Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1754 Lingchu 9

Facing Wang Changsheng's question, Hu Zun nodded and said, "Although I really don't want to admit it, but that's pretty much what I mean!"

The birth of Xianmang came from the essence and blood extracted from that strong man by the formation method, which included the foundation and the understanding of the heaven, earth and Dao. This is also the reason why Xianmang can be directly used for cultivation.

Hearing the second uncle's affirmative answer, Wang Changsheng felt a little uncomfortable. When the fat man was devouring other monks, Wang Changsheng didn't feel at all, but was a little disgusted.

However, now it was Wang Changsheng's turn, and Wang Changsheng himself was very distressed.

Immediately after running the exercises, this feeling was suppressed by Wang Changsheng.

It has been devoured and refined, and I can't spit it out even if I want to vomit.

"Those supreme masters are good at calculating. While destroying the enemy, they can also cultivate their own offspring, but..." Hu Zun shook his head and said: "They never thought that the powerful enemy would just give up. My own physical body, body incarnate Dao Yun, directly escaped from the predicament!"

"When you were cultivating on that piece of land, it should be the time when he incarnated Daoyun!"

"Now that one, not only has his strength not faded, but after such a long period of precipitation, he has become extremely powerful!"

When Hu Zun said this, he also showed a sigh of relief.

"Is it really that strong?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Because according to Wang Changsheng's understanding of his second uncle, his second uncle's strength, even among the great masters, is the top existence, and if he goes up, he will be a strong person at the Dao level.

However, in this era, there is only one soul in the Nine Heavens Realm who has entered the Tao!


"Very strong!" Hu Zun said with certainty: "When he was attacking Yinhai, I watched him from a distance. I am very sure that he is at the peak of the Great Master!"

"However, in front of him, I should not be able to take three moves, and I will be suppressed!"

"Three tricks?" Wang Changsheng showed a shocked expression.

Under the same realm, the three tricks were suppressed, what does it mean?It shows that such a gap can no longer be made up by the background, but that there is an essential gap between the two.

"Yes, three moves!" Hu Zun nodded and said firmly.

Wang Changsheng was stunned in shock. After a long time, he realized that he raised his head and asked, "Second Uncle, you said, that strong man is attacking Yinhai?"

Compared with the strength of that strong man, Wang Changsheng was more concerned with the fact that the strong man was attacking Yinhai.

Because, no matter how powerful that strong man is, Wang Changsheng will never interact with him, but Yinhai is different.

In Xianmang Xingyu, he has already forged a death feud with Yinhai. Although he is not the opponent of the strong Yinhai, Wang Changsheng has not thought of overthrowing a supreme religion in the past, but if he meets a monk from Yinhai outside After all, there is no problem after all.


Hu Zun nodded and said: "Not only Yinhai, but also Zhou Tiangong will be unlucky!"

"Why?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"Hehe..." Hu Zun smiled, and said with an inexplicable expression: "Because, they deserve it!"

"Back then, a large part of the reason for the defeat of that strong man was that several one-word titled masters from Hidden Sea made a sneak attack and seriously injured that strong man!"

"As for Zhou Tiangong?!" Hu Zun paused and said, "Let's put it this way, half of the formation covering the entire Immortal Glow and Star Universe was arranged by many Supreme Masters!"

"However, the other half is half of the innate formation provided by Zhou Tiangong!"

Hearing Hu Zun's explanation, Wang Changsheng finally understood.

From this point of view, the two supreme sects of Yinhai and Zhou Tiangong did have a lot of enmity with that strong man.

Whether it was a sneak attack or a big formation that drew the bottom out of the pot, they all caused fatal damage to that strong man.

"When I heard about this, I immediately rushed to the hidden sea!" Hu Zun asked, "Do you know what I saw?"

Wang Changsheng shook his head.

"I saw that strong man dug out a strong man who had buried himself in Yinhai, and beheaded him directly!" Hu Zun said, "The strong man who can be so determined to bury himself finally ended up Such a way of death is indeed worthy of sorrow!"

Why bury yourself?

It is the strong man who feels that he has no hope of entering the Tao in this era, and his life has come to an end, but he is unwilling to disappear, and enters a state of suspended animation. One day in the future, he may wake up and try to enter the Tao.

Although such a strong man has entered a state of suspended animation, it is the foundation of every supreme sect. Once the supreme sect encounters a crisis of extinction, no one knows how many strong men they can dig out to bury themselves!

And that strong man who rushed out of the Immortal Mang Xingyu went straight into the Hidden Sea, dug out an enemy from back then, and beheaded him directly. It was so ruthless that it was indeed frightening.

"In the end, if it wasn't for Yinhai's use of some background information, I am afraid that Yinhai's loss will be even greater this time!" Hu Zun said.

Wang Changsheng also sighed endlessly, and asked: "Then, is it possible for that strong man to overthrow the hidden sea?"

Hu Zun glanced at Wang Changsheng, then thoughtfully said: "Impossible!"

"Even if you have enmity with those supreme masters, don't have such thoughts!"

"The Supreme Sect has been able to run through the ages because of their profound heritage. You will never know how terrifying the Supreme Sect is until you encounter a crisis of extermination!"

Hu Zun didn't explain too much, because Wang Changsheng couldn't understand the explanation.

"Let me give you a simple example..." Hu Zun concluded: "A strong person who enters the Tao, is he strong enough? With a wave of his hand, he can kill a great master with a one-word title!"

"En!" Wang Changsheng nodded.

"However, it is very difficult for even a strong person at the entrance level to stand up and destroy a Supreme Sect!" Hu Zun said: "So, if you have any enmity with the Supreme Sect, you can calculate it. It doesn’t matter if you kill some, anyway, the Supreme Sect is too huge, and it’s also full of branches and leaves!”

"However, if you want to destroy a supreme religion, you should just dismiss the idea!"

Hu Zun reminded Wang Changsheng.

After all, many years ago, Hu Zun had the honor to experience the inside story of the supreme teaching, and now thinking about it, he feels a little scared.

"Is it okay to enter the Tao?" Wang Changsheng asked.

"It's not impossible!" Hu Zun said directly: "I can only say that if you can enter the Tao, there is still a chance that you can destroy a supreme religion!"

"Look at the Zhang family in Zhanjie, how much strength has they accumulated over the years?" Hu Zun said: "They also want to become the supreme master, but until now, they can only follow behind Tianjianshan's ass, why?"


Wang Changsheng nodded, instead of delving into this issue, he asked, "Second uncle, what is the name of that senior?"

Hu Zun took a deep breath, and said with an inexplicable expression:

"My surname is Ling, my first name is Chujiu..."

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