Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1723 Searching for the truth in the world

When Tianqi deduced Wang Changsheng, there was a huge karma covering Wang Changsheng. With Tianqi's strength, it was impossible to lift the fog on Wang Changsheng.

Therefore, Tian Qi chose to play Li Fusheng and Fatty as the next best thing.

There is also a huge cause and effect between Li Fusheng and Fatty. Compared with Wang Changsheng, it is a lot worse. difficulty.

Therefore, after the deduction of Wang Changsheng failed with the help of the Tianyan Pavilion Taoism, Tianqi directly deduced Fatty and Li Fusheng.

Tian Qi knew most of the secrets about Li Fusheng.

Tian Qi said: "What I didn't expect is that Li Daoyou is not only a member of the Shangyang family, but also the blood of the immortal royal family!"

"If Daoyou Li goes to the Li family in Shangyang, he will definitely be at the level of a young master!"

Apocalypse did not hide what he deduced.

Because the cause and effect of Tianqi's breakthrough to the Great Master lies in Wang Changsheng, once Wang Changsheng is offended, Tianqi's deduction will be more difficult.

Of course, when deducing Li Fusheng and Fatty, as long as what they did was related to Wang Changsheng, they would be shrouded in huge karma, and Tian Qi didn't fully see it clearly.

Wang Changsheng frowned immediately after hearing Tian Qi's words.

Because what Tian Qi is doing now is completely expressing his goodwill, but Wang Changsheng doesn't have a good impression of people like Tian Qi at all.

Facing someone like Tian Qi, who was always deducing himself, Wang Changsheng couldn't develop a good impression.

"Fellow Daoist Tianqi, what exactly do you want?" Wang Changsheng's murderous aura flashed on his body: "If Tianqi really thinks this is interesting, I don't mind killing Fellow Daoist again!"

A sneer appeared on Wang Changsheng's face.

This apocalypse, a little bit of an inch, do you really think you can't kill him?

The last time he was unprepared and let Tianqi escape. If he killed Tianqi again, Wang Changsheng would not make the same mistake.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't do anything..." Tian Qi immediately took a few steps back and said, "I really have no malicious intentions!"

"I didn't deduce a lot of information about you, but about Li Daoyou, and that one..." Tian Qi pointed to the fat man and said, "I deduced a lot!"

"Li Daoyou is okay, but his identity has some background!" Tian Qi looked at the fat man and said: "But that fellow Daoist..."

Speaking of this, Tian Qi also frowned, because he deduced something amazing on the fat man. When Tian Qi wanted to continue to deduce and find out the details of the fat man, Tian Qi found out that when he uncovered the fat man's superficial things, The karma in Fatty's body is extremely huge, not much worse than Wang Changsheng's.

"That Taoist friend, what can be seen on the surface is the inherited Taotie method..." Tianqi frowned and said: "Even the Taotie method can only be regarded as something on the surface, so the fog of karma hidden on him... .”

A solemn look appeared on Tian Qi's face.

Originally, this was all information deduced by Tianqi, and if he told Wang Changsheng, it would be regarded as leaking the secret, and it would also do great harm to Tianqi himself.

However, in order to gain Wang Changsheng's favor, Tian Qi didn't intend to hide it anymore.

Because, the opportunity for Tianqi to break through the Great Master is on Wang Changsheng, not on the two fat people.

Wang Changsheng didn't answer when he heard Tianqi's words, but frowned.

From the first day he knew Fatty, Wang Changsheng knew that Fatty was extraordinary.

The gluttonous method displayed by the fat man is just something on the surface of the fat man. If the gluttonous method is released, it will definitely cause a huge storm in the Nine Heavens Realm, but this is only the surface of the fat man.

In other words, what the fat man hides is even more amazing!

Wang Changsheng didn't say anything more, because after so many years, Wang Changsheng knew a little about Fatty, so he shouldn't have any ill intentions towards him.

What's more, after so many years of acquaintance, Wang Changsheng also saw some signs of what the fat man was hiding.

"Fellow Taoist Tianqi, has the cultivation method of Tianyan Pavilion always been to probe into the secrets of other fellow Taoists?" Wang Changsheng asked with an unkind expression.

"of course not!"

Tian Qi said with a smile: "Everything in the world cannot escape the weirdness of heaven, earth, and Taoism, and the cultivation of Tianyan Pavilion is just to trace the orbit of everything in the world!"

"Explore the truth in the world!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Regarding Tian Qi's shameless words, Wang Changsheng felt that Li Fusheng was the only one who could compete with him.

Tianqi is also what was deduced to Li Fusheng and Fatty, so he decided not to become enemies with Wang Changsheng and the three of them. All three of them have great things in them. among cause and effect.

The monks of Tianyan Pavilion can cut off the cause and effect entangled in their bodies, but it also depends on their strength. With Tianqi's cultivation base, let alone the peak state of the Venerable now, even if it reaches the state of the Great Venerable, it cannot be cut off. Huge cause and effect.

Therefore, when we meet again, Tianqi will not say anything like helping Wang Changsheng cut off cause and effect.

Even, the special relationship between Li Fusheng and Fatty was not deduced before, otherwise, Tianqi would not even participate in the first incident in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.

For that incident, Tianqi paid the price of his body, which is considered to have escaped from this karma.

What about Hidden Sea?

The monks in Yinhai were killed and injured. It is estimated that there will be collisions with the three of Wang Changsheng due to causal involvement. Even if Yinhai can suppress the three of Wang Changsheng by then, he will not feel good.

Such a huge cause and effect, even the Tianyan Pavilion dare not be contaminated, let alone Yinhai who doesn't understand the cause and effect.

Therefore, what Tian Qi has to do now is to make friends with Wang Changsheng, inquire about some news, uncover the fog of cause and effect on Wang Changsheng as soon as possible, and then use this to break through to the realm of the Great Master.

As for what happened after the breakthrough, Tian Qi would never have any entanglements with Wang Changsheng and the other three.

If you don't pay attention, you may die!

If it wasn't for Wang Changsheng's opportunity to break through to the Great Senior, Tian Qi would never come to look for Wang Changsheng again.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Wang!"

God enlightened Tianjiao Conquest in the southwest corner and said: "I will never leak any news about this Tianjiao scuffle, just treat it as the cause and effect of calculating Li Daoyou and the others before the settlement with Wang Daoyou, how about it?"

"As for the cause and effect between me and Wang Daoyou, the last time I was wiped out by Wang Daoyou, surely Wang Daoyou also calmed down?"

Wang Changsheng looked at Tian Qi with an inexplicable expression.

Wang Changsheng felt that Tianqi definitely deduced some important information from himself, otherwise, Tianqi would never have such an attitude.

What else can Wang Changsheng say if he can rest assured of hatred such as his body being wiped out? ,


Wang Changsheng nodded and said.

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