Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1717 I really can't afford to provoke you

Whether it is the ancient path of the underworld or the ancient path of war, they are all supreme teachings entrenched in the heavenly realm.

The entire Nine Heavens Realm will be isolated for the next three days, so the entire Nine Heavens Realm is counted as six major realms. Among the six major realms, King Changsheng of Kuotian Realm and Zoutian Realm has already been there. The Qingshan Gate brought by His Holiness is in Kuotian Realm.

Further up, it is even more heavenly realm!

For Gengtian Realm, Wang Changsheng has not been there yet, because the entire Gentian Realm is occupied by the Buddha Kingdom. Wang Changsheng knows that he will definitely go to Gentian Realm in the future, because according to what his second uncle said, his father is in Gentian Realm and became up a temple of the Buddha.

No matter which temple his father became the Buddha, Wang Changsheng must go to Changtian Realm. For many things, Wang Changsheng must find his father to verify!

Kuotian Realm, Motian Realm, plus Gengtian Realm entrenched by the Buddha Kingdom, is the middle three days!

Going up, it will be three days!

In the entire Nine Heavens Realm, the upper three days are also very powerful existences. The monks of the upper three days generally have a higher level of cultivation than the middle three days, of course, not much higher.

For example, the Buddha Kingdom, which occupies the entire Heavenly Realm, is stronger than most of the supreme religions in the last three days.

With the strength of the Buddha Kingdom, it is not weak in the face of such great teachings as the ancient road of Huangquan or the ancient road of war!

Above the Heavenly Realm, it is from the Heavenly Realm!

Few monks step out from the Heavenly Realm, and even if they step out, they will only be entrenched for the last three days, because the entire Heavenly Realm is occupied by the monster race. !

Of course, all the Supreme Masters know that there are definitely more than one hundred thousand races in the entire Congtian Realm, and there are many other races, but the most powerful ones are the monster races.

This is also the reason why Yaozu is rarely seen in other realms!

Most of the monster races in the entire Nine Heavens Realm have shrunk to the Congtian Realm, and the Congtian Realm is more suitable for the survival and cultivation of the monster race.

Even though the monster race only occupies one realm of heaven, no matter which supreme sect, they dare not provoke the monster race easily, because the strength of the monster race is not much worse than that of the human race. Changed hands.

Even, if the Heavenly Realm was not more suitable for the survival and cultivation of the Yaozu, the Yaozu would have stepped out of the Heavenly Realm and caused a storm in the Nine Heavens Realm.

From above the Heavenly Realm, there is the Heavenly Heaven Realm, and the supreme teachings such as the Ancient Yellow Spring Road and the Ancient War Road occupy the Heavenly Heaven Realm!

In terms of order, the Xiantian Realm is also the second existence in the Nine Heavens Realm, commonly known as "Eight Heavens"!

All the supreme teachings that can be entrenched in the heavenly realm are the top supreme teachings, even the supreme teachings of Zhou Tiangong are slightly inferior to the supreme teachings in the heavenly realm !

Of course, the gap will not be too big, because there is no big gap between the supreme teachings in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, and they all have very strong foundations.

As for the "Nine Heavens", that is, the so-called Zhongtian Realm, Wang Changsheng doesn't know much about it, because according to the rumors of the Nine Heavens Realm, the Zhongtian Realm fell apart a long time ago because of a great war and does not exist. up!

Therefore, in the entire Nine Heaven Realm, the Middle Heaven Realm is in the legend.

Perhaps, those old monsters who were buried in the Supreme Sect knew about the Zhongtian Realm, but those old monsters had already proclaimed themselves, and they would not come out unless they were destroyed.

Therefore, the Nine Heavens Realm actually only has eight heavens.

Of course, the legendary Zhongtian Realm, as the ninth heaven of the Nine Heavens Realm, is far from being comparable to the other eight heaven realms. In the center, there is a huge fairy gate, as long as you step through the fairy gate, you can become a fairy.

It's just that, for monks who practice the art of golden elixir, all monks don't know what it means to "become an immortal".

Ordinary monks only want to become a strong person in the respected state, and a strong person in the respected state, especially a strong person in the great state, is working hard to practice in order to enter the Tao.

So, what is immortality?

Everyone treats it as a legend, a joke.

A monk has the ability to move mountains and fill seas. In the eyes of ordinary people, isn't he a fairy?

Judging from the current situation in the Nine Heavens Realm, the supreme sect that can occupy the Heavenly Heaven Realm is definitely a very powerful existence, and the Ancient Underworld Road and the Ancient War Road, even in the Heavenly Heavenly Realm, are also the top existences.

Let’s not talk about the ancient path of the underworld. Its origin is mysterious. Even in the Nine Heavens Realm, no one knows how the ancient path of the underworld rose. Anyway, when the ancient path of the underworld was made public, it already possessed the ability to compete with any supreme religion. .

As for the ancient war road...

The ancient road of war is more terrifying than the ancient road of Huangquan!

Because, the ancient war road once ruled an era, and, unlike the Shangyang lineage, although the Shangyang lineage ruled many eras, that was a long time ago.

And the era ruled by the ancient war road is the last era!

In the last era, the ancient road of war, relying on the power of war, constantly conquered various supreme religions and innate lineages, even if it was as strong as the Yang lineage, in the last era, they chose to lie dormant and seal off the bloodline formation.

Otherwise, under the circumstances of the previous era, under the strength of the ancient war road, the innate lineage would also be hated.

Afterwards, the world changed drastically, and the ancient road of war gradually declined!

Even after a whole era of decline, Ancient War Road can become one of the top supreme teachings based on the background it laid down at the beginning. Of course, it is completely incomparable with the situation of pushing everything horizontally in the previous era.

This is why Wang Changsheng was so shocked when he learned that Ge Yu came from the ancient war road!

"Am I so lucky?"

Wang Changsheng said with some puzzlement in his heart: "If you pick an opponent at random, is he the arrogance of the Ancient War Road?"

Wang Changsheng didn't know whether he was lucky or not. The Ancient War Road, that is the top supreme teaching, even if it is against the Shangyang lineage, it is not hypocritical.

Pick one at random, and you'll fall for the arrogance of the Ancient War Road...

"These two are really not to be offended!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

This is already the second time Wang Changsheng said such words, the first time it was because of the strength of these two people, and this time, it was because of the identities of An Chen and Ge Yu.

"Old King, what's the matter?"

Just as Wang Changsheng was sighing, a voice came into Wang Changsheng's ears, it was Fatty's voice.

Looking from a distance, there were two monks standing, both of them concealed their aura, but from the sound transmission just now, it could be seen that these two were the fat man and Li Fusheng who had already escaped.


Wang Changsheng said via voice transmission: "Two arrogances of top universities!"

Afterwards, Wang Changsheng ordered: "We won't end here. Now that the flames of war have ignited, we can just wait and see!"

"it is good!"

"I think the same way. These Tianjiao are too terrifying. We are a little arrogant!"

Li Fusheng and Fatty said at the same time through voice transmission.

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