked full of killing intent.

When Hu Xiao opened his mouth, it was equivalent to acquiescing to Hu Zun's words, acknowledging that the Tiger Clan is indeed in the Nine Heavens Realm, and plundering monks from other supreme religions is regarded as blood food for cultivation.

Not only the Tiger Clan, but for the Monster Clan monks, the blood energy of other Supreme Master monks is their best tonic!


Hu Zun shook his head and said.

Seeing Hu Zun shaking his head, Hu Xiao's expression eased a bit. Hu Xiao is not stupid, but he was shocked by the news thrown by Hu Zun. Now that he has reacted, seeing Hu Zun's attitude, he roughly understands The meaning of Huzun.

Something to talk about!

As long as there is something to talk about, I'm afraid there is nothing to talk about!

"This deity didn't leave any behind!" Hu Zun said directly: "Instead, most of the mountain patrollers in this matter..."

"all know!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Zun looked at Hu Xiao with a half-smile.

"You..." After hearing the first half of Hu Zun's sentence, Hu Xiao's expression became more relaxed, but when he heard the second half of Hu Zun's sentence, he almost couldn't help but slap Hu Zun to death.

Of course, with Hu Xiao's strength, it is impossible to slap Hu Zun to death with one slap, so it can be seen that the anger in Hu Xiao's heart at this moment.

"Is this true?" Hu Xiao asked, holding back his anger.

Hu Zun nodded and said, "Really!"

"What the mountain patroller knows is that not only the Tiger Zun, but also the big clans such as the Snake Clan, the Turtle Clan, and the Ape Clan are all participating in the robbery of the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm!"

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Hu Xiao's first reaction was not to believe it, because the Yaozu did it very secretly, and every clansman who chose the blood food was also carefully selected, otherwise, only one Huzu , there are tens of thousands of tribesmen, and the nine-day realm monks who plundered, how can they be enough?

But now, Hu Zun actually said that most of the mountain rangers knew it, and even the other participating races, the mountain rangers knew it very well, how could Hu Xiao believe it?

However, the races mentioned by Hu Zun are indeed participating, Hu Xiao couldn't help but not believe it.

"How are you doing?" Hu Xiao asked directly.

From Hu Zun's words, it can be seen that the mountain patrol has known about this for a long time, not a day or two. However, until now, the mountain patrol has not made it public. It can be seen that the mountain patrol There wasn't much interest in the matter.

If it hadn't been for robbing Wang Changsheng in the Tiger Clan this time, the mountain rangers wouldn't care about it at all!

"How?" Hu Zun said with a smile: "Don't worry, Patriarch Hu Xiao, I think Patriarch Hu Xiao is very clear about what I am a mountain ranger, and the mountain ranger has no interest in these trivial things!"

"Otherwise, you would have been exposed long ago!"

"What's more, we also know that not only the Yaozu, but also some supreme sects are involved in this matter, and they are uniting with you. Even though they are doing things secretly, we still found some clues!"

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Hu Xiao's expression was immediately shocked. This time, Hu Xiao didn't hide his change of expression. Things have developed to the present, and there is no need to pretend.

What Hu Xiao was surprised by was what Hu Zun said, and it was indeed true!

Knowing that the monster race is robbing the monks of the Nine Heavens Realm is scary enough. Now that the mountain patroller knows that there is the Supreme Master of the Nine Heavens Realm behind him, it means that the mountain patroller really understands this matter. a lot of.

"Tiger Roar Patriarch..."

Having said so much, Hu Zun just wanted to pave the way for what he was going to say next, and continued: "I only have one request, to hand over Wang Changsheng!"

"As long as Wang Changsheng is handed over, the Tiger Clan will still be the Tiger Clan. We mountain rangers have no control over what you want to do, because we also have our own responsibilities!"

"If you don't pay..."

How about not paying?

Just now Hu Zun said so much, the meaning is very obvious, as long as you don't hand it over, then what the Hu Clan has done will be made public!

Otherwise, when Hu Zun said so much just now, is it all nonsense? !

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