Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1722 Apocalypse Arrives

The conquest in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu lasted for nearly three months. During this period, Tianjiao continued to fall, and Tianjiao continued to join!

In the entire Nine Heavens Realm, there are hundreds of Supreme Masters. Naturally, there are more than 200 Tianjiao, and there are other Tianjiao who have not come. When they heard that there was a Tianjiao battle in Xianmang Xingyu, they rushed here. The purpose is also very simple. Conquer with other arrogances in the Nine Heavens Realm, polish your skills, and strengthen your foundation!

According to Wang Changsheng's estimate, there were at least [-] Tianjiao monks involved in it!

This number is very scary, basically covering nearly [-]% of the Tianjiao monks in the Nine Heavens Realm.

The three of Wang Changsheng also stayed outside the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, watching the Tianjiao battle in the southwest corner, showing dignified expressions from time to time.

After three months, there are probably more than 100 Tianjiao who are still fighting in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu. There are also many Tianjiao who have withdrawn from the southwest corner to observe outside.

"At least two hundred arrogances have fallen!"

Wang Changsheng said solemnly.

"The spread is too wide!" Li Fusheng also said with a solemn expression: "It almost covers most of the supreme masters in the Nine Heavens Realm."

The development of the situation to the present is really beyond the control of the three people. The three people now don't want to clean up the mess, because it is not the three who can decide.

The goal of the three of them now is to stare at Anchen, and Anchen is Wang Changsheng's goal.

However, since the start of the conquest, it has lasted for nearly three months, and Anchen fought from the beginning to the end without giving in at all. The Tianjiao who died in Anchen's hands has at least reached the rank of ten.

From this alone, one can see Anchen's strength!

"Every time I thought he had reached his limit, but when facing the next opponent, he was able to kill him again, which is a bit weird!" Li Fusheng said, looking in the direction where Anchen was.

Now Anchen's opponent is a Tianjiao from Zhou Tiangong, who is powerful.

At the very beginning of Anchen, he was able to fight against the three Tianjiao at the same time, but until now, the Tianjiao who can still fight in the southwest corner are the best in the Nine Heavens Realm.

Even with Anchen's strength, he can only fight one-on-one!

Under one-on-one, Anchen has the strength to suppress most Tianjiao, and now he is fighting with Zhou Tiangong Tianjiao, which is also a steady pressure.

"Don't worry, as long as we don't break through to Dazun, we can suppress him!"

Wang Changsheng said with an inexplicable expression.

Li Fusheng and Fatty couldn't see through the mystery of Anchen, but Wang Changsheng knew it very well.

Every time Anchen felt that his oil was about to run out, he could burst out with great strength again, because there was a mysterious aura in Anchen's body.

If Wang Changsheng read it correctly, that mysterious aura was Huang Quan!

The real hell!

The kung fu practiced by An Chen must have something to do with Huang Quan.

Wang Changsheng has the entire yellow spring, and when he runs out of oil, he can't draw from it, but the yellow spring in Anchen's body, according to Wang Changsheng's induction, is just a trace.

Can a trace of yellow spring have such an effect?

Wang Changsheng said that he didn't know anything about it.

It is precisely because of this reason that Wang Changsheng is bound to win against Anchen.


Suddenly, Wang Changsheng, who was watching An Chen, changed his expression, because, outside the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, another figure approached.

The conquest has been going on for nearly three months. Almost all the Tianjiao who want to participate in the battle or observe it have arrived. At this time, the conquest is coming to an end soon?

What changed Wang Changsheng's expression was his identity.


Seeing the figure standing still, it was Tianqi, Wang Changsheng's expression became inexplicable.

Before attacking Tianqi, obliterating Tianqi's physical body, Wang Changsheng had a feeling at that time that he was not able to kill Tianqi.

Now that Tianqi appeared again, it showed that Wang Changsheng's feeling was correct.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Between Tianqi and Tianqi, there is already an endless situation, and regardless of Tianqi's calculations and deduction of himself, even if Tianqi's physical body is wiped out once, such enmity cannot be reconciled.

After Apocalypse appeared, he did not enter the southwest corner, but stood outside the southwest corner and observed the situation inside the southwest corner with everyone.

However, Tian Qi not only moved his position while observing, but finally appeared not far from Wang Changsheng.

"Friend Wang Dao..."

While Wang Changsheng was still thinking, a voice came into Wang Changsheng's ears.

Hearing this voice, Wang Changsheng was immediately taken aback, and without the slightest hesitation, he immediately moved away.

"Pharaoh, what's wrong?"

"Old Wang, what are you doing? Don't end!"

Seeing Wang Changsheng's actions, Li Fusheng and Fatty were immediately taken aback, not knowing why Wang Changsheng went crazy.

Especially Fatty, when he saw Wang Changsheng's actions, he thought that Wang Changsheng was planning to go on an expedition, so he was so shocked that he stopped Wang Changsheng via sound transmission.

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng didn't know what to say, so he could only send a voice transmission to Li Fusheng and Fatty: "Don't make any changes, the apocalypse is here!"

When Li Fusheng and Fatty heard the sound transmission, their expressions immediately changed.

They didn't find Tian Qi, and only after Wang Changsheng reminded them did they find Tian Qi standing not far away.

"It's really not dead?" Fatty sighed through sound transmission.

For Tianqi, the two have a deep hatred. If Tianqi hadn't manipulated the cultivator of Yinhai and exposed their identities, the three of them would never be in the situation they are today.

"Don't act rashly!" Wang Changsheng reminded.

Li Fusheng and Fatty nodded. In this situation, one cannot act rashly. Once the identities of the three are revealed, they will definitely be besieged by the Tianjiao who are still watching.

Wang Changsheng calmed down at this time, and said to Tianqi via voice transmission: "Tianqi fellow Taoist, what exactly do you want?"

Tian Qi has been pestering him all the time, and after arriving at the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, he directly revealed his identity, which shows that Tian Qi has already deduced a lot.

At least, Tianqi must know that this time the matter in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu was guided by three people.

"Wang Daoyou, I told you, there is a misunderstanding between us!"

Tian Qi immediately said: "I really don't have any malice towards Fellow Daoist, otherwise, I would have already told you about the three fellow Daoists plotting the Tianjiao of the Nine Heavens Realm..."

Tian Qi's words indicated that what happened in the southwest corner was related to the three of Wang Changsheng, and it was also a warning. After saying this, it would at least make Wang Changsheng fearful.

Tianqi's opportunity to break through the Great Master was on Wang Changsheng. After his injury recovered, he never stopped deducing Wang Changsheng.

However, what surprised Tian Qi was that with the help of the Taoist artifact of Tianyan Pavilion, he still did not uncover the fog. Instead, it was the result of the deduction of Li Fusheng and Fatty, which shocked Tian Qi very much!

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