Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1755 The Position of the Young Lord

Wang Changsheng also read a lot of classics, but that was during the next three days. Almost all the classics he read were related to the next three days. Wang Changsheng had never heard of the name Ling Chujiu.

Of course, this did not affect the shock in Wang Changsheng's heart. With the strength of one person, even after being suppressed for so long, he was able to kill the Supreme Master. This kind of courage is not something ordinary monks can possess.

What's more, Ling Chujiu not only succeeded, but also dug out the former enemy from the ground and killed him, forcing the supreme master to use his background to force him to retreat. This kind of strength far exceeds that of the one-word titled master up.

Then take the second uncle Hu Zun as a comparison. As a one-word titled Hu Zun, in the hands of Ling Chujiu, Hu Zun can't do three tricks. The gap is really too big.


Letting out a breath of turbidity, Wang Changsheng calmed down a bit. What Ling Chujiu did after he got out of trouble really made Wang Changsheng's heart agitated. However, Wang Changsheng knew how much he weighed. Even if he breaks through to the Great Senior, he probably needs to hide.

"Okay, the matter about Senior Ling has been spread throughout the entire Nine Heavens Realm to the Supreme Master. If you want to know more, you can inquire about it yourself in the future!"

Hu Zun reminded: "However, you must remember my words. You can plan against the Supreme Teaching, but you must never give birth to the desire to destroy the Supreme Teaching!"

Wang Changsheng nodded, and then asked: "By the way, Second Uncle, have any major events happened in the Nine Heavens Realm recently?"

Hu Zun shook his head and said, "What's the big deal?"

"In your eyes, it may be a big thing, but in my eyes, it may be an insignificant thing!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng was stunned for a moment, there was really no way to refute what Hu Zun said.

For example, in Wang Changsheng's eyes, the death of a strong man in the early stage of the great master is a very big thing, but in the eyes of a strong man like Hu Zun, it is indeed an insignificant matter.

With the strength of the Great Master, who was titled by the title of Hu Zun, it is just a matter of moving his fingers if he wants to kill a strong man in the early stage of the Great Master.

The gap between standing at the pinnacle of the Great Senior Realm and just stepping into the Great Senior is like a world of difference!

"Forget it, I'll record some interesting things that happened in the Nine Heavens Realm recently in the Jade Slip, you can read it for yourself!" Hu Zun said.

After finishing speaking, Hu Zun directly took out a jade slip and burned it, and within a few breaths, the jade slip was delivered to Wang Changsheng.

Before Wang Changsheng could speak, Hu Zun said again: "I need to heal my injuries in the next period, and it will take about a month!"

"During this time, you'd better not run around!"

"After my healing is over, I will take you to the main hall to see if I can pass on a mountain patrol order!"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

The expression on the face of the second uncle Hu Zun was a little pale. Without hiding it, even his aura was a little unstable. With Hu Zun's strength, it was hard for Wang Changsheng to imagine that Hu Zun could be hurt to such an extent. How powerful is the enemy that the second uncle faces?

"Second Uncle, don't worry, I will never walk around!"

Wang Changsheng said with certainty.


Hu Zun nodded, and after taking a look at Wang Changsheng, he went directly into the room and began to heal his wounds.

Seeing that the figure of his second uncle Huzun had completely disappeared, Wang Changsheng sank his consciousness into the jade slip.

The content contained in the jade slip is not much, only a few messages, but each message is introduced in great detail.

The first one, which Wang Changsheng already knew through his second uncle, was Ling Chujiu's murder of Shang Yinhai.

However, Second Uncle Huzun spoke very generally, and only talked about what happened roughly, while the jade slips recorded the details.

Yinhai is the supreme teaching, hidden in the galaxy, many monks don't know the exact location of Yinhai, but Ling Chujiu found Yinhai accurately, and killed him.

"The loss of Yinhai is indeed quite big!" Wang Changsheng sighed after reading the first message: "However, as the second uncle said, other low-level forces cannot afford such a loss, but for the Supreme Master As far as it is concerned, it is harmless!"

The second message was also about Ling Chujiu. After Ling Chujiu was forced to retreat by Yinhai, she went to Zhou Tiangong, but Zhou Tiangong got the news in advance and directly opened the Zhou Tianzheng.

Facing Zhou Tianzheng, Ling Chujiu was obviously powerless, but he couldn't help Zhou Tianzheng at all, so he returned without success and left directly. Zhou Tiangong didn't lose anything.

Then Ling Chujiu went into hiding, and no one knew where Ling Chujiu had gone.

However, once such a strong man is out of trouble, with such a strong strength, the monks of Zhou Tiangong and Yinhai must be extremely careful when walking outside.

Even, according to the rumors, Ling Chujiu might become the first human monk to enter Taoism in the era of Jindan Dao.

Of course, according to the jade slips engraved by Second Uncle Hu Zun, this may be just a guess, or it may be the analysis of a group of strong people. Whether Ling Chujiu can enter the Tao is not clear to everyone.

After all, in the era of Jindan Dao, there were too many arrogances, and in the end none of them were able to enter the Tao in this era, so we know that it is difficult to enter the Tao in this era.


What surprised Wang Changsheng was that there was news about Li Fusheng in the jade slips.

After the news of Xianmang Xingyu spread, the story of Li Fusheng also spread in the Nine Heavens Realm, and he became a celebrity of some sort.

More importantly, after Li Fusheng was taken over by Li Zefeng to the Li family in Shangyang, something even happened...

The Shangyang Li family announced to the public that Li Fusheng became the young master of the Shangyang Li family.

According to the status of the Li family in the Shangyang lineage, that is to say, Li Fusheng became the young master of the entire Shangyang lineage, while the original young master of the Li family in Shangyang became an elder with real power.

"Lao Li's choice is not wrong!"

After Wang Changsheng read the news about Li Fusheng, he also sighed.

After Li Fusheng came to the Nine Heavens Realm, he knew about the existence of the Shangyang Li family, and he never went to the Shangyang Li family because he didn't know the attitude of the Shangyang Li family.

Now, Li Fusheng has become the young master of the Li family in Shangyang, which is definitely good news for Li Fusheng. From now on, with the help of the Li family in Shangyang, Li Fusheng will never lack training resources.

"Lao Li has become the young master. The Li family in Shangyang must have a bloodline. Once Lao Li stimulates the blood again..."

Wang Changsheng sighed and said: "It's terrible, the next time I see Lao Li, I might be thrown away by Lao Li!"

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