Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1758 Mountain Patrol Order

When the master at the peak level left, only Wang Changsheng and the other three were left looking at each other.

"Two friends, what's your opinion?"

The monk at the early stage of the Great Master was the first to speak: "Should we act together, or go our own way?"

The way to get the mountain patrol order is not to fight, but to wait for the mountain patrol order to take the initiative to choose. Therefore, there is no competition between the three, otherwise, they would not get along so harmoniously.

"Let's go our separate ways!" Another monk at the peak of the Venerable Master said with a smile, "What if a mountain patrol order falls in love with the three of us at the same time?"

After speaking, the Venerable monk at the peak realm smiled and left directly through the air.

Wang Changsheng spread his hands and said helplessly, "Let's go our separate ways. Although I don't have any hope for the Mountain Patrol Order, I still hope to get one!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Changsheng also left through the air.

The rest of the monks at the early stage of the Great Master were not angry when they saw Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng leaving!

There is no competitive relationship between the three, and once they become mountain patrollers, they must be very united internally, not to mention, if there is a mountain patrol order that takes a fancy to the three of them, it is also the luck of the three of them .

Because, according to what the three of them thought in their hearts, this time, there is a high probability that they will return without success.

After thinking about it for a while, the monks in the early stage of the Great Master are also constantly changing their positions in the small world.

"Two days!"

Wang Changsheng stopped, carefully judged the direction, and looked at the whole small world to see if there was any place he hadn't been to.

It has been two days since he entered the small world, and Wang Changsheng kept wandering and changing positions in the small world, hoping that a mountain patrolling order would take his fancy.

However, two full days have passed, and Wang Changsheng has already traveled to most places in the small world, and there is no sign of any order to patrol the mountains.

According to this situation, it will be very difficult to get a mountain patrol order after the three days are over.

"I don't know if the other two have received the mountain patrol order..."

Wang Changsheng thought in his heart.

A day ago, Wang Changsheng met another monk who was at the peak of the Venerable at the edge of a large lake, and the other party did not get the order to patrol the mountain.

As for the remaining strong man in the early stage of the great master, Wang Changsheng had already lost the other party's aura after being separated from the entrance, and the other party should have deliberately hidden it.

"This direction, I haven't been there yet..."

Wang Changsheng spotted a direction and fled directly.

According to Wang Changsheng's own judgment, this is also the last direction. If he is not found by the patrol order after this direction, it means that he really has no chance.

Since the establishment of this inheritance hall, I don't know how many mountain patrollers have entered, but there are very few monks who can take away the mountain patrol order from the small world...

Wang Changsheng believed that he was just one of the many living beings, and would not be any different than other monks, so it was normal that he was not recognized by the Mountain Patrol Order.


Suddenly, Wang Changsheng frowned, and from the left direction, there was a strong aura. If Wang Changsheng remembered correctly, this aura belonged to the strong man in the early stage of the great venerable.

"I've been in this direction..."

Wang Changsheng was puzzled.

In the entire small world, Wang Changsheng has almost left, and there is no danger. Judging from the power erupted by the monks in the early stage of the Great Master, he should be chasing something.

call out!

Just when Wang Changsheng was wondering, a piercing sound rushed over his head.

"It's a patrolling order!"

Although he only saw it once, Wang Changsheng was very sure that the shadow that rushed over his head just now was definitely a mountain patrolling order!

Having seen the Mountain Patrol Order in the hands of his second uncle, Hu Zun, Wang Changsheng still had the impression of that mysterious aura, which was absolutely unmistakable.

It's just that the mountain patrol order that Wang Changsheng saw in the second uncle's hand was a dead thing, but this mountain patrol order was constantly flashing in the air at an extremely fast speed.

Peng strike technique!

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Changsheng directly sacrificed his peng strike technique, and rushed towards the fleeting mountain patrolling order.

"Fellow Daoist, help me stop that mountain patrol order, I will thank you very much afterwards!"

Just as Wang Changsheng rushed out, there was a roaring sound behind him, it was the voice of the great master who was strong in the early stage.

"Stop it for you?"

Wang Changsheng didn't answer, because Wang Changsheng also wanted to get the order to patrol the mountain.

If the patrol order was intercepted, Wang Changsheng would definitely take it for himself.

Wang Changsheng was very fast, especially after using the Peng strike technique, he pushed his speed to the limit and rushed behind the mountain patrolling order in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng stretched out his right hand and grabbed the mountain patrolling order.


When Wang Changsheng stretched out his hand to grab it and passed through the mountain patrol order, Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment.

Because Wang Changsheng couldn't grasp the order to patrol the mountain at all.

call out!

At this time, the monks in the early stage of the Great Master also followed.

"What's going on?" Dazun asked immediately, a cultivator in the early stage.

Seeing the patrolling order who was still fleeing, Wang Changsheng also followed.

"I can't catch it!" Wang Changsheng explained directly: "When I catch it, I can't catch the mountain patrol order at all, just like it..."

"There is no ordinary at all!"

This is how Wang Changsheng felt.

The strong man in the early stages of Dazun did not speak, because he also experienced the same situation as Wang Changsheng just now, otherwise, it would be impossible for the patrolling order to escape.

The patrol order kept flashing in front, and Wang Changsheng and Dazun, who were strong in the early stage, chased after him.

After half a stick of incense time, another figure approached, it was the remaining monk at the peak of the Venerable Master.

"Mountain Patrol Order?"

The monks at the peak of the venerable also chased after the patrolling order.

All three of them discovered the Mountain Patrol Order. The speed of the Mountain Patrol Order was not fast.

However, no matter what method the three of them used, whether they grabbed it with their hands, suppressed it with strength, or wrapped it with Dao Yun, they had exhausted all methods, and they still couldn't catch the mountain patrolling order.

The three of them looked helplessly at the flickering patrol orders.

"never mind..."

Another monk at the peak of the Venerable Master, saw this situation, and gave up directly.

After Wang Changsheng thought about it for a while, he also gave up directly. Only the monks in the early stage of Dazun were left, and they were still chasing after him.

When entering the small world, the strong guide who was at the peak of the great master said that the way to get the patrol order is very simple, just keep walking in the small world and wait for the patrol order to come to you. .

However, the current patrolling order did not find the three of them at all, but the three of them were constantly chasing and trying to stop the patrolling order.

It is fundamentally different from the method of obtaining the mountain patrol order, which is also the key to the three people's inability to stop the mountain patrol order.

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