Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1757 Banishing the Void

Wang Changsheng didn't wait too long. After half a stick of incense, the remaining monk who inherited the order of patrolling the mountain also arrived.

"Your Majesty?"

What surprised Wang Changsheng was that the last cultivator who arrived was actually a grand venerable?

Dazun, he is the top existence in the Nine Heavens Realm, and he is the mainstay existence of any supreme sect.

Wang Changsheng was puzzled, could it be that this great venerable has not become a mountain patroller yet?

Perhaps seeing Wang Changsheng's doubts, the second uncle Hu Zun said via voice transmission: "This one is also a highly talented junior, a descendant of a mountain patroller. He has never been a mountain patroller because he wants to When you become a mountain patroller, you must get the approval of a mountain patrolling spirit!"

"So, when he was at the peak of the Venerable, he has been enduring it all the time. Now that he has broken through to the Venerable, he has officially become a mountain patroller!"

Wang Changsheng immediately asked suspiciously through voice transmission: "Could it be possible that becoming a strong person in the realm of the Great Master can increase the chance of inheriting the Mountain Patrol Order?"

Hu Zun shook his head and said via voice transmission: "No!"

"Then why..." Wang Changsheng was a little puzzled.

"It's just for peace of mind!" Hu Zun continued to explain through sound transmission: "Once you break through to the realm of Dazun, even if you don't get the approval of the Mountain Patrol Order, your status will definitely be higher!"

"The reason is very simple. If you were at the peak of the Venerable Realm when you became a mountain patroller, and then cultivated to the Great Senior Realm with the help of the Mountain Patroller's resources, can it be the same as the one who comes with the Great Senior Realm?"

Following the explanation given by his second uncle, Hu Zun, Wang Changsheng also understood the truth.

This kind of reasoning is not difficult to understand. For mountain patrollers, the treatment of the great master who spent the resources of the mountain ranger to cultivate is definitely different from the treatment he has worked hard to become a great master.

As for becoming a Great Master, whether he can increase the inheritance of the Mountain Patrol Order, Wang Changsheng still believes in his second uncle's statement, because his second uncle Huzun is a mountain patroller with a mountain patrol order, and of course he knows the Mountain Patrol Order very well. What you say must have a certain degree of authority.

"Okay, everyone is here!"

Seeing the monks in the early stage of the Great Master arrive, a strong man in the peak state of the Great Master stood up and said, "You three come with me!"


Hu Zun also pointed at Wang Changsheng.

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng and the other two monks, following the monks at the peak of the Great Master, stepped into the inheritance hall one step at a time.


Wang Changsheng, who had just stepped into the inheritance hall, immediately changed his expression.

Because Wang Changsheng discovered that when he stepped into the inheritance hall, the surrounding scenery was changing drastically. When his feet fell, he actually appeared in a small world? !

This is the second time Wang Changsheng has come to the inheritance hall of the patrolling order. The last time he passed by, under the leadership of his second uncle, Wang Changsheng also enjoyed the scenery of the inheritance hall.

When he came to the inheritance hall for the first time, his second uncle Huzun took him in for a walk, but there were dozens of mountain patrol orders floating around, and there was nothing special about it. At that time, Wang Changsheng was still wondering, if someone stole What if the patrol order is gone?

After all, the mountain rangers never need to review the monks who have the mountain patrol orders, and they agree with the identity of the other mountain rangers. What if they are mixed into the ranks of mountain rangers by the enemy?

At that time, the second uncle also explained it, but the current experience told Wang Changsheng that everything was not as simple as he thought. To be precise, even the second uncle did not tell the truth to himself at the time.

Or it can be said that the second uncle told the truth to himself, but in the inheritance hall, don't use the cave, when the method of opening is different, the place to enter is also different.

Why did Wang Changsheng make sure that the second uncle didn't fool him, because the other two monks who also came to inherit the mountain patrolling order had similar reactions to his own, but the reactions were not as intense as his own.

"Don't be impatient!"

The master of the peak realm who opened the inheritance hall said at this time: "The inheritance hall of the patrol headquarters is originally a small world!"

"The inheritance hall you see outside is just a foreign minister, and the mountain patrol order displayed outside is also true!"

"It's just that the real mountain patrol order can only be obtained in this small world!"

The three of them understood the whole story after listening to the explanation given by the master at the peak level.

The Mountain Patrol Order was originally born from heaven and earth. Once the owner of the Mountain Patrol Order falls, the Mountain Patrol Order will also dissipate. The method of Shan Ling.

And through this method, the patrolling order can be imprisoned in this small world.

Once the mountain patrolling order leaves this small world in a state of no owner, it will disappear in an instant.

However, the Mountain Patrol Order is born, even if it is a strong person from the Mountain Patrol Headquarters, it is impossible for the Mountain Patrol Order to forcibly recognize the master, otherwise, inheriting the Mountain Patrol Order would not be so troublesome.

After listening, the monk at the early stage of the Great Master asked: "Senior, this small world is not small, how should we find the patrolling order?"

All three of them have heard of the Mountain Patrol Order and seen it before, but they have never really experienced the Mountain Patrol Order, just like when the second uncle Huzun left the Mountain Patrol Order in front of Wang Changsheng, the Mountain Patrol Order became like a dead thing .

Therefore, the three of them didn't know how to find the patrol order.

"Don't actively look for it!"

The powerful man at the peak of the Great Master was wrapped in a black robe, and his voice came out: "You just need to keep wandering in this small world. If you can get the approval of the Mountain Patrol Order, the Mountain Patrol Order will take the initiative to find you!"

"Based on your cultivation, you can walk through the entire small world in about three days!"

"So, you only have three days. After three days, if there is no patrol order to find you, then you must return to this place, and I will take you out!"

When the three of them heard the words of the powerful man at the peak of the great venerable, they all showed surprise expressions.

Is it that simple to recognize the owner of the mountain patrolling order?Don't you need to refine it yourself?

You just need to wander around and wait for the patrolling order to come to your door. This way is really incredible...


"Thank you senior for letting me know!"

"Thank you senior, this junior understands!"


After the three of them understood, they all bowed to the powerful man at the peak of the great venerable to express their gratitude.

"There is no need to thank you!" said the strong man at the peak of the Great Senior: "This is my job, not to mention... I also hope that you can be recognized by the Mountain Patrol Order!"

"In this way, the team of mountain patrollers can be truly strengthened and the pressure can be relieved..."

Although the three of them didn't understand the specific meaning of this sentence, they also understood one thing, that is, the headquarters of the mountain patroller, and hoped that someone could get the approval of the mountain patrolling order.

Afterwards, the figure of the powerful man at the peak of the Great Master disappeared, but during the disappearance, he left a sentence for the three of them.

"Remember, you only have three days. After three days, you must return to this place..."

"Otherwise, you are likely to be exiled to the void by the power of the small world!"

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